

In 2025 Humanity began to fall into despair. The reason for this is RAGNAROK. it was the first Ragnarok, some people hide under their blankets, while some construct a safe place to survive, and some people are ignorant... for this type of person surviving doesn't have any meaning. fortunately, there are still people who constantly Train to become strong. If only there is no Heroes that want to save humanity without even getting a proper meal... I wouldn't be born in this Fancy, beautiful world. #Earth-080322

Luzrav · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Living Inside A Cage #3

*Knock Knock

"Wait, I'm coming..." Says Derek. "Let's go im so hungry right now, btw did you know? back in the day, people is scared of something living inside their bathroom... IDK why they were scared thought" Says Derek while walking in the corridor. When Derek spoke Nero pulled out his pen and wrote in his Notebook. "How do you know that. I think it's a Myth from the Old World? Isn't it?" Read Derek while scratching his head. "There is no need to be surprised, am I not telling you already? so the thing is, you know my father and mother are quite popular After the Ragnarok end they are quite active too, well their rank is not that high but their powers are top-notch. Then how about your parents?" Says Derek while Questioning.

My parents... ugh I don't wanna talk about that bi*ch and her a*shole husband, He thought. Nero started writing... "They're Trash." Read Derek while making a confused face. "Well you sure hiding it well...hahaha, I didn't think you would say that kind of thing." Continue Derek. Nero Started Writing with his gloomy face... "I'm Sure You'll Agree After You Know Them?" Read Derek, "I see, I'm getting excited to see your parents now hehe. More on that later let's enter the elevator." Says Derek.

In the Canteen. Woah the Canteen is looking nice and the design looks like an 'All You Can Eat' Restaurant... that's great hehe I'm gonna eat a lot from now on. hahaha*Evil Laugh there is nothing that can stop me now even Vincent is not here... That guy is f*ckin annoying... I get chilled every time I remember those days when we lived together. "So many people right... haha it's not that many there are just 26 people here, you know the test was strict. look there they're twins Fenix and Fiona, They're the child of Terra he is Rank 65th on the leaderboard... also his wife, Amber is an Expert Rank in Alchemist!!", "Oh, There is also Princess Linette Van Erun" whispered Derek.

Im not shocked by that... after all, we are at the best academy in the world founded by the 6 Higher-ups, still, I gonna kill someone who tries to mess up with me... but Linette, is Renner Van Erun's daughter. Erun... the new monarch of the UK. Althought he is already dead his name still influences his grandchild. his wealth is like sand in the desert... what an interesting person, Linnette Van Erun. He thought.

"*Whisper Hey Nero look over there... he is not an ordinary child, his name is Edward, look at his white hair, his blue pupils and panda eyes, he is older than us but his height is the same as us. He is gonna get bullied if we are still in the old world, and probably gonna called Weeb or something like that. he is sure is a clown party. But there is a rumor going around that says his White hair is because of his special skill... he even has insomnia because of it!! isn't that insane? I feel sorry for him..." Says Derek pitying Edward.

Edward, Vincent already told me... he is not ordinary indeed... he has western blood. I do not remember all of that but I think he says that Edward was invited to this academy because his special skill is so dangerous and he can't control it, He thought. Nero writing in his Notebook..."Let's Go To Our Room... I'm So Full Right Now... So Sleepy." Read Derek while breathing in. "Hufft... Alright time to go to bed, tomorrow will be busy, though I still want to chit-chat because there is nothing I can do in my room... Arrgh*Frustrated this is so boring. If only I can say this to my parents..." Says Derek who is worn out.

In the corridor before entering the rooms.

"Waitt Nero... I just want to ask you. If you happen to wake up early could you also wake me up? don't worry I will add your face and fingerprint into the System. So please if not I'm not gonna wake up" ask Derek while being like a beggar. Nero's Note..."Yes, and you're welcome??." Read Derek while chuckling. "Thank you very much, I will learn how to wake up early I promise... so yeah see you tomorrow." Says Derek Leaving.

Ahhh finally in my room again, that red Spicy Shetoes... he is probably the type of person who always breaks their promise, he is just a dumber. anyway, why do you need a face and fingerprint, to enter your f*cking friend who lives on the same roof?? that's just pure idiotic... whatever I need to give him ASAP or he will be asleep, He Thought.

*Srakk Where is the automatic printer? ugh, I'm sure it's in this small cupboard... aha found it... Just place my finger on this hologram phone like... and then scan my face... send it to his email and all done... Time to sleep, He thought.

