

"Later, right now need to see Robb." Without another world, Geralt was already marching off to the Great Hall, the dwarf hurrying after him while Yoren remained to handle their horses. There were guards at the hall doors, who'd let them through after a moment, no doubt Robb finishing a meeting with a requester. Indeed there was a village elder talking to the young noble, giving a respectful bow and muttering thanks to Robb who sat at the center table set at the end of the hall with Luwin beside him.

"Thank you my lord. Blessing of the Seven and prayers for your brother." The man muttered.

Robb gave a small nod of thanks. "Take care. The soldiers you requested will be waiting for you at the gates."

The elder nodded before hurrying pass Geralt and his companions. It wasn't hard for Geralt to figure out what the man had been here for. Stepping forward, the Witcher quickly got Robb's attention, bringing a small smile to his face. He'd get up from his seat before moving to personally greet Geralt, shaking hands with him.

"Glad to see you back Geralt. Never thought such madness be happening in just over one week after you and father left."

"So I heard. An assassin nearly killing Bran, your mother running off for the capital…and I take trouble with your northern villages. Wildling raiders?"

A hint of surprise showed on Robb's face, showing Geralt was right. "More of odd sightings of late. I've been getting requests for men to be stationed in towns and focus on patrols along the side roads."

"Smart move. I can say the Wildlings are lurking about though. Ran into a group of them when we headed for the Wall. Night's Watch even reporting the tribes are acting up lately, united together to try and get past the Wall."

"Explain the increase sightings. Not sure how they get over to this side, yet that is a matter for the Night's Watch to deal with. Anyway I take you're going south to report to father and the King?"

Geralt nodded. "If King Robert ignores all this then he'll be seen as foolish. Have more than enough proof to sway him over…at least I hope."

Before Robb could say anything more than, a servant suddenly hurried in from a side passage of the hall. The woman seemed breathless, no doubt having ran through the entire keep to reach here. "Lord Robb…its Bran…he's awaken!" The woman gasped, trying to catch her breath.

Both Geralt and Robb gave shocked news at the news, yet quickly became one of relief. Even Tyrion have a pleased smile at the news. "Wonderful news! Fate has been kind for the boy indeed." The dwarf remarked, making Robb glance at him. Geralt did notice an odd look in the young noble's eyes, a showing distrust towards Tyrion despite the dwarf's supportive words.

"We best go see him. Maybe we can get some answers if is memory is clear." Geralt remarked."

"Don't pressure my brother too much Geralt. It's a miracle that he as awaken and I'd rather not stress his too much."

By this point Luwin would join the group, speaking up as well. "I'd also think it be best that I examine the boy. We don't know the full extent of his injuries until we do some tests. I'll go on ahead to check on him" Robb nodded in agreement before the Maester hurried off for the Great Keep.

"I do hope I can meet Bran. I do have a gift for him, something to help with his new hardship." Tyrion added, giving a small bow to Robb. "For now though, a warm meal and rest will do me good. Until next time Lord Robb."

Both Geralt and Robb watched the dwarf stroll out of the hall, yet once the Lannister was out of ear shot Robb would speak up. "There is something mistrusting about him."

"He's an odd one, yet doesn't mean anyone harm. If you think he's involved with what happened to Bran, that isn't true. Doesn't fit with what I found in the tower or with Tyrion's personality."

"I know that…maybe it's just that he's Lannister. Could know something about what happened." The two began to walk down on of the passages that linked the Great Hall to the Great Keep, heading for Bran's room.

"He doesn't know anything, yet has some suspicions. Considering I saved him from those Wildings, he has a debt to pay and plans to help me however he can."

"Huh…Lannister's always pay their debts." Robb chuckled. "I trust your word, so I'll believe what you say about Tyrion."

Arriving there were a few servants finishing cleaning up the room, who'd soon leave once Robb and Geralt arrived. Luwin would be beside Bran's bed, busy examining the boy's legs, testing if he felt anything or could draw a muscle reflex with his prodding. Laying close beside Bran was the boy's direwolf Summer, who'd rest his head on the boy's lap in a protective manner.

"No…nothing." Bran said, his voice low in tone and tired as he laid there.

"I see…troubling." Luwin muttered before noticing Geralt and Robb's arrival. "It is as I suspected. The boy has lost all feeling to legs. No doubt a spinal injury cutting off all connection."

