
Chapter 11: S1-E10: The Long Ride South 1/2

Chapter Ten: The Long Ride South

Geralt sat calmly on the cot in the cell, silently staring at the floor while Jon paced around before him. At times he'd glance up at the young man, seeing the way Jon looked between door of the prison hold and the Witcher. Jeor had been quick to lock to two up as a precaution, thinking Geralt had just skilled one of his men. Geralt had been quick to explain the disappearance of Waymar's corpse and being attacked by it at his room. The Lord Commander was at best doubtful at the claim yet decided on a roll check with everyone at the castle while he had both Geralt and Jon isolated. Overall it was a logical move and gave Geralt time to think over what had happened.

At this point Jon sighed as he'd stop before the Witcher, a serious look on his face. "Alright…tell me what happened? I remember all your talk about how magic exists from where you come from yet I didn't think it was literal. Also what was it that you just killed?!"

"Well I can say it wasn't like anything I've seen back home. Nothing like a necrophage from back home." He muttered back.


Sighing, Geralt continued to talk. "A type of monster, unnatural creatures that feed off the corpses and the living. Anyway only other explanation is a curse. Remember once finding this manor in a woods…strange place full of dried corpses that rose up to attack me. Not as tough as the thing I burned though or as mindless."

"Sounds like a crazy tale there." Jon muttered.

"Quite. Yet another story for another time. Point is yes…I have magic. Back home it's very basic compared to others yet here I'd seem like a mage to you." He'd flex his left hand, quickly making the Igni sign as the nearby candle flames suddenly go out. Jon quickly glanced at them as Geralt made the Sign again, making them light back up once more. "Seems Signs work better while I'm close to the Wall. Sort of like I'm drawing from the magic it has."

"Is that why you've been holding your medallion so much? I can see it shaking now that I look at it."

Geralt nodded as he'd remove the wolf head piece, handing it to Jon. Grasping it, the young man was surprised feeling in vibrate, making him grip it tightly before handing it back. "Anyway…I do have an idea on what happened to Waymar. How much did you study up on the old tales of the First Men and Children?"

"Nothing more than bed time stories. Remember all the stories of the war between them against the White Walkers when I was younger." Jon answered back.

"About right." Geralt muttered with a shrug. "Yet what do the tales say about the Walkers? The terrible magic and power they are said to have?"

Jon had that doubting look to Geralt, unsure what the Witcher was getting at. "Said they bring winter with them, the Long Night as it is called because of how the sun is blocked out. Just their presence has…" The young man paused, a hint of realization showing in his eyes. "…has the dead rise up serve them. You not saying a myth did this?"

"I think it's more of an omen. Think about it. The sudden storm two months ago, the story of the deserter and the Wildlings coming south. Something is serious is stirring beyond the Wall and I fear the Night's Watch will be unprepared for whatever it is."

"It's not me you have to convince but Jeor and my uncle. That thing didn't even flinch when you gutted and dismembered it…I don't know how to explain that."

"I'll figure something out." By this time, the door to the holding cells opened as Lord Commander Jeor and First Ranger Benjen walked in followed by three other rangers. Stopping at the barred door of their cell, Jeor nodded for one of the rangers to unlock it before entering.

"We checked with everyone. No one is missing, so we can conclude you didn't just murder one of our own." The gruff man bluntly stated. "So you claim Waymar's body came back to life and left the infirmary. If that is so why was he at your room?"

Geralt shrugged. "Not sure. I can't explain why or how…only that it happened."

Jeor sighed at the answer. "It's hard to believe yet the only reasoning to believe. So far the news of this incident has been limited between the higher ranks. This matter will be kept confidential for now." He'd look to Jon with a serious gaze. "I trust you Jon Snow will keep silent as well on the matter?"

"Of course sir, since it is your order." The young man muttered.

"It's a mistake to hide this." Geralt warned to the Lord Commander.

"I understand your concern, yet in the end you must understand moral here is low as it is. How many men will believe that a month long frozen corpse got up and tried to kill someone without seeing it with their own eyes? Perhaps in time we will…but for now secrecy is needed."

The Witcher was silent after that answer, yet he'd nod before standing up. "So do you expect me to keep quiet as well?"

"I can't force you Witcher. All I ask is you refrain from discussing the matter here. Tell Lord Tyrion out on the road or even share it with Lord Eddard…yet it's up to them to make of your claim." Pausing, he'd gesture to the door out of the cell. "Besides that you're free to go."

