
Being Chased

Lucas looked at me and I looked back. I could see it in his eyes what he's about to ask me. "Can I stay over?"

"No." I bluntly refused.

He pouted a bit. "Please?" What is he? Three years old?

I laughed sarcastically. "No."

"Why not?" He asked still having that abandoned puppy look.

I smirked. "The question is why should I?"

"But we're friends now! Friends stay over at each other's house." He explained as if what he said was fact.

"No, I don't think that's how friendship works."

"How do you know?" He asked while crossing his arms. Is he trying to jab at me for being friendless? I have Shen Jin as a friend and he doesn't force his way in my home.

"I'm all knowing so go home." I said as I made shoo-ing motion.

Lucas didn't move and just laid down on the couch playing dead. I tried poking his sides but unfortunately he's not ticklish. "I'll give you 10 seconds to move your *ss."




Still no response




I saw his feet twitch





Go Skye! Bite!" In ordered at my tiny shitzu.

She barked in a high pitched tone which made Lucas jump and put his feet on the couch. He looked at my shitzu confused then looked at me. But before he could process any information regarding the situation Skye jumped on the couch and bit his foot where Lucas screeched and jump towards the floor. He began running away while Skye chased him around. I sat down and Blu went up the couch to lay on my lap while I enjoy the screaming of Lucas somewhere in the kitchen. I bet he's running around the kitchen table.

"Baaiiiii!!!" I heard him yell but I just ignored it as a caressed my pitbull's fur. "Bai help meee!!!"

I stood up and opened the door towards the hallway and wait for Lucas to realize that it is his only gateway to escape Skye. I continued to smile at Lucas' screams, I'm glad my apartment is soundproof or else I'll get noise complaints from the neighbors.

I saw him come out of the kitchen and started running towards me but that didn't take long before Skye came out and chased after him. They both ran in circles with the couch in the middle. "Bai help meee!"

I sighed. "The door is over there Lucas. She'll stop chasing you if you get out."

Lucas let out a frustrated shout and dashed towards the exit. When he got out Skye stopped by the door frame and didn't step one paw out. Skye pushed the door using her head and closed it and made her way towards me while wagging her tail. I rubbed her head. "Good girl!"

I picked her up and out her on my lap as he made her way towards my chest and tried to lick my face. I laughed at her cute antics, Blu also stood up and started licking me as well. "Stop, ew." I said as I wipe the slobber off of my face.

My phone vibrated and I saw a text from Lucas complaining how unfair I was. He'll be back soon he says. I scoffed as if he'll have the courage to come back.


When Monday rolled in I didn't attend any classes because my flight towards our family island is later this afternoon. I texted Shen Jin that I wasn't coming to school for a few because I had stuff to do. I didn't tell him that tomorrow would be my mother's birthday. I packed up my bags and contacted Min to babysit my dogs for a few days, my dogs aren't that high maintenance all he needs to do is feed them. I wouldn't even be gone that long.

I drove my car all the way towards his house to drop off my dogs. I rang the doorbell and the on the one who opened was Min and a little rice ball behind his back.

"Big brother Bai!" The rice ball exclaimed as he hug my legs.

I let out a laugh and ruffled his hair. "Hey there lil guy!"

I giggled St me and motioned for me to carry him. I crouched down and held him in my arms.

Min smiled at me and I smiled back. "Hey Bai."

"Hey Min, thanks for agreeing on taking care of my dogs."

He just nodded. "Don't mention it."

He opened the door wire to let me and my dogs inside. I put down Max, which is Derrick's son, down.

"I thought Derrick's day off today?" I asked offhandedly since Max is always at Min's house regardless of Derrick's schedule but I didn't expect Min to suddenly blush. How intriguing.

"He just went shopping." He said trying to play it cool.

I smirked. "Did he now?"

Y'all want to see what I look like?

SecretlyHerecreators' thoughts
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