Despite the saddening news, Bran was oddly quiet, no crying or begging. Geralt knew the boy was tough, yet even that impressed him. Robb stepped up, a sad look on his face as he'd hold Bran's hand, the boy tightly holding on. Geralt stood beside the young noble, keeping a calm look despite the mix of emotions he felt.

"Bran, do you remember what happened at the ruined tower? Do you know how you fell from it?" The Witcher asked in a low voice. He'd look to Summer who whined a bit to him for attention. Sighing, Geralt scratched the direwolf behind the ears, making the wolf pant happily.

Bran's closed his eyes, trying to focus on that day and moment. "I remember me and Summer running along the plains. I wanted to go explore that old tower ever since I got good at climbing." Pausing, he'd rub the direwolf's head before continuing. "I remember nearing a window and heard something. I peaked in then…remembering something push me off the ledge." Shaking his head, he'd sigh. "That's all I remember."

"It's fine. Maybe over time your memory will come back. Trust me…I know how it's like."

Bran nodded before moving one hand to the wooden wolf medallion on his neck with a small smile before looking to the crossbow and quiver beside him. Geralt moved to the items and handed them over to the boy who looked them over closely. "I guess we'll be able to practice archery still." He said, a hopeful hint showing in his voice.

"Course you will. I'll carry you out myself once you've rested up a bit." Robb chuckled. "Still you'll need someone to help you around, carry you about to handle other matters." Thinking for a moment, the young man soon had an idea. "Hodor be fitting. Man's maybe dull minded, yet is strong as a bull and knows how to listen well."

Geralt remembered see the large servant since coming to Winterfell. From what he knew the man suffered some kind of sudden seizer that left him simple-minded when he was young. "Sounds fitting. Still, back home I remember some members of nobility having specialized chairs for movement, wheel chairs. Don't know the designs but...could be something Luwin could research into."

The Maester thought for a moment before nodding at the idea. "I have heard of such a device. Most designs I've heard vary in complexity yet I think with time and effort a proper one can be built for the young master."

"Then please do that Luwin. Whatever materials you need I'll have them delivered in haste." Robb added, showing his support for this idea.

"Best that I get to work then." Nodding to everyone, the old Maester hurried out of the room, leaving the others to themselves.

"So…where is father and mother? Shouldn't they be here as well?" Bran ask after a moment, fiddling a bit with his crossbow yet having a worried look on his face.

Robb glanced to Geralt, yet the Witcher shrugged to the young man who'd sigh, realizing this was his responsibility. "A lot has happened after your fall…so this may take a while to explain."

The rest of the day was spent talking with Bran over last two and half weeks over what had happened. The boy was saddened to hear how his father left for King's Landing and shocked about the assassination attempt on his life, along with his mother being injured in protecting him. Knowing that his parents were so far away had him sigh, wishing he could see them after what had happened. Yet Geralt did his best to shift the topic to more interesting matters, such as discussing about his visit to the Wall and how Jon was doing. The tales about the grand northern barrier brought an excited gleam to the boy's eyes and eased the sober mood. By evening, the boy seemed tired out from all the talking as he'd lay back to rest.

"Best let you rest Bran. Still weak after being out for so long. I'll make sure the servants get you a big meal for tomorrow." Robb said as they'd get ready to leave the boy alone.

"Alright. Though…could I eat down at the hall? I can't stand staying in bed for another day." The boy muttered.

"If you feel you're up for it. For now sleep up for tomorrow."

Bran nodded before giving a small smile before closing his eyes, drifting to sleep while Geralt and Robb moved to leave the room, making sure to lock the door behind them. They'd head through the Great Keep for the main courtyard, taking the time to talk privately along the way.

"Do you have to leave tomorrow? We could all use your help considering how hectic the last week has been." Robb asked.

"Like to, but your father needs my help at the capital and your mother needs to be stopped before she does something rash."

"I understand. Still I'd feel more confident with my duties having experienced others to advise me."

"Then here's some advice. Follow what you believe is right and best for people of the North, not what you believe your father would decide. You aren't like him no matter how you see it."

Robb didn't answer at first, giving only a nod and thoughtful look. "So take you'll be leaving early tomorrow?"

