
Item Drop

Jack frowned after he saw his friend pick up the item that was clearly an item drop. But that made no real sense. In the world of The Gamer, there should only be item drops in instant dungeons. And those were even combined with money drops.

But just when he was mentioning that in his mind his friend David had to add insult to a wound.

"Hey, he also dropped some credits..." David picked them up and counted in a fast manner. "There are 23 credits here."

´Terra. Why are items dropping? Should that not be regulated by Gaia?´

[You just answered your own question, Jack. There is no "Gaia" here. Normal people you kill will have a certain chance to drop items and money. With your current luck, you will encounter that more often than not.]

´No, no, no. That is bad! Can I somehow deactivate that?´

[That is not possible. I can at most hide it from other people so only you see it. Would that be okay?]

´Yes, please...´

[But I do have to remind you that the item that already was picked up by David cannot be hidden...So good luck explaining that to your friends now.]

´Damn it.´, he thought inwardly with a sigh and walked over to David.

"What is this? Did those guys smuggle something or rob some people before us?", asked Jack as if nothing really happened nor he knew what was up.

But David only stared at him somewhat doubtful and looked to the other corpse with the charred hole in its head from the blaster shot. He even walked over to it and looked and inspected it.

Jack got somewhat nervous for a very certain reason.

"Weird...Well, maybe I am just tired?", questioned David himself.

"What is it? Why are you reacting like that to some weird arm protectors like that?", asked Ben now as well.

"Shouldn't you be the one to react like me? After all, you like stuff with RPG elements, no?", mocked David his friend Ben a little after being called out to behave weirdly.

"I am sure these things just appeared from nowhere just now. But maybe I am just mistaken...But then again why would these guys have those armguards with them? My brain tells me this material is amazing and freaking expensive."

"What? Do you mean this is an item drop?" Ben realized what he meant now and was also curious. He came closer to investigate and after thinking a little bit he looked at Jack. "Jack, can you say status?"

[Hahaha...Looks like there is no escaping that one, Jack]

´Shut up...Damn, fine. I would have told them at some point anyway. And it's not like a cant bend the truth to my liking somewhat.´

"You think I am the one responsible?", Jack pointed at himself while asking and both of them nodded at him.

"Just do it and let's see what happens.", answered Ben and smiled at him.

"Status.", said Jack out loud. Not that he actually needed to say it out loud. And right at that moment Terra started snickered manically. Three blue windows opened up. Not only just for Jack but also for Ben and David. That actually surprised not only the both of them but also Jack.

´Terra! What the hell are you doing?´

[Helping you out.]

´That is no help! It makes everything worse than it is!´

[Dont worry. Just read the info in the window. I made sure you are the main user of the system. Ben and David have their own subsystem that is vastly inferior.]

Frowning somewhat after her words he looked at the window.


+ Status +

Name: Jack Shea

Race: Royal Sith

Level: 5

Titel: Lucky Star

HP: 115/115

MP: 140/140


´This is different. But what makes it good now?´

[With this amount of Info they should not get too suspicious that you are actually the one with a system.]

"Wow..." came from Ben now while he looked at his screen. "Do you also see this?", he asked and looked to his friends while pointed at his screen.


+ Status +

Name: Ben Reyn

Race: Human

Level: 6

Title: Ace Schmuggler

HP: 90/90

MP: 70/70


"I can see that some kind of window opened for you but I can't see your information", answered David while looking at his friend's screen. "So, what you got? I am level 5 and got the skill to understand any technical things no matter how old they may be. While building new things I get a certain boost in success rate. I am also good with staffs."


+ Status +

Name: David Plibri

Race: Jawa

Level: 5

Title: Technological Wiz

HP: 70/70

MP: 90/90


"Wait, where do you see that?", asked Ben.

"It is in the skills tab on the right side where your equipment is.", explained David.

