MARVEL fan gets reincarnated in MARVEL i dont own MARVEL only my mc
I looked at thor smiling crazily, then thor returned the smile.
I looked over the arena i saw sif and thor's friend. I saw loki who was looking at me like i was a animal, i sneered at him, and then loki turned red with red looking like he will kill me.
I heard a 'START!!!!'.
I said "wait, wait, wait!".
Thor looked at me and shouted "are you scared?!".
I said "no, no, no, let's fight without weapons, i don't have a weapon so let's fight fairly".
Thor smiled reliefed, and then he threw his hammer away.
Thor once again rushed to me and my spider sense instantly warned me, i dodged his punches pretty easily then punched him at the jaw with full force, everything goes silent.
Everyone was shocked that i could even land a punch.
Thor had a little blood on his lip but grinned. Then we just punched each other back and forth for 15 minutes.
At the last moment we both punched each other with all our streangth in the face.
The punches were so strong that a dust cloud came up. After a couple of seconds it dissapeared and there i was standing completely bloodied and Thor was knocked out near me.
Noone dared say anything.
I could see everyone was extremely shocked, especialy loki.
Then the announcer akwardly said "winner Jack Frost from midgard".
After i heard that i passed out.
I woke up in a asgardian bed. Then i looked around.
After a while Thor came running in the room smiling and said "GOOD fight brother, the all-father is willing to meet you, tho next time we should fight with weapons.
I looked at Thor remembering that he was immature right now, then i smiled and said "indeed, tho next time you won't stand a chance against me". The we both burst out laughing.
"how long was i out?" i asked feeling my injuries almost healed.
"for about a week" chuckling said Thor.
I got out of bed and dressed.
I saw Frigga coming in to the room and she said "hello mr Frost Odin will meet you now".
I smiled and said "great".
After 1 hour Odin was looking at me and asked "why did you come here, and what do you want"
"i wanted to make connections" i said.
Odin looked at me and smirked, then he said "for what did you come here really?".
I was a bit shocked but didn't show it, i said "to be honest i want an item from your vault".
Odin was a bit surprised but said "what item?"
I coughed akwardly and said quietly "a piece of the eternal flame, and how could i aquire acces to it".
Odin started laughing and said "to get it you would atleast have to fight aside Asgard for 1000 battles".
"Then i will do it" i said opening a portal to earth.
"then i will be expecting you soon" said Odin.
And i was gone, back to earth.