"Yah. We'll stay for breakfast and to say goodbye to Bran before heading out. Going to be hard to catch up to the royal convoy before it arrived at King's Landing."

"Heh, knowing you you'll get there early." Robb chuckled as the two strolled out into the yard, stopping out before the Great Keep. "Anyway you best rest up. Doubt you'll get a chance for a soft bed for most of the road."

"Good advice on your part there." Geralt remarked with a smirk. "See you tomorrow Robb." The two part way, Geralt heading for the Guest House and Robb back into the keep. The Witcher would return to the same room he had stayed in before, quickly getting to bed and sleeping well into the morning.

By morning, Geralt was already dressed and packed for travel. Out in the yard he already had his horse ready for the road, after of course saying goodbye to the remaining Starks. Heading for the Great Hall again, he'd enter the vast room to see the Starks and other household eating at the many tables, with Robb and Bran at the main table. Beside the boy was the large figure of Hodor, who helped move plates of food around for Bran, often muttering his name as usual. Robb's dire wolf Grey Wind along with Summer sat close beside their respected master, chewing on quite large bones which they had picked clean of meat. Sitting at a table close by to Stark was Tyrion and Yoren. Already the dwarf was chatting with the two, seeming to be finishing the thrilling tale of Geralt's battle against the Wildlings.

"…it was unlike anything you'd have seen out in the yard good Bran. The way his sword cut was like lightening." Tyrion detailed, being overly dramatic about what had happened. The young Stark seemed amazed by the tale, even Robb having a curious look as he listened. "Ah and the hero himself arrives. Have a seat Geralt, we saved a plate just for you." Tyrion gestured to the open seat beside him with a large breakfast set for the Witcher. Sitting down, he was quick to eat his meal while the dwarf continued to speak to Bran. "Tales aside though, I do have a gift for you. From what I know you enjoyed riding horses." Reaching down to a pack, he'd take out a set of scrolls and papers before moving over towards the two. Robb took them, checking them over to see they were designs of a saddle yet with odd harness and straps for the legs of the rider.

"Never seen a saddle like this." He muttered, showing Bran the blueprints.

"I may not be a Maester yet I do enjoy my books. After hearing of Bran's accident, I thought it be polite to find a way to help with his crippling injury." Tyrion explained. "With the right saddle and a young horse, it can be properly trained for him to ride with ease once more."

Bran had a hopeful look at the idea, a small smile showing on his face. Robb looked over the plans before setting them aside. "I really did underestimate you Lord Tyrion. Thank you for kind gift." Robb said formally.

"I tend to have a spot in my heart for cripples, bastards and broken things." He answered back quite proudly before returning to his seat.

"Explain the company you keep." Geralt chuckled, making even Yoren smirk in agreement. Breakfast was soon finished up for the group and they'd all start to get up from their seats to get ready to leave.

"Time we head off." Geralt muttered as he'd approach the head table to say goodbye to the Stark.

Robb would stand up give a short tug to the Witcher, patting him firmly on the shoulder afterwards. "I expect you to visit again one day, hopefully with the whole family together."

Meanwhile, Hodor picked up Bran and carried him closer to Geralt, a small hint of sadness showing in his eyes. Geralt leaned in before giving the boy a short hug before ruffling up his short dark hair with a small smirk. "You stay strong alright?"

Bran gave a small smile, nodding. "I will be." Pausing for a moment, he'd continue to speak. "Tell father that I hope to see him soon."

"Promise." Geralt shift back, giving a small wave to the two before rejoining Tyrion and Yoren. The trio head out of the hall, yet Geralt glanced back at the two Starks, having an odd feeling this maybe the last time he see the two for a very long time.

The next week of travel would be long and tiring, even for road worn Witcher. While the King's Road was well kept and direct in route, the quick pace of the riding did wear down on him. Tyrion was often exhausted by the end of the day, usual being dead asleep as soon as they made camp. Yoren seemed to be use to such fast and long traveling, although considering his role in the Night's Watch it wasn't surprising. They had left the North halfway into the first week and entered the damp Riverlands, which reminded Geralt of Velen with its similar environment. Often as they rode nearby marshes and rivers, he expected to see a Drowner lurking under the murky water or a Foglet slipping away into the mists. Yet there were no monsters, just the stray splash of a jumping fish or the shuffle of a deer bounding away.