In the Morning.

*Hoam *wipe eye. what time is it? *look. Hmm *wipe his eyes. *Look closer. Whattt 6 am already??? ahh, im gonna be late *rushing to the bathroom. Where are my clothes? *confused. there it is... *Door Closed. Wait, wait I still need to wake up that motherfu#ker... argh, what a shitty day, why am I waking up late? I need to decrease my portion *Facepalm. *Door Opened. *Shaking his hand. wake up Hoy, please awake or we will be late... this b#tch *Wrinkle. you will regret it if I'm late *Bite.

"Waaaa, stop it hurt. why did you do that to my hand?" Says Derek who is Crying. Nero Note... "We are late, let's go ASAP." Read Derek. "Woahh, you are right, it's already 7 pm wait here I'll take a shower first." Says Derek while getting panic. "Let's go it's 7.23 now, the class will start at 7.30. Hurry up." Says Derek while running to the elevator.

Hahh...Hahh finally we arrived. It's just 2 minutes left before we are late. Hmm, but where is Miss Anne?? She is not here yet. well, it was a relief then, He thought. "Let's sit here, in the middle." Says Derek. "But where is Miss Anne, it's strange she is not here yet..." Questioning Derek.

7.40 am "Hello everyone sorry I'm late... there is something I need to do last night so I take a bunch of coffee, Ehe. Please forgive me." Says Anne while scratching his head.

"Let's begin our class, but before we talk about the heroic Story of the number 2 Rank in the New World Cardi G Kenzie. You need to understand why Lord Cardi is heroic and how his journey from rock bottom until he becomes like now." Explain Miss Anne.

"First let's talk about Skills. There is 3 type of Skills, First is Special skills. It's like a natural thing that Awaken. the awakening will vary from person to person and it will happen everywhere, anywhere. unlike Sub-Skills, Special skills are restricted only to one person so it's basically like its name 'Special'. Second, there is Sub-Skill. this skill is not that random. after you were born, the windows will be automatically activated the Sub-Skill progress. Basically, all your actions or thinking will be calculated as progress after your progress is already 100% it will unlock the skill after you Awakened or not if the progress is still not done. And Third Normal Skills... to acquire normal Skills you need to get them by yourself, for example, a person who has Swordsman Sub Skill doesn't mean this person can use a sword like an expert. That's why he needs training, when he training he then gains a skill like Thurst or something like Slash. it's basically prowess that is recorded in Skills. But there are also Normal Skills that don't require Training like normal Skills of cooking, or something like status ailment or resistance. The important thing is Normal skill doesn't limit to one weapon, Like for example a Sword normal skill 'Slash' doesn't require a specific Sword, a knife or a dagger will work, and even a shape of a sword also work no matter what it made out of!!! That's why normal skills have Their own nickname 'Sub-Job' it's a popular thing in a game back in the day." Explain Miss Anne.

"From there we move to the leveling. you can level up your skills, but only Special and Sub-Skill level up. The max level of both categories is 20. There is also a Quest before you can unlock Ability from both categories For Special Skills you need to complete Ability Quest from levels 10 and 20 to unlock your skill, for Sub Skill it's only 20. You gain new abilities every 5 levels. So that's it, I know it's boring, but I need to explain just in case there is someone who still doesn't know." Explain Miss Anne. "Okay now you guys understand about it, let's see the History." Says Miss Anne.

Cardi G Kenzie is just an ordinary person. He has money but not that much. Because of the World Isolation. his money is not that big of a deal. He Currently looks at his only Family Isabella G Kenzie his younger sister... she is sick because of Ciru a Goblin-like monster with a poisonous claw. its poison is so strong, that it stays on your body until your death. because of that, normal people from the old world would instantly dead after getting this Ciru Poison. But even if she is stronger, she is still not awakening yet, that's why she can only sleep on her bed while the poison spread very slowly... and waiting for her death. well RCR people are working to make a detox for this Ciru Poison... but still, it needs time. After that Lord Cardi decided to make more money to prepare for the detox, he know that when the first launch of a product will be very expansive so instead of waiting for the price to slowly lower, he has a better idea to save money and buy the detox right out of the bat.

While making that decision 17 years old Cardi G Kenzie is going to the HAR(Heroes Association Ranking) it was his first time there, so he ask them "How do you get a license to go to Hunting Portal?" He says. then they answer the question "We need to see your status and our boss will decide whether you can get your license or not." he then shows the receptionist his Status Window. "Hmmm your stat on Int is quite high but your overall is still lacking. hmm, let's see your Skills. For Special skill is... Psychic and for the level is... 15?? woah it's quite high for your age, then let's see the ability you've got..." Says The Receptionist.

