
12 letters

Arranged marriage don't always end up in a cheesy plot of falling in love . Hurting people who hurt people doesn't make you a hero . Bleeding on people who didn't cut you , will not cure your sorrow . Who is the real victim and who is the real villain ? But we all know that " a villain is a victim who's story wasn't told " .

_raevii7 · Urbain
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The thin white curtains has failed blocking out the sunlight coming threw the windows , lighting up the large room where a beautiful young lady sitting on the white sheets of her bed . The room is messy due to the constant coming in and out by her family members checking up on her , friends taking pictures expressing how happy they were to see her in beautiful white dress , maids asking if she needed anything , hairdresser making sure her hair is still put on it's place , yet , no sign of neither her mother nor her father , of course they would not come , how can they ? They can not bear seeing their daughter being taken away from them , especially if it's against her both of her and the groom's well .

The light shot on her face as she sat on the bed right in front the window , the shining rays of the sun made her light brown hair lighter , her brown eyes wondering on a little notebook she held softly humming little unknown melody before raising the black pen and drawing words on the paper . She loved to write her feeling in a lyrical way .

" Agatha " a familiar male voice came from outside her door . ' Didn't I said I want to be left alone ? ' she thought , quite surprised that the caller actually had enough courage to come .

" Yes father ? Is it time ? " she replying in a soft voice still writting on the papers ." Not yet , but i thought i must pay you a visit before they take my little angel " he said , little bit too happy for her liking .

Agatha let go a long breath " come in then , the door is open " she replied .

Her father's heavy footsteps got louder as he closed the door behind him and got close to his daughter who's back was facing him , he knew she would look fascinating without even taking a look on her face , his scent filled the room .

" my dear , you are stunning ! " he said exciting , again , a little too much for her liking .

Agatha huffed " well of course ! they paid for I me ! I must look the best way I can be " she looked at him with a sore smile . She noticed how his brown hair is perfectly put and how the black suit matched the dark blue tie he wore , " you don't look bad yourself " Agatha stated .

" May I ? " her father said glancing at the empty place beside his daughter , she only nodded her head lightly " my dear do I have to remind you of the reason why we had to make this arranged marriage ? " he said in a sad tone . Agatha chuckled .

" No you don't , it's for the company " she said .

they had a flower company , it started with one flower shop , small one , now look , a whole company , who thought flowers can get you that much of success ? However now they are broke , it's not the first time but for some reason Agatha's father decided that it's the time to change their buisness into something else other than flowers , to do that , they had to start from zero , her mother was not pleased with the decision , not because she loved the flowers but because she lived the rich lifestyle , starting from zero will not make her live in a tent near the bakery asking for pennies to by bread , no , they still had a little enough money , they have their house , but she don't want that , she want champagne , elegant channel dresses and Gucci 's perfumes . So she came up with a meeting with Oliver Cromwell , a buisness man along with his wife grace Cromwell and had a deal , marrying their son to their daughter to keep buisness running .

Of course Agatha was against it , but she can do nothing about it , it was done already .

" My dear child " Agatha's father started , as his voice got quieter " do you realize how realize how my heart is-" Agatha cut her father by raising her hand .

" no need to say anything it's already done " she said in a monotone voice .

" But Agatha , marriage is not the end of your life " he said , his tone was still sad " you will have a beautiful kids carrying the same litle stars on your cheeks " He tried to make the mood lighter .

" Who said I am against the idea of getting married and having kids ? " she said softly , although there was a tent of sadness , Agatha's brown eyes met with her father's , they carried the same eye color .

" I am against marrying this way " she said " to people like them " she finished . Agatha's father left speechless n she handed him her notebook and pen " I shall take this with me , please put it with my other stuff " he took her notebook , his eyes not leaving the floor . He was ashamed of himself , he never imagined that someday he would do the same thing his parents did to him .

" Agatha my dear it's time ! " Agatha's mother came in dressing in a beautiful vintage red dress , her long black hair covering her back .

" Mother please knock " Agatha said little annoyed .

" I am excited ! My apologies ! look at you looking all beautiful ! come on Noah take her ! I will be waiting ! " Noah got up from his seat .

" Here " he handed her the notebook " put it with Agatha's stuff before you leave " She took the notebook .

" Oh and Emma , please tell them to not ask anything or talk to her , she's already tired " He sighed . Emma frowned but choose to say nothing and left .

Agatha felt her head heavier than normal , she was overthinking about what is she doing , she is actually marrying someone she don't know ? Well , she did saw little of his personality last time they met . She still have a scar on her right hand , she covered it with a glove .

She waited patiently , grabbing on her father's hand making sure he didn't feel the way her hand was shaking from how stressed she was . Is she really doing that ?

The bride and the groom had their kiss , you know how they say you can feel someone's emotion though the kiss ? well this one held nothing , no emotion .