Between traveling and camping, Geralt questioned Tyrion about King's Landing along with the major figures of the capital, along with other questions about individuals involved with Robert's tourney. He'd learn about the different individuals that made up the Small Council, Robert's advising group who also helped managed the running of the Kingdoms, such as their names and public history. As for the competitors for the tournament, Geralt's interests mainly focused on Jaime and Gregor Clegane, the Mountain. Every time he heard people talk about the man it was often in fear and disgust, yet after learning the man's history, he'd know why. The tales of the man's bruthal strength in battle, shocking speed and great endurance sounded quite superhuman to the Witcher, yet he wondered if it was in exaggeration. The man was infamous for killing others for the slightest offenses, along with killing women, children and even infants from what was rumored during the end of the Rebellion. Overall he was everything the Witcher hated, a true monster wearing a human's skin.

"Not sure why I should be scared of him." Geralt calmly stated as he sat close to the campfire, Tyrion giving a curious look at the Witcher.

"When you see the man you may understand why."

"Doesn't matter if he really eight feet tall. I've fought and killed bigger."

"Another monster tale no doubt?"

Geralt nodded. "In Skellige, one of the islands was taken over by an ice giant, possibly the last of its kind. Led a small army of monsters to force everyone off its new territory before forcing whatever survivors to begin crafting a massive war boat. Overall he was massive, at least over twelve feet tall and strong enough to use an anchor as a club."

Yoren chuckled at the tale. "You must be pulling our leg Geralt. If such a thing existed, how could did you have killed it? Doubt any man, even the Mountain can match up to that."

"Had some help with some friends of mine, Skelligers seeking the giant out. As for how…well…we just fought it until we got him gutted and beheaded. Still thrashed us good by the end of it." Yet before he continued on, he'd stop and shift one hand to his steel sword, making Tyrion gulp nervously. "Someone's coming.

Everyone looked to the nearby road as they'd hear the sound of hooves, making them relax slightly as a cloaked rider neared their camp. He'd stop at the edge camp before dismounting, approaching them on foot until the fire light revealed him. The man was a roguish fellow considering the light beard on his face. He wore a set of light banded mail and leather along with a long sword and short sword on belt. Wasn't hard for Geralt to figure the man as a sellsword since he lacked any House symbols.

"Hey there. Care to spare a little drink and food for a traveler?" The man asked casually.

"I wouldn't though I'd care for an introduction." Tyrion answered back.

"Bronn, just Bronn." The man answered back before tying his horse to some nearby trees before sitting back across from Geralt. The sellsword looked between the three, realizing they were quite the odd trio. "So…uhh…you some kind of trope? Can't say I'd ever met a dwarf, Night's Watchman and…" Looking closer at the Witcher, he'd then notice the bright cat like eyes, making him give a double take. "…and…whatever you are." He muttered.

"Geralt of Rivia. Witcher." He answered back.

"Da fuck is a Witcher?" Bronn chuckled. "Quite the odd title and no doubt an interesting tale to it."

"Long one at that."

"Ugh…feel like I'll be bored hearing it another time" Tyrion muttered, yet gave a jesting smirk. "Very well then tell him. I'll see what wine we have left in the skins."

A few hours passed as the trio chatted with their guest, Geralt sharing his story with Bronn along with their little trek from the Wall and down for King's Landing. The sellsword was quite the blunt yet sarcastic type, being crude with his words yet friendly all the same.

"Now I think about it I've heard about you. You're the stranger who strolled out of the North with a dozen dead Wildlings behind him? Heh impressive." He complimented.

"Anyway you're turn. What's bringing you south?" Tyrion asked.

"Amusement and work. Heard about the tournament happening in King's Landing, all for the new Hand of the King. Thought be fun to see. Also, considering there will be plenty of noble types there, I'd thought to try my chance getting hired by one."

"Huh…smart idea considering." Geralt remarked. "Guess not much work during peace time?"

"The odd job here or there, mainly protection work. Right now needing something more long term and stable."

"You may be in luck with me. Looking for reliable types who can offer up protection." Tyrion offered. "The Lannisters can offer the best in gold and benefits afterall."