Just from that Ben immediately saw and opened it. "Looks like I am an ace pilot and good with blasters. I am level 6 and have an increased success rate in smuggling goods. Hmm so, in the end, it is just the stuff we already know of. There are even language skills...What about you, Jack?"

"Nothing much actually. My level is at 5." He was also looking at his kill window "My skill list is pretty empty. I am good at nothing. There is only my force sensitivity and language skills. And some weird skill I think my body had before he was carbonized. It only lets me survive without food for longer."

"No title at all that gives you some sort of boost?", asked David somewhat curiously.

"Oh, you are right. I got the title Lucky Star. It increases my general Luck immensely and the rate of...item drops...I see now."

"Hahaha. This is amazing. Looks like Jack is our little luck magnet. Even though a lot of crap does happen around ourselves.", said Ben and contemplated after a short euphoric outburst of happiness.

"Seems like with Luck so does Misfortune stay not far behind. Or maybe with beating our bad luck, we may gain even more good luck?", said David now and thought about it.

"Anyway, how can we see what this item is?", asked Ben now and looked at those armguards still in David´s hands.

"Right, I can only tell that it is very expensive. And that it is obviously an equipment.", nodded David in agreement.

"Let me see it. Maybe the one who it dropped for can look at the info?", said Jack and grabbed the armguards. Just as he did so another window opened up.

Both David and Ben were surprised. "What does it say?"

"I learned to identify it after touching it? It looks like I got a skill with which I can identify dropped items. That is convenient...", told Jack them and frowned.

"Force Psychometry maybe?", wondered David after hearing him out.

"Don't know, nothing shows up in the skills tab...", answered Jack.


"Nevermind that. What does the armguard say.", interrupted Ben him and waited to hear the info.

´Nice safe buddy.´

Jack looked at Ben and then back to the armguards.

*Zillo plated armguards / Rank: Legendary*

*Armguards that were created with the scales and skin of the Force Sensitive Zillo Beast. This skin is so hard that it can deflect most energy weapons and even parry lightsabers. A very unique fluid is needed to soften the skin to make it possible to forge it into armor. This version has a flair touch with dark blue paint covering it.*

"Holy crap...This is made out of Zillo skin. Well dips on me.", said Jack with a grin and strapped the armguards around his arms.

"Huh? What is a Zillo?", asked Ben.

But before David could answer him Jack just raised his arm. "Just shoot my arm and see."

Ben raised a brow. "Are you alright?"

"Just do it and you will see.", said David now as well.

"Alright...Let's hope your HP doesn't go down to 0, mate....", saying that Ben aimed his blaster and breathed in slowly and shot Jack his arm equipped with the armguard. The blaster shot flew and hit his arm with amazing accuracy.

Jack smiled and at least could trust Ben his aim with a blaster. Come to think, he also got a new skill while being intoxicated by the dark side at some point.

[Marksmanship was acquired.]

Getting back to the topic. Instead of doing damage, the blaster shot just deflected to the side. Doing no damage at all but slightly pushing his arm back in the opposite direction of the impact.

Ben was pretty surprised and raised both his brows in amazement. "Wow. That is some hard armor."

"That will really come in handy for Jack when he later gets a lightsaber. Cutting off his hands is basically impossible then. It can even withstand lightsabers after all. A full suite of that would be amazing but I doubt that will happen anytime soon. Do you see some kind of rarity?", chimed David in again.

"Yeah, legendary...so that something like that drops again will be near null..."

"Looks like your luck is really too damn high. No wonder you were revived as a sith.", sighed David.

"Well, let's get a move on. We are already wasting enough time. I feel like the more we waste the more it will become dangerous later.", he added this to his last words.

"You are right. Let's get moving.", nodded Jack after also getting a weird feeling from the Force around him. Was it a tremble in it? He never experienced something like that before. David was probably very on point with his premonition.

Jack even did try concentrating more on the exact feeling and get more information on what it was, but he could only feel coldness. And that didn't bode very well.

I would like your opinion on this chapter. Hmm <.<

Anyway Enjoy

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts
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