
100th life of the Game changer

This is the 100th novel, the 100th story, and my 100th life. With this everything end, with this, I am relieved from my duty, all I have to do is to save this damn forsaken world that even the four mighty Heroes failed to save. Sounds easy enough, but I also going to create an empire and become the most revered person in that world, just for fun **** This is a story I have worked on for some time, it integrates the idea of Transmigration and reborn into a novel as an extra, a few other elements. I am trying to make it something unique(at least I am trying to do) The MC is cunning, strong, and overpowered (in the sense he is resourceful) Give it a try and if you like the story give me a like, and follow, and don't forget to review and share your mind

CRimson5 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
16 Chs

Chapter 8

What happens in this chapter stays in the just for a limited time of the next two chapters


The second circle was a throne room, a ruined obsidian throne room adorned with intricate carvings and remnants of its former grandeur. The walls, once polished and smooth, now bore the scars of time and neglect. Cracks spiderwebbed across the ebony surface, hinting at the passage of centuries. Shafts of sunlight filtered through the broken ceiling, casting ethereal beams that illuminated the dust particles suspended in the air.

As soon as I entered the room, a chilling spectacle unfolded before my eyes. The ancient, forsaken lamps suddenly burst into life, their feeble flames transforming into a brilliant, mesmerizing shade of crimson. The wind outside intensified, manifesting an unprecedented fury that echoed through the air. A haunting scent of decay filled the room, as though an unseen entity had stirred in response to my presence. The flickering crimson flames within the worn-out lamps cast eerie, undulating shadows that seemed to writhe and contort upon the cracked walls. An ominous atmosphere permeated the space, suffusing it with otherworldly energy. The howling wind mercilessly assaulted the shattered windows, causing the accumulated dust to whirl and spiral in a frenzied dance.

"That was a warm welcome" I commented sarcastically, eyeing the shadows that sneakily surrounded me from all directions. My head turned to the lonely throne in the center, a figure clad in black appeared sitting on the throne leisurely. 

Countless shadows emerged surrounding me, all of them were the same Black Knights from before, but my attention was still focused on the knight on the throne. The figure on the throne exuded an aura of darkness and power, their presence commanding and formidable. Clad in black armor that seemed to absorb the light around it, they sat with an air of regal authority. The helmet concealed his face, leaving only the faint glow of crimson eyes visible.

I waved at the menacing figure, "Hello there!"

However, the figure offered no response. Instead, they tapped once upon the armrest, and in an instant, one of the knights lunged toward me with remarkable speed. The resonant clang of their plate armor echoed with each calculated step, while their blade shimmered with a lethal aura as it arced menacingly toward my neck. Swiftly, I sidestepped, narrowly evading the deadly strike.

But the encounter was far from over. Seizing the opportunity II closed the distance with an agile grace, defying the towering stature of my adversary. Aware that sheer strength would avail me naught, I launched a calculated attack. In a seamless display of fluidity, my leg sliced through the air, toppling the knight beneath the weight of their own imposing form. Exploiting their momentary vulnerability, I unleashed another forceful kick at its wrist, wrenching the sword from its grasp, and causing it to soar in a graceful arc through the air. 

I deftly caught the airborne sword. Without any further hesitation, I plunged the blade toward the visor of the knight's helmet, bringing the swift confrontation to an abrupt end.

This whirlwind of events unfolded in a mere breath's span, a spectacle too fleeting for mortal eyes to fully comprehend. All they witnessed was the knight's ferocious charge, followed by their abrupt and inexplicable collapse, dissolving into nothingness, like a dark wisp vanishing into the ether.

A profound stillness enveloped the room as if the very essence of silence itself had materialized in our midst. The knights encircling me tightened their grip on their weapons, their knuckles whitening in response to the awe-inspiring display of strength before them. Yet, not a trace of fear tainted their countenances. They stood resolute, their hearts ablaze with an unwavering readiness as if each of them were poised to be the next to charge into the fray.

I on the other hand was heavily resisting my urge to look at my leg which was aching in pain, Orion's body, though strong for a human, had not emerged unscathed from the impact of a hundred pounds of steel and death. No, my ankle bore the marks of that encounter, its pain a relentless reminder of the limits of mortality.

I guess this is as far as I can go in this form. 

Relinquishing my burdensome bag, I gingerly lowered my hood, fixing my gaze upon the ethereal depths of my soul. Within it resided a resplendent golden orb, radiating with a captivating brilliance. Summoning forth the power of my will, I initiated the Soul Echo, a symphony of cosmic mana surging forth from within me. The throne room trembled in response, the very fabric of reality quivering under the weight of this arcane manifestation.

