
12 Songs and a Tale

-Hello. I am Lily Valse. -Eh? Oh, right. And I am Mia Akabane. -Don't be nervous. -I'm not. -You sure? Anyway, we're working on a musical album that should be out any time soon. Mia is our pianist and composer. -And Lily is the lyricist and the designer of the whole project. -Yes. Our manager got the idea of recording our sessions to... I don't know. Do we really have to do this? We were onto something important. -Follow us to see our journey and to listen to our songs soon! Let's go, Lily. I just thought of something. -Mia?! Don't hold my hand like that... -Why? Just hurry, or Violette will realize we haven't recorded enough. -Well, see ya, guys. You're going to be amazed. Mia, you're too close!

JMerowall · LGBT+
Pas assez d’évaluations
4 Chs

Two Unfinished Songs I

Brrr. Brrrr.

"Oh no," Mia Akabane thought, while she opened her eyes, slowly waking up on her bed.

A drill roared in the upstairs department.

Brrr. Brrr.

"Please, please," she begged for herself one more time, hiding her head under the pillow.

Brrr. Brrr.

"Oh, this can't be real. Why does this happen to me? Ah!" she yelled in her mind and immediately threw the pillow far away, while she sat on the mattress.

"I think I was dreaming with my piano," she whispered while yawning.

Mia rubbed her eyes and looked around with a sleepy stare.

She lived in a small, blue-colored apartment, with just a bed, a small wardrobe, a bathroom, and a kitchen with a dining table just big enough to fit two people.

Nonetheless, Mia had turned it into her home, at least since and for the time she had to live there.

Little details here and there, like a purple apron hanging from the fridge and a shopping list next to it. On the kitchen stands, some simple plastic dishes with blue borders perfectly piled, and new shiny pans drying on the sink.

On her night table, a picture of her parents from not so long ago, and on the wall, a small whiteboard with a couple of memos written on it.

And in the corner…

Brrr, brrr

Mia threw a deadly stare at the ceiling. She growled, resembling an annoyed kitten, and then she shook her head.

"To begin with, who the hell starts drilling at nine in the morn…? Nine? Wait. Ten?" she said. "No, wait. What time is it?!"

Mia opened her amber eyes widely, and in a single rushed motion, she slapped the surface of her night table until she found her mobile, throwing it on the floor.

She crouched to pick it up with a lithe jump and looked at the screen.

"Oh no. William is going to kill me! Ah! Should I have breakfast? I don't know… I have to shower. I haven't chosen my clothes for today… I shouldn't have stayed up so late," she said while standing up.

And quickly, Mia sprinted to the bathroom, taking off her pajamas as she ran.

A while later, Mia brushed her white and long hair with the help of a small table mirror. Now, she was wearing a black sweater, a long brown skirt, white socks, and black shoes.

After using doing the whole brushing routine for a seventh time, Mia smiled at the mirror for herself, took her cellphone, and made a call.

Beep, beep, beep.

"Hello?" a woman replied.

"Oh, hello, mom. How are you feeling today?" Mia asked.

"Better. But my foot still hurts a lot. At least, not as much as before. I guess you can call that progress, heh. What about you, Mia?"

"I'm glad to hear that, Mom," Mia replied, closing her eyes relieved. "I'm alright. A stupid drill woke me up, but I'm fine."

"Hey, did you have breakfast already?" her mom asked. "You said you'd try a new recipe today."

"Oh, yeah. About that…"

"You woke up late, didn't you, Mia?"

"No, no… It's just… Ah, yeah. Today William needs some help at the restaurant they have here, so, I was thinking of having breakfast with him before we got started."

"Well, alright. But eat something filling, or you'll pass out."

"Yup, mom. I will show you that recipe some other time. Also get something yummy to eat today, alright. So you can heal in no time."

"Will do, honey."

"Where's Dad?"

"Oh, he went to get lunch for both of us. Did you need something?".

Mia shook her head as if her mother could see her.

"Nope, I just wanted to say hi to him. Maybe I'll text him later," she said. "Mom, I have to go now. It's getting late."

"Alright, honey," her mother told her tenderly. "Take care. And hey, don't' worry about me. Nor about the money. If you need more…"

"No, don't worry. I told you I had gotten a couple of commissions with the piano. I'll be fine, okay?"

"You sure?"


"Okay then. Good luck today! I love you."

"I love you too, mom. Take a lot of care. Bye-bye."


Mia finished the call with a finger tap, and hugged the phone over her chest, closing her eyes tightly.

"I have to go now… I miss you both so much," she whispered for herself. "I'm starving. Oh… I hope I make it in time to grab something on my way there."

Mia stood up, fixed her skirt, picked up a violet backpack, and left the apartment while humming a silly love song.