Hearing the family name, the man chuckled out. "Damn it…should have known you'd be a Lannister, much less the 'Imp' himself." He'd pause as he'd think on the offer. "Guess it can hurt, yet going to have to discuss over the details."

"Of course. We have a few more days until King's Landing, yet I'm sure we can come to an agreement at the Crossroad's Inn. Just a few days away from there."

Bronn shrugged. "Fair enough. Least the road south won't be boring anymore." Yawning, he'd lean back against a nearby tree and tug his cloak up. "For now though I need some shuteye. Hard to sleep when no one is watching your back." He muttered.

Everyone but Geralt would get comfortable for sleep while he'd remain on watch. He did drift into a light meditation, yet his eyes opened when he heard fluttering wings and a bit of cawing. Bron grumbled at the noise. "Guh…strangle the blasted thing…"

Smirking, Geralt got up as he'd move to the edge of the clearing to check up on Nasr who had been keeping to himself the whole trip south. The grey raven quieted down as the Witcher neared him, hoping off his branch and onto his arm. "Alright cut it out." He muttered as the bird pecked lightly at his leathered sleeve.

"Monsters! Monsters!" The raven murmured suddenly, making Geralt give a questioning look.

"No…there isn't any." Still he did shift one hand to his medallion, the sensitive metal having been still ever since leaving the Wall. "You must be seeing things. Anyway cut it out alright."

"Warned ya!" The raven fluttered off into the darkness, making Geralt shrug as he'd move back into camp. Yet his pace slowed before glance back into the dark wetlands, getting an odd gut feeling of being watched…a familiar one.

"No…just my imagination." He'd return to his spot, giving a sigh as he'd again relax and drift back into mediation.

Deep in the marsh lands, a raspy chuckle echoed through the forest. A hunched figure hurried through the mix of muddy water and dense woods, not slowed by the rough terrain. "Ohh what a surprise this was." The voice chuckled, female in tone yet having a faint hint of other voices behind every word. "To think he'd be here. Yet the threads of fate call for it…"

Light shined ahead as a large worn cabin peeked through the trees, a secluded place far from the main roads and towns. Nearing the build, the light at last revealed the hunched figure who at a glance was best described as disfigured woman. She wore an oversized cone shaped hat on her head and patchwork clothes made of a mix of leather and cloth which held together a pair of rotting human legs like a grim trophy at the front of her gown. Her face was partly covered, the right eye having a dirtied brown cloth over it as a patch while the other was flesh fused socket with hive like holes where buzzing insects nested in.

Entering the cabin, the crone Weavess chuckled as he'd take out the latest collection of child hair, having gotten a tidy tribute from the more secluded villages. Her attention focused on the largest wall of the room which had a massive tapestry set across it, depicting three beautiful woman in rags conducting some occult ritual. Yet two of them were marred by burn marks and blades, showing that someone had vandalized it. "That Witcher and the girl wounded us so." The crone growled as he gazed at her work.

"They brought the witch hunters. Weak men…yet persistent and numerous. They raided our home, ruined my masterpiece." She'd get her needle out, moving to the tapestry as she began to skillfully weave the hair to continue repairing it. "They attacked our Sabbath. Broke out power over Velen. Murdered you my beautiful sisters!" She nearly wailed out, feeling such pain of their absence. "Yet the Conjunction of world began again. How I sensed the vast swell of magic…worlds rich and untapped of it. This one was so ripe to take foot in, innocent to our kinds touch."

She'd finish the line of hair, getting another bunch as she continued on. "The air is so empty. The Source sleeps deeply…yet soon it will awaken in the roar of fire, screams and blood!" She'd cackle as she remembered the vision she had when she arrived to this world. "She who is heir to the throne of iron and will birth the dragons anew to the world. In turn you will be reborn as well!" She used the last of the hair, the tapestry partly mended. "We'll have our revenge sisters. The White Wolf is blind to the truth and the child of destiny lost. Their flesh will be one we'll savor…" Weavess cackled out in sadistic glee.

Notice: And so an old foe returns! I'll admit the crones have long been a favorite enemy from the game and one that remained a loose end. They fit in well as a small yet dangerous faction lurking within the GoT world. I again apologize for the late chapter posts yet with classes coming in, that maybe more common. Still I will strive to continue this story! Anyway please review and message me your thoughts!

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