"Hmmm, your ability is... First Astral Manipulation, Second Psychic Shield, And The Third are Force Field... I'm seeing that your special skill does not have a destructive ability like a normal mage category... and then your sub skill is Enchantment? Woah it was a good sub skill for a party... so you have level 17 on this, then the ability you've got is Attack power up, Magic power up, and Strength Enchantment...Alright, Im gonna tell the boss first and see if he's busy or not after that I will escort you to his room." Says Receptionist. "Alright, thanks" reply Cardi.

After that, she tells the boss Nova Scotia... about all that she discovered, after she will go back to take Lord Cardi with her, Then Nova decided that he is not powerful enough because of the belief people that day have, that a skill that has not destructive from the start was not powerful enough to take the challenge on Hunting Portal "Hmmm from your look I can't tell are you a Heroes or just a Fortune Teller Haha, you know right your skill is not meant to use for a hunt, I'm sorry but I can't give you a license."

He seems hopeless after the talk...a Fortune Teller it's a job that was quite popular before world Isolation. Lord Cardi is the type of person who has an unbreakable will, he then decided to train hard after he found out that he can use his skills while in Astral State. That was his discovery of how to use Astral Manipulation. after that he train his body in the morning after taking care of his sister, and at night he use Astral state to level up his skills. After a while of doing that Repeatedly both his Special and Sub Skill are level 20, he has already taken the quest of his Sub Skills, he gathers the information beforehand and chooses the best strategy. it was like a game he just need to buff his team while constantly moving for about 10 minutes, the skill he got is Magic Enchantment this is the ability that brought him to Rank 2, because of the ability to Improve oneself Magic Skills to the higher levels, means that the limitation of one skill would be removed, for about 5 minutes. He then begins his Special skill Ability Quest, It was a hard quest, he need to search for a shining rock in the ocean. fortunately, he has a skill Psychic Shield to use for going to the bottom ocean... of course, he can't use Astral Manipulation because he needs to grab the rock for clearing the quest. there is not a single Monster there but what makes it difficult is to find the shiny rock, he also worried about his sister if it takes too long. 4 hours have passed since the quest begin... finally he found the shiny rock. He was shocked because of the ability that he got... It was Psychokinesis, Of course, he knew what it is... and what it was used for. But then he was disappointed that he just can control a single spoon, he even tried to make the spoon break or twist but it was hard for him because of his lack of experience to control the power.

Moving forward after the Mastered Psychokinesis ability he then again tries to get a license, it is a terrifying thing for the Boss Nova. He controls all the people that are in the HAR building with Telekinesis and throws them out of there. After that, he elegantly flew to the top of the building... Nova was mad and had a grudge towards him because he destroyed the roof... but then after he saw Lord Cardi crushing the building like a piece of paper... and Making an origami bird out of it, that was... shockingly beautiful... was scared the shit out of him. He then moves toward the boss and with a calm voice of his he says "Are my Special Skills Destructive enough...to get a license?" Says Cardi. Then Boss Nova decided to give him an Expert Rank License.

Then from that very moment, Lord Cardi Nickname was born, he begin to climb to the top while constantly Sharpening his claws. He Made so many achievements whether from the Portal or Ragnarok... but the achievement that stands out from the other is the born of the New World.

Because of the damage caused by the Number 1 Rank Heroes, many countries were destroyed. because of that, There were six people called Higher-ups that requested Lord Cardi personally to unite the entire world. Then he accepts the request because of the amount of money they offer to him. He begins to use his Psychokinesis to pull out all the objects, plants, animals, and humans to the sky, he then arranged the land like it is a sandbox game. he like the star shape, but then again he needs to make it a big circle and land like tentacles, 3 on the left side and 3 on the right side... that's right it will gonna be the place of Higher-ups. Then throw all the things that he pull before.

"Alright, that's how the Transition of the New World, And the Heroic Story of Lord Cardi aka Cardi G Kenzie, that will be remembered forever. Okay, guys tomorrow the Topic would be about the portal and Ranking System. That's it for today, don't forget to take a meal before going to bed, Bye and see you tomorrow." Says Miss Anne. "Alright, Thanks for today Miss Anne" Shout Everyone.

Guess Edward Special Skill's, i have already sprinkle Hints here and there... Good Luck ^_^

Luzravcreators' thoughts