Geralt nodded as he'd move to leave the cell, he stopped when he passed by Jeor. "I recommend you burn the other body. Just to be sure. Keep that in mind Lord Commander." With that, he'd leave in the holding cells, yet heard Benjen speaking to Jon, seeming to have an important matter to discuss. Heading outside, it was now morning, showing just how much time had passed. He hadn't gotten much sleep, yet didn't feel the need to rest after everything that happened. Still, he'd head into the living quarters of the keep to look for Tyrion, although he'd nearly run into the dwarf when heading inside.

"Geralt? Where the hell have you been all night? When the roll call was given, I was confused on why you and Jon were missing." The dwarf questioned.

"A bit complicated and worth telling after we're gone from here." Geralt simply answered back. "When will you be ready to go?"

Tyrion had an odd look in his eyes at how the Witcher avoided his question, yet he'd soon answer back. "Tomorrow morning for sure. All our supplies will be accounted for by then."

Geralt simply nodded as he'd move past Tyrion who glance by him. "You know…when you get all silent and broody like that, it means something serious has happened."

A small yet amused sigh escaped from Geralt after that comment, yet he didn't answer back as he'd return to his room and pass the time double checking the last books he borrowed from Maester Aemon, trying to find some detailed story about the undead that served the White Walkers.

All the stories he had reviewed we're so vague, no detailed battles, more like broad tales about the ancient war. Yet one description detailed a material that disrupted and wounded the White Walkers, mainly because their mastery over frost made any metal weapon shatter.

"Dragon glass…what is that…" Reading the details of the material it sounded like obsidian from his understanding. "Strange that is affect a magical being. No monsters or magic I know are harmed or react to it." However it could be the natural process the glass is created crated the essence of fire within. Maybe it was even enchanted by the Children to be more effective, since this was ancient times and obsidian tools and weapons were more common place back then. Glancing out the nearby wooden, Geralt realize it was already the evening, showing just how caught up he was in his research. "Sent weeks just researching. At this rate may right a whole book after everything I've learned." He jested to himself as he closed the last book he had been reading. Just then though, there was a knock at the door and a familiar voice speaking up.

"Geralt, can we talk?" Jon said through the door.

Opening the door, he'd see Jon had a quite serious look on his face, no doubt after talking with both his uncle and the Lord Commander along with thinking over last night's events. For a while the Witcher didn't say anything, yet already knew what the young man had on his mind. "Let's talk on top of the Wall. More private." He'd quickly grab his cloak and two swords, not wanting to be unprepared if any more surprises came up this evening. Leaving his room, Geralt lead Jon to the grand elevator and begin the long ride up to the top. Nothing was said until they reached the top, the howling winds of the frozen north echoing across the Wall's peak as they'd walk onto the icy barrier. Pacing to one of the watch stations, they'd view across the vast forests and mountains, the low setting sun giving a beautiful color across the snow covered landscape.

"So…about what you said about using magic. You can do more than just shoot fire from your hands?"

Geralt nodded, gaze still set at the horizon. "Quen, protective barrier of shocking energy that can deflect even the strongest blows. Yrden, a circle of binding that slows and weakens others. Aard, psycho…ummm…air burst that can knock a fully armored man down. Axii, mind affected spell to confuse or influence others." He'd pause as he let all of those abilities sink in for Jon.

"Gods. So…you've been holding back whenever you've been fighting all this time?"

"In the case of our sparring matches yes along with keeping secrecy. Yet my Signs haven't been working right, except here at the Wall. They either don't work or so weak they'd be hardly be useful." Geralt explained.

"Yet if you're…Signs how would a duel against Jaime play out. Many claim he's the best swordsman in the Kingdoms.

"He'd lose."

Jon was a bit taken aback, expecting an exciting answer then that. "Just like that?"

"Just like that." Geralt calmly repeated. "If it was just up to our fighting skill though who knows. I've met human fighters with amazing potential much like yourself and Robb."

"I see…" Jon was silent now, unsure what else to question the Witcher about. "So is it true you'll be leaving tomorrow morning?"

Geralt simply nodded in response. "You can come along if you want. You haven't taken your vows yet."

Jon remained silent, a troubled look showing on his face before he'd give a small chuckle. "You know…father said that to me when we left." At this point, the Witcher looked to Jon with a curious look. "Before we left Winterfell. He said if I doubted joining the Night's Watch then I shouldn't join. Said that you put a little reasoning into his stubborn head."

Geralt chuckled at the remark. "Guess he took some personal advice well."

