
Your Fired


Tashigi walked through the streets her mind a cloud of thoughts, ' Should I leave everything behind, what Nami did was inhuman. If I could learn Hiko's techniques I could surpass and one in my way. I should talk to Smoker he always gives good advice. ' Clearing her head Tashigi increased her pace. In ten minutes Tashigi was inside the headquarters of the marines at least in Loungetown, as she walked through the hallways marines stopped and soluted her before she nodded their way dismissing them. Stopping in front of a door that smelled heavily of smoke, knocking on the door Tashigi waited for a response, " Who is it. "

" It's Tashigi, I need to talk to you, sir. " When Smoker sighed Tashigi took that as a sign as she opened the door, at first her vision was obscured by a heavy screen of smoke that was determined to make its way into her lungs. Tashigi had gotten used to the smoke which concerned her, " What do you want Tashigi, it's your day off you can at least stay away from HQ. What am I saying you were probably out training you don't even know the definition of relaxing."

Tashigi crossed her arms, " I do too, in fact, I want to talk about me quitting. " Smoker's eyebrows shot up, " Oh really, do tell I thought this was your dream job working as a force of justice. " Tashigi shrank under his gaze as he leaned forward propping his head up with his fist, "I...it's just a once in a lifetime offer came up and I don't know if I should take it. " Sighing Smoker took a puff from his cigar before putting it out on the table, " It must be some opportunity then, It's not like you to make a life-changing decision. There's no legally binding contract that says you can't quite you in fact you can just fill out the forms and be on your way. But that's not what's stopping you. You feel attached to the Marines and ashamed of leaving behind your duty for personal matters. " Tashigi felt that Smoker was almost too precise when he accurately listed out the problems raging inside her, " Still I just can't suddenly decide to run off with some random guy. "

Smoker sighed as he produced another cigar lighting it with a practiced motion, " Fine just know you made me do this, I Captain Smoker hereby discharge Master Chief Petty Officer Tashigi as she is mentally unsound to carry out justice. Your next paycheck will be paid in advance within the next 24 hours. "

Tashigi turned pale in the face as her mouth dropped, " Y..you can't...do..do this. " Smoker shrugged, " Just did, we both know you want to do this and if you didn't you would regret it for the rest of your life. " Tashigi ran out of the room trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill out of her eyes, Smoker looked at the open door that Tashigi forgot to close in her haste, using his devil fruit powers Smoker manifested a tendril of thick smoke to close the door. Rubbing his temples Smoker reached under the table bringing out a sack and emptying its contents on the table several smooth stones fell out of the bag and Smoker started to stack them, ' Trying to find a replacement is going to be a pain. '

Tashigi collapsed on her bed as the events of the day were too much for her, finding a Meito sword, sparring to win said sword, and then getting fired from her dream job. Screaming into her sheets Tashigi propped her head up her eyes still red, done with her recent mood swing Tashigi cleared her eyes fixing her glasses that had become skewed on her face. Getting out of the bed Tashigi got out her suitcase as she started to pack.

-Back on the Ship-

Hiko relaxed on the deck as Nami sat in his lap feeding him pieces of fruit that Hiko barely recognized, he looked at one fruit in particular. The thing had the appearance of a grape but tasted like a mix of mango and lime, it wasn't bad at all. " Do you think she going to show up, it's been six hours at least? "

Hiko looked down at Nami kissing her lightly, " I think so, the fact that women will always be at a disadvantage when it comes to swordsmanship. As long as the method doesn't break her moral compass Tashigi will do anything to get stronger. " Humming Nami fed herself a piece of fruit her lips still wet from their kiss.

Just as they were about to leave an hour later Tashighi burst through the trees landing on the deck managing not to fall over somehow with the giant backpack and the sword strapped to her waist. " Sorry to keep you waiting I had to cash in my paycheck, does anyone know where I can put my stuff there are several whetstones in my bag, and they're pretty heavy. Nami grinned as she took Tashigi's bag, " Welcome aboard let me show you the sleeping quarters. " As Nami and Tashigi disappeared downstairs Hiko looked over as Lapis's head appeared, the dragon was so big that she could no longer fit on the ship.

Hiko had teased the intellectual dragon multiple times about her sudden growth and how much she was eating. Instead of blushing like humans dragons actually glowed as their body temperature reached the thousands. Hiko had to use his FM karate to put out the ensuing fire, ' I still don't understand how that was my fault. ' He ended up being forced to sleep alone for three days as the girls naturally banded together to defend the 'helpless' dragon.

The new schedule is taking effect today, I will be posting chapter for this novel on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I will be posting chapters on my Patreon every day though. I will still upload chapters for my other web novel.

Black_Paladyncreators' thoughts
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