

It didn't take long after talking with the protocol droid and using its service that a hover cab soon arrived for their use.

Jack smiled and easily jumped into the craft. It was a little wobbly at the landing and you needed to get used to the floating but otherwise, it was stable. Ben also got in and sat down nonchalantly.

Both looked back at David who still was somewhat hesitant to get in. "What´s taking you so long. Get in.", told Ben him.

David looked below at the depths and passing cars and shook his head somewhat. "Did I ever tell you that I have a somewhat severe fright of heights?"

The speeder was a little gap apart from the platform they stood on previously and one needed to hop over to get in. So it looked like David became somewhat scared of jumping that distance.

But the others thought it shouldn't be a problem if he just takes this little jump without looking down too much. It was not really that far of a gap.

"Why is that thing not just landing on the platform?", complained David and got stressed out.

"Come on. I will even lend you a hand and catch you.", said Jack with a smile and stretched his right arm out to him.

David sighed and took all his courage and tried to jump over. But somehow he got so focused on jumping that he slightly tripped and fell down straight into the gap between the platform and the cab. He just went flying downwards right in front of Jack and Ben.

Jack´s eyes widened and his smile disappeared. "Shit! Ben, override the autopilot and dive down!", he shouted back and already saw Ben grabbing the steering wheel.

He pulled the wheel to the left to get some distance from the platform and made a small turn. After that, he pushed it inwards so that he could make a sharp 90 degree dive downwards after his falling friend.

While doing so Jack balanced himself on the seats with his legs and kept an eye on David´s position. The small Jawa was screaming while rapidly falling downwards.

Ben had to avoid some hovercrafts that were flying past them in the normal traffic so it took some time to reach David. David, on the other hand, was actually very lucky that he didn't get hit by another craft yet.

Reaching out his hand, Jack tried to grab David every time Ben came somewhat close to him.

"Damn it, Ben! We need to get closer! And keep this damn thing steady!", shouted Jack.

"I can't! This thing can't handle such steep dives! I can barely control it as is!", rebuked Ben. It is not like he didn't want to save his friend but couldn't. If he made the slightest steers at this speed now, the craft would make chaotic moves. This was as close as he could get and as fast as well. If they were faster and he landed on them he would be very likely dead.

´Come on! REACH!!´, Jack thought and gritted his teeth while stretching his arm in pain. The wind pressure didn't make it one bit easier, to say the least... Just as he thought they wouldn't make it and another cargo hovercraft would hit David, Jack started to sense something.

He felt like he already had a hold of David and slowly decelerated his fall. Then he made a grabbing motion with his hand and pulled as hard as he could. David was flung straight into their direction.

Noticing that, Jack immediately reached out once more and caught him. Ben saw that Jack got him into the craft and immediately decelerated the descend and slowly stabilized the craft to hover normally. "FUCK!" But not without swearing.

"You alright?", asked Jack his little friend and watched him. He could sense his immense fear lingering in his emotions.

David was silent for a while and even Ben frowned a little in worry now and looked back. "Say something, you dimwit."

"Never...", hushed David in a low voice.

"What?", exclaimed both Jack and Ben.

"I am never going to jump shit ever again! If you can drive this shit cab, then just park it beside me!!", he shouted in a very raged tone. His anger about this whole fiasco surfaced now.

Jack sighed and chuckled lightly. "Good, he is alright. Ben, put the commercial sector into the autopilot."

"Roger.", answered Ben after chuckling a little as well. Then he also gave the cab their destination.

"You bastards don't even care how I nearly shit myself there. I really saw my death again...", said the still shocked David with a begrudged voice.

"You got yourself a nice free fall. In our world, people would pay for this. But you should seriously get used to it, you know? And besides that, we are still here, mate.", smiled Jack at him and let him finally go after placing him on the seat near him.

"Never.", denied David. Now he would have an even worse trauma than the one he already had. With those last words said they just sat silently in the cab and waited until they reached their destination.

While he had nothing else to do and this little accident truly was nerve-wracking, Jack dazed off a little while looking at the neon lights. But shortly after he suddenly got a notification by Terra.

[Skill "Force Telekinesis" Acquired]

Somewhat surprised he looked at the new skills he acquired.