Jon nodded. "It meant a lot hearing it from him. I know you and everyone else has said the same thing, yet he's the one who started this ideal." The young man focused his gaze back to the landscape though, a serious look in his eyes. "If anything I was deciding to go. Let you train me more, see the Kingdoms and help find the truth about Bran." He'd pause, taking a deep breath before continuing. "Yet last night…changed it all. Seeing that thing, the Wight, made me realize that I'm needed here. Something is going on beyond the Wall, be it Wildlings invading or monsters crawling out of the snowy wastes. I think what will happen to the Grenn, Pypar and Sam if they're left alone to face whatever is to come."

Geralt didn't answer for a long moment, impressed by the young man's mature response. "Guess seeing a dead man walking would make you reconsider things…although most be running away from the danger not towards it."

Jon chuckled at the remark. "Sadly I'm not that kind of person."

"I understand your reasoning. Can tell that you already have a good bond if your fellow recruits and don't want to abandon them. The Night's Watch is going to need good men like you to keep it together when conflict arrives to the Wall."

"Glad you agree on that. I just hope you can get us the aid we need."

"Same. Have a feeling me and Tyrion are going to be stonewalled at King's Landing. I know how politics get in the way of such matters."

Both were quiet for now as they'd watch the sun set, the shadows spreading across the landscape in a quite foreboding manner. "There was another thing father told me before we left home. He said next time we'd meet, he'd tell me about my mother…about who she was and how it all happened." Looking to the Witcher, there was just a calm yet pleading look in the young man's eyes. "Please keep father safe while you're at the capital."

Geralt could understand Jon's request, no doubt wanting to know the full truth about his existence. "Knowing the man, he'd fight tooth and nail before breaking a promise. Don't worry though, I'll watch his back."

Jon relaxed a bit, giving a thankful nod before the Witcher shifted away from the ledge of the Wall. "Anyway we best head down. Going to get colder with the sun down."

"You go on ahead. I'm going to stay just a bit longer."

Geralt stopped for a moment and looked back at Jon, the young man still facing out towards the north. "You know this is going to be the last time we going to see each other for a long while." The Witcher stated. "Not much for goodbyes myself. I can tell you're not one for them either considering how you were with Ned." He'd shift through his cloak, making Jon glance back to see Geralt holding a wooden replica of his wood medallion. "Not much of a carver but sort of had time to practice. "Think of it as a memento."

Jon took the medallion, giving a small smile as he examined it. "Huh…should have expected considering Bran had one. Thank you Geralt."

"Stay safe Jon."

The young man nodded as he'd put the medallion on. "You too Witcher."

With those simple goodbyes, Geralt moved for the elevator and took the long ride down back to the castle. He'd return to his room and go to bed early, wanting to be well rested for the start of the long journey south.

When dawn came, Geralt was quick to dress for travel and pick up his packed belongings. Heading out Tyrion was waiting by the stables along with Lord Commander Jeor, First Ranger Benjen and Maester Aemon. Approaching the group, the three gave nods to the Witcher before Jeor spoke up. "I hope the road will be clear for you both. The Night's Watch is relying on you to report to the King on these recent Wildling bands and our need for support."

"We'll certainly send a raven once we have King Robert's answer, although he will no doubt discuss the matter deeply with the Small Council." Tyrion replied back.

"There is one parting gift I have though." Maester Aemon added before giving a quite sharp whisle. With one arm out, a grey raven suddenly flew down from the keep and onto his arm, Nasr the chatty raven.

The bird cocked it head looking at Tyrion and Geralt, a cunning look in its eyes. "Hello hello." It chirped.

"Nasr here is a one of a kind raven. One of the oldest raven's I've encounter and the most intelligent." Aemon explained. "A raven normally memorizes two locations, a destination and a home. Nasr is special because he know more than two locations. Issue is he's fickle as he's cunning, yet when he's sent off he's never failed a delivery.

"Thank you." Nasr chuckled, obviously enjoying the praise.

"Not sure I want to drag your favored pet around the Kingdoms." Geralt muttered as he looked at the bird, swearing those beady eyes had a mischievous look at him.

"Ah he won't trouble you. No need for a cage or feed. Nasr knows how to keep track of his handler and care for himself." The raven hobbled on the Maester's arm before suddenly fluttering off to Geralt as it landed on his shoulder and give a few testing prods with its beak at this leather shoulder pad.

"Heh, seems the bird already likes you Witcher." Benjen chuckled. "Just be sure to bring him back in one piece."

"I'll try my best." Geralt muttered before Nasr fluttered to Tyrion who had a curious look in his eyes. Letting the bird perch on his leather gloved hand, he'd offer up a cracker to the raven who quickly gobbled it up.

"I like him. Always wanted a personal raven." The dwarf remarked. "Even if it is well…on loan. Of course I'll keep a good watch on him."

