
Lucas Is Sad

My eye twitch at the scene before me. "What are you doing here?"

Lucas gave me a big grin. "I want to hang out!" It's been two days since the attack incident so what the hell is he up to?

I look down at my watch to see that it's 9pm at night. Huh, and here I thought it's still afternoon for Lucas to be bothering me right now. I gave him a blank look and pointed towards my watch. "What time is it Lucas?"

"9:07 pm!" He said enthusiastically.

"Yes, so again what are you doing here at this time of night where people should be at their homes relaxing or sleeping?"

"Like I said to hangout! I'm usually at the club by this hour but! Since we've now established our friendship we need to strengthen it!" Lucas spat out some bullsh*t right there. I'm starting to rethink whether admitting that I thought of him as a friend was a good idea.

I closed the door on his face wand went back to my living where I originally was before he started bothering me. I heard him knock not loud but night light either just enough for me to hear. It was continuous, with a consistent rhythm, it was a steady knocking like how serial killers would knock. I tried to ignore it at first but the sound just seemed irritating to my ears and my dogs won't cuddle with me because they kept look at the door. I just sighed and stood up and headed towards the door and opened it.

I saw Lucas gave me an ear splitting grin. "Get inside." I ordered.

Lucas happily went in and sat down by the couch. I just stared at him. "Soooo..."

"What are you really here for, Lucas?" I asked. I knew from the moment I saw him at my door something was wrong and it has something to do with a girl and I don't want to deal with that.

Lucas' head drooped. "Ivory and I fought." I knew it. I didn't see Ivory at his party last time and usually she would attend his parties. "I've actually wanted to talk to someone about this but I really don't have anyone to talk to, you know since most of my friends aren't really my friends."

"Let me guess you've confessed to Ivory." I deadpanned.

Lucas looked at me in shock, probably wondering how I knew about his feelings for her. He hid it pretty well but the way he occasionally glances at her with that glint in his eyes and the way he looks away when we talk about her girlfriend are just dead give aways.

"How did you know?" He asked with clear curiosity in his eyes.

"I'm psychic." That and he just looked so sad I can't help but conclude that it has to be about someone he's close to, it sure as hell is not his family.

Lucas looked even more shocked and confuse. "Really?"

I whacked his head. "No, idiot. I've know you had feelings for Ivory even at the time you haven't realised it yet."

He rubbed his head. "Was it that obvious?"

"Not, really. In fact you hid it really well. It's just that nothing can escape my eyes." I said with arrogance in my voice.

Lucas sulked even more as he covered his face with a pillow from the couch. "I'm so stupid!"

"Yes, yes you are." I readily agreed. "Why did you even confess when you know she has a girlfriend?"

"I don't know!" He shouted against the pillow.

I patted his hair in a comforting manner. "You're always together, Lucas. Why did you loose control?"

He gripped the pillow tighter. "I couldn't take it, Bai. You're not around that often but she would always talk about her girlfriend. How she's so perfect. I thought I can endure it but, when she told me she dated a guy before, it stuck to my mind. I avoided Ivory because I didn't want to entertain the thought of the possibility of being together." He lifted his head up to breath and stuffed it in the pillow again. "I started thinking on what if I told her how I feel, I guess she picked up how I'm acting weird and constantly avoiding her lately. She confronted be and I couldn't hold back and told her." He then started punching the couch in frustration.

I just let him vent his feelings out. "You know, Lucas. Ivory isn't the kind to prolong the problem. Did she try contacting you?" He didn't respond at first but later gave me a nod. This idiot, I sighed internally. "You're still avoiding her?" He nodded again. "You don't want to be friends anymore?"

"Want." The pillow muffled his voice but I still understood.

"Then stop being a p*ssy and talk to her."

"Don't want." He said.

"She wouldn't contact you if she didn't want to mend your friendship, right?" I asked. He didn't speak so I continued. "If you don't talk to her, I won't talk to you either." I threatened. Since he won't cooperate might as well make him feel cornered until he agrees.

He looked at me, with his eyes red and the way his mouth is formed just looked... ugly. Lucas is an ugly crier, with his handsome face nobody could've known. "You're mean."

I smirked. "When was I ever nice?"

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