Visions cascade before my eyes, fragments of forgotten lives rushing forward like a torrent released from a shattered dam. With unwavering focus, I sifted through the deluge of memories, seeking the one elusive thread that held the key to my purpose. When at last I apprehended its shimmering presence, I seized it mentally, holding it fast within my grasp. 

"Chapter 34," I intoned, my voice blending with a chorus of other incarnations of myself, their echoes intertwining with my own. "Ezra Walletire, The Holy Knight of Kassandriya."

As if yielding to my decree, the vibrant tapestry of multicolored mana surrounding me transformed, shimmering into a resplendent golden hue. Cosmic energy metamorphosed into the divine, assuming a form befitting its sacred essence.

All this was in a fraction of a moment. 

My fist clenched, Though remnants of Orion's visage adorned my appearance, a surge of sublime strength coursed through my veins, pulsating with the raw might of Divinity itself. A kaleidoscope of knowledge danced before my eyes, while a symphony of old skills resonated within my soul.

Once more, I basked in the rekindled vigor of my former self—the Holy Knight, a celestial apex among wielders of the Divine, the very embodiment of the Goddess's ethereal blade.

The undead knights detected the anomaly and swiftly reacted, their metal bodies lunging forward with desperate urgency to extinguish the burgeoning threat. Their instincts screamed for them to put an end to the looming disaster before it could consume them. With weapons raised, they attacked the figures bathed in shimmering Golden energy.

However, unlike in times past, their movements appeared agonizingly sluggish to my heightened senses. With each step they attempted, I could have swiftly dispatched four of them, effortlessly. 

Summoning the divine mana, I called upon the sacred power to converge in my right hand. The intangible energy flowed like a mystical current, coalescing into an ethereal golden mist that swirled and danced, growing in strength and intensity. When I sensed its culmination, I closed my hand in a firm, resolute grip.

In an explosive eruption of brilliance, the divine orb in my grasp unleashed a blinding radiance that engulfed the very fabric of the throne room. Its incandescent glow pierced every corner, driving back the encroaching darkness and overwhelming the undead knights with its majestic splendor.

The shockwaves reverberated from the detonation, hurtling the undead knights through the air like discarded puppets. Their decrepit bodies collided with the unforgiving walls, their brittle forms shattering upon impact and collapsing to the ground. In this cataclysmic display, their weapons were reduced to fragments, rendered utterly impotent against the overwhelming might of Divinity.

The aftermath of the explosion was devastating for the Undead Knights, as the only ones left were the leader who was sitting on the throne, though he still commanded the presence of an absolute, there were cracks in his posture, and from it, I can sense strands of wary from him. 

With a flicker of ethereal brilliance, a surge of palpable energy gathered around me, coalescing into a radiant blade that gleamed with an otherworldly luminescence. I raised the divine blade aloft, its hilt pulsating with a radiant glow, and directed my gaze toward the Undead Lord. "Goddess Kassandriya, Heed my call and give me strength" I prayed.  

Divinity is the profound embodiment of unwavering faith, and the strength of a believer's conviction is intricately intertwined with the power of God. It is through this resolute faith that God bestows His blessings upon those who believe him.

The essence of divinity lies in the deep connection between a person's belief and the mighty presence of God. When an individual holds steadfast to their faith, they tap into a wellspring of spiritual energy, drawing upon the infinite power and wisdom of the divine.

But Gods are not perfect beings, some may display partiality, favoring certain individuals or groups over others, while others may act out of selfish desires, seeking personal gain or gratification. Conversely, there are also Gods who exhibit kindness and compassion, extending their benevolent influence to guide and protect their followers.

'In the vast tapestry of belief systems, there are instances where Gods have been known to betray their devoted followers, offering them nothing more than foolish hope or forsaking them in their most desperate moments. '

A torrential surge of divine essence cascaded into the very core of my being, flooding me with an extraordinary infusion of strength and vitality. It coursed through the intricate tapestry of the soul, which was intricately woven with unbreakable threads of unwavering faith and belief.

From the depths of this sacred connection, a resounding echo reverberated, resonating across the boundless expanse of a myriad of worlds, a message spanning countless realms—the ethereal words of a Goddess.

'Give'em a good beating'

A radiant smile graced my countenance as those words echoed and danced in harmonious cadence within the recesses of my being.

'But among the divine pantheon, there exist deities who transcend the confines of reality itself to salvage a solitary soul, even in their darkest hour.'

Raising my sword at the undead before me, I beckoned. "I challenge you to a duel"