Jeor stepped up to the two, keeping that stern look yet having a kind smile on his face. "Then I wish you two safe and speedy travel. Hopefully you two will return once things have calmed down."

Tyrion and the Lord Commander would shake hands, the dwarf nodding in agreement. "I'd like to hope so. It's been an honor Lord Commander."

Jeor shifted his attention to Geralt as Tyrion moved to get his horse, one of the rangers guiding a horse to the short noble, yet having one of his own. It seemed they'd be having company on the road from what the Witcher could tell. "That is Yoren, one of my top men and a recruiter for the Watch. He will be able to short out the logistics for any supplies and aid you're able to get us. From what I know Lord Tyrion has been quick to befriend him." Indeed the two were chatting, the ranger having an amused smirk on his face. Jeor looked back at the Witcher, holding out one hand for him to shake. "It's been interesting to meet you Witcher. I hope someone like you can get some reasoning into King Robert while there is still time."

Geralt firmly shook the old Commander's hand, realizing quickly the man had an iron grip despite his age. "Having met the man…well…that maybe a challenge. Still I don't plan to leave the Night's Watch empty handed." Reaching into a saddlebag, he'd take out a leather folder and hand it over to the Lord Commander. Curious, the old man started flipping through the pages, drawing a questioning look across his face.

"Where did you get these? I may not be a Maester yet I know an alchemical formula and weapon diagram." Jeor muttered. "Improved crossbows, blades, armor enhancements, bombs…the Alchemist Guild has long guarded some of these secrets if rumors are true."

"Just a collection of mine from my travels. The weapons are simple to craft yet better quality then what you currently have while the bombs are a more specialized tool you're men might need. I recommend to review those with your Maester and plan out proper store if you plan to make any."

Jeor review a few of the diagrams, nodding a bit. "These can be useful. Thought materials and supplies are still needed." Yet at the bottom of the papers, he'd find a bunch of signed papers, most of the writs Eddard had signed over to Geralt. "Wait these are…" The Lord Commander muttered, double checking the papers before chuckling. "This may just give us the edge we need in the coming months. I'll need to send suppliers out to get these redeemed."

"Their better off in your hands then mine. Use them well."

Jeor nodded as he'd tuck the folder under one arm, giving a thankful nod to the Witcher. "Thank you Geralt. Good luck down at King's Landing."

Geralt nodded in agreement before moving to his horse, pulling himself up onto the saddle while Yoren did the same. Glancing at the Night's Watch recruiter, he could tell the man was an experienced individual by just his look alone yet world weary from the tired look in his eyes. He'd give a nod of recognition to the Witcher before the gates of the castle opened up for the trio. Taking the lead, Geralt rode out while the two followed, Tyrion behind him and Yoren taking the flank. They headed out at a quick pace, slowing once they reached the more hilly regions of the Gift. Hours past, only idle chatter happening between Tyrion and Yoren. Once it was getting dark, the group set up camp by the road, although kept picked a less wooded spot to avoid a possible repeat of the Wildling ambush.

"So Yoren, care to tell me more about your role with the Watch?" Geralt asked once the group settled down.

The man gave a small shrug. "See no harm it in. Recruiter is the short title of my job. Officially it's Wandering Crow. Overall I just travel between the major cities between Winterfell and King's Landing, carting off anyone desperate enough to escape the gallows or losing a hand." Sighing, he'd scratching the back of his head. "Miss the days when people were willing to join. Honest men young and old willing to take the Black."

"Everyone has settled down after Robert's Rebellion. Work has gone well and the people are overall happy with King Robert…even though he is loose with the people's tax money. The roads and buildings maybe worn out, yet entertainment is always a numbing distraction to such matters." Tyrion remarked.

"Aye. Heard all about the feasts and tourneys he's hosted over the years. Another one supposed to be happen in a few weeks when he returns to the capital. At least I'll have something to watch while I'm visiting."

"Ah it will be an interesting event. Geralt here is even taking part…with me as his sponsor"

Geralt gave an odd look to Tyrion after that sudden claim. "Sponsor? I thought Lord Eddard be doing that?"

"That is the issue. You don't officially serve House Stark, your position as 'champion' is more of an honorary role which no doubt everyone in the North respects. South to the Riverlands and beyond though, that title will have little meaning to most."

"Alright fair point on that. So what is your scheme then? I can tell you have some cunning idea for all of this."

"Simple. Fame and fortune."

"Tyrion, you're part of one of the more renown and richest Houses in the land…why would you need more of that."

"On a personal level Geralt. While I enjoy spending my father's coin and throwing the family name about to get what I want, there are limits to it. Having seen what you can do, I know there will be plenty of betting going about and I know you'll be in the center of it all."