The hall was so pretty , actually it's a lazy way to describe it , purple flowers decorating the white walls , tables cloth colored in white having little flower design on it's edges , on the table was the same purple flowers that decorated the walls , the white curtains were covering the colossal windows . Their house is indeed a big castle , everyone looked descent as well , they looked so happy .

Mr and Mrs Cromwell looked so happy , pleased by the cute , simple yet elegant decoration . But what they were happy about the most was the fact that their son is marrying a polite , respectful lady , unlike the one Mr. Mark was planning on marrying . As rich people who held a big and known company they had a reputation to hold into . Of course their only and most spoiled son did not care about his or his parents reputation , he was doing everything he can do to make his parents disapointed . Why ? He was just so used on being forgiving , never scolded , never been yelled at , but when he grew up and started doing everything that any religion or a law would fine a sin and illegal putting his parents name on danger he got scolded , did it work ? of course no ! He didn't like the sound of his father's voice when he said " I am ashamed of you ! " , not like he cared about what his parents think of him , after all , they should be grateful for having him as a son , Mark was educated , handsome , well built , smooth talker , probably taken that talent from his father , but most importantly , he made the buisness grow even twice bigger , Mark started working with Oliver , his father , since 18 , now Mark is 23 and aware of how a buisness would be run , so they should be grateful ! This is when Mrs and Mr Cromwell knew they did a terrible job at raising this kid . It was still under control , they let him be , but once Mark brought a tall , skinny woman , dressed up in the shortest black skirt , she couldn't even take two steps before it being left up . High red heels , a crop top that made tiny bit of her chest showing , wearing red , glossy lipstick , eyeliner that sharper than a knife claiming she was his girlfriend and was planning on marrying her . Now that can cause a problem .

" Mother , father , meet my beloved Angela !" Mark said with wide grin on his face .

" Now that's the first lady you bring home and actually interduce her to us ! But you really didn't have to , you might as well just take her and leave " Grace , his mother said glaring at the red headed girl .

" I'm interducing her to you guys because I'm planning on marrying her ! " Mark added .

This was just a little flash back on how the events run that day , surely that wasn't it . It ended up with his father kicking him out of the house before yelling a sentence that Mark wouldn't really forget .

" The day i die is the day you call that slut your wife ! "

Mark was angry , his parents finally having enough of his games . Has made a special guard to keep him away from doing all the sins he had done . The guard even used his fists couple times , even though Mark is quiet the fighter the guard was stronger he did brought him back to his doorway covered in blood once or twice . MR and Mrs Cromwell never punished the guard , that why they hired him for , it was their way of putting their little boy for disaboying them . They simply had enough .

And now look at this ! Markie is getting married ! When Mrs St . James said they needed money , they made a deal . And who would be better than Agatha ? Agatha respected everyone regarding how they treated her , she might sound like a savage , but she had never ever tried to fight . Even if it was for her own rights . They know their son would be very unpleased with the idea of getting married to another woman who isn't his little Angela .

Mrs Grace thought " he might fall in love with Agatha ! She is every man's dream wife ! She might be able to make Mark a better man ! " .

Mr Oliver thought of it as a punishment for his son , he loved his son so much that when he saw him getting worst and worst decided to tortur him instead of teaching him manners , he felt his son's pain , he cried every time his son came to their door steps with bruises on his face , he cried every time seeing his son bringing another hooker to their house , he cried every time his son came home drunk , high or simply wanting to start an argument with them . If his son is enjoying his father's suffer , then he will for sure enjoy his son's suffer .

( Heavy head , unfair fights . Oh my god ! I'm out of sight again . Just spin , back ) .

Little did Grace know that when her beloved son is fallen in love with his sins and darkness , he can not see the pure and the light that Agatha would bring , little did she know , when a pure gentle heart filled with love , trust , respect is against a mean heart filled with ,envy , hatred , disgust . The light will not stand a chance ?

( Cold heart , patient eyes , the shattered sparks of the moonlight shines , with colors and pearls )

Little did Oliver know that when he make his son suffer , he will not handle it by himself but will pour it on someone else , on another victim that will not stand a chance against it , on a poor little girl who only knew abuse and hatred but only learned love and kindness .

( The cold waves keep taking me up and down I down . Becareful you are forced to swim so you won't drown )

Little did Mrs ans Mr St. James know that their little angel will be thrown to hill , and they gave her to the devil himself , that they never tought her how to defend herself , calling anyone who speaks for himself an impolite and rude . If only she was rude .

( Creepy creatures with shinning scales in the saltiest cold )

This is not a cheesy love story were they fall in love after an arranged marriage , no , this is way deeper than this .

( Why would you sell something if it wasn't yours ? )

Wonder how's going to end ?

Hi there ! Hope you like it <3

_raevii7creators' thoughts