+ Force Telekinesis (Common/Passive). Level 1 (59%) +

- You can move or otherwise manipulate physical matter in a variety of ways with the Force. Under this category fall many different abilities like Push and Pull and its variants. The higher your level, the heavier the matter you can manipulate. And the further your reach becomes. Current: 5m and 100kg.

++ Force Lift (Common/Active). Level 1 (78%) +

- Active: (One-Handed 10 MP, Two-Handed 5MP, Instacast.

- Lifts up any Object in your capabilities. Speed = Slow. Duration = Long.

- Each level decreases cost by 0.1 - Current: 0.1 MP

++ Force Pull (Common/Active). Level 1 (46%)+

- Active: (One-Handed 20MP, Two-Handed 10MP), Instacast.

- You can pull things with a certain speed to yourself. Speed = Fast. Duration = Short.

- Each level decreases cost by 0.1 - Current: 0.1 MP

++ Force Push (Common/Active). Level 1 (12%)+

- Active: (One-Handed 20MP, Two-Handed 10MP), Instacast.

- You can push things with a certain speed away from yourself. Speed = Fast. Duration = Short.

- Each level decreases cost by 0.1 - Current: 0.1 MP

´I see, so what I used was really the Force in a combination of lift and pull. Thinking about it now, I do feel more tired than I was before. So I used up some MP. Looks like I have still a lot to learn until I can wield the Force out of habit and don't need to always keep an eye on my MP.´

[Jack, you could invest your next stat points into your Intelligence and Wisdom. Whereas INT gives you more MP in general, the WIS stat grants you higher Mana regeneration to be back at full capacity. With that, your lack of MP would be dealt with or be compensated. Or you could try meditation to increase your stats slowly. Since they are in the low range it is still possible to train them rather quickly. You actually increased your WIS by 1 with that last action.]

´Oh, hey there Terra. Then why did I not receive some notifications for that increase? The skills also just appeared now.´, he asked her.

[You were pretty occupied at that moment and the notifications don't show up when that is the case.]

´I guess that is plausible. But I got one question though. Why are all these skills common? Are Force powers not something special?´

[The skill is ranked common on the viewpoint of a Force-Sensitive. For other people, it would be rare but for Jedi and the likes it is not.]

Jack only nodded slightly to Terra and David saw that.

"What are you thinking about." His curiosity won the overhand and he just asked away.

Being told a question Jack looked back at David. "I think I used the Force to save you. I just thought it through a little bit."

David stared at him for a while after his words came out of his mouth. "Thanks." That was all he said and looked back to the front.

"What are you apologizing for?", asked Jack him with an amused smile.

"Well, I told you not to use anything Force related but because of me, you ended up doing it anyway. We could get problems with that." David was feeling slight guilt at this moment and didn't look Jack in the eyes.

Sensing his friend's little dilemma he just also looked away. "Don't work your head so much over spilled milk. We will get it done somehow. And it is not even proven that Grakkus´s goon saw us."

Ben heard them talking and chirped in as well now. "So what can you actually do now?", he asked and looked back to them. Ben didn't fly the craft anymore so he could just relax and look back to them both.

"Not much. That little stunt actually exhausted me. So don't expect me to do it again anytime soon, okay?", answered Jack them both.

"Got it." nodded Ben. Then he saw something. "I think we are about there. Holy crap the commercial district is right beside that huge casino or something? Why are we headed there?"

"It probably is. They probably got the most shops there. You could probably even get exotic stuff there if you got the money.", gave Jack once more as an answer.

"What do you mean with exotic stuff?" Now Ben became curious.

"Just wait for a little, alright? There is also very likely a cantina somewhere around there. We can get something to eat and fill our stomachs.", hushed Jack him now. They were landing now. And look and behold. The craft this time around stopped on the platform and not in the air.

Both Ben and David nodded to this. Mentioning food it let themselves notice that they were actually hungry. They had not eaten since the point they were transported to this world.

Hmm, now I wonder how I should differentiate certain skill trees etc. I think I will have to rethink this whole RPG element. At least how the skills work. Or he would end up even worse than Starkiller with his Force powers later xD

Hmm *thinking*

He does need to pay for a certain price for his actions after all. At least at the start. If someone has any suggestions for improvement, I am all ears.

Until next time.

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts
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