"Yah, except it's not you battling it out with the most skilled knights of the land. Not worried about the risks, just curious what is my gain besides good publicly?"

Tyrion chuckled at what the Witcher was meaning. "If its gold you're worried about, don't worry you'll get your share."

"Good. Considering I lost most of my money coming here. Doubt the pocket full of orens I have would count for much here."

"Money does make the world go round. Doesn't matter which side of the Narrow Sea or beyond that."

"True enough. That aside though, I take you'll tell me more about what events the tournament has planned along with the competitors?"

"In due time. Nothing has been finalized and I only know so much from rumors and offhand discussions from King Robert. We'll discuss the details once we get farther south." Tyrion assured the Witcher.

"Fair enough." Geralt muttered with a shrug.

The rest of the night was spent with idle chatter until the group decided on watch shifts for the night. Geralt and Yoren rotated shifts while Tyrion slept, not being the most suited for guard duty. Overall everyone got enough sleep and by dawn, they'd continue southward once more. Three days passed for the trio until they'd near Winterfell. At the crossroad to the large keep, Tyrion stopped everyone before speaking up.

"Best we pay a visit. I can imagine Geralt may wish to see how Bran and the others are doing. I have one small matter to do as well. Besides we could do with at least one night resting on warm beds and having hot meals while we can."

Geralt didn't say anything, yet nodded in agreement as they'd ride westward towards the castle. The place seemed exactly the same from a glance, yet the Witcher could tell there was less lifelines going about. No doubt with Eddard gone along with his daughters and Bran's injury, things have become dulled here. Not long after arriving though, a familiar laugh and voice drew the trio's attention.

"Back already Geralt? Thought you be staying up at the Wall longer than a week." Graffin chuckled as the Stark soldier approached the group.

Giving a small smile to the man, Geralt got off his horse and shook hands with him. "Think I saw enough up there. Seen a lot in my life, yet the Wall is unlike anything I've seen. That aside though, how have things been here?"

The question had Graffin give a more concerned look, mainly towards Tyrion. Leaning in he'd mutter in a low voice. "It's about Bran. A few days after you left an assassin set fire to one of the buildings and snuck into his room. Tried to kill the boy. Lady Catelyn was there and held him off before Summer pounced the man, ripped his throat out."

The grim new had Geralt give a serious look to the soldier. "Anything special about the assassin? I've dealt with such types before."

"Man was pretty unremarkable. No real history, just some drifter type who was in the area a few weeks ago. What made him special though was his weapon, a valyrian steel dagger with a dragonbone hilt."

The Witcher gave a curious look hearing about the weapon. "I take he wasn't the type to be owning such a weapon. From my understanding valyrian steel weapons are limited to nobility."

"Aye. Lady Catelyn knew that someone of high standing must have hired the man and gave him the weapon. She believed it was someone part of the royal convoy who did it."

"So then she put everything together. She realized Bran's fall wasn't an accident, no doubt confronted Sir Roderick and he told her about our investigation. Learning how a Lannister was behind it, she no doubt reacted badly." Geralt deduced.

"I know the Master-at-Arms talked to her about it, tried to explain that you and Lord Eddard were dealing with the manner. Never seen a woman so fierce and driven before. She was quick to head off for King's Landing, no doubt to personally warn her husband and show off the weapon."

Geralt grumbled at the news. "When did she leave? Any idea of what route she took?"

"I know they wanted to get to King's Landing fast and in secret. The best route be by boat along the eastern coast, so they'd most likely be heading to White Harbor within a day or so."

"Damn it…" Geralt muttered, already trying to think of a plan. "The last thing we need is her going around King's Landing and drawing attention. That woman could draw unwanted attention if she gets to the capital and start asking questions."

"Going to take her a while to sail south." Graffin muttered. "My best guess is she should arrive to King's Landing a few days after the royal convoy returns…unless the wind and weather favors her and she gets there sooner."

"Whatever the case I'll handle it." Geralt sighed. "I take Robb is in charge of running Winterfell?"

"Indeed. Didn't like his mother running off so suddenly yet he's managing well."

"Good to know. Have a lot to discus with him about his brother and what's going on at the Wall."

"Then best check in the Great Hall. He's been busy audiences from the little folk and other House envoys. A lot of people no doubt wanting to make a good impression with him since he's managing the North now."

"Same old politics. Anyway better see him while I can. You take care Graffin."

"Heh, same to you Geralt." The soldier gave a nod before heading off to the barracks just before Tyrion approached the Witcher.

"Bad news I take? You have the look of that everyone has when they hear it." He questioned the Witcher.

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