

[Hush: Are you a fan of K-Drama? if yes, join this ride] Welcome to my life ! My name is Han Hoo Nan, popularly known as the wild orchid. I’m a second year college student who wish she had never met a Prince in her life. Those fairy tales about Princes being charming, sweet, kind and all loving… well I don’t believe in them no more. Not all of them are all that sweetness, because with the Prince I came across, girl he’s one hell of a mean, arrogant, selfish and ignorant Prince. Yeah he’s a Prince in real life. I don’t know why all the girls wish to be with him. Only if they knew his true colors. Oh my goodness you will come to understand me. I’m not the mean one, he is. Dear Young girl out there, don’t pray for a Prince, just pray for a good man. “Han Hoo Nan!!” Well that’s the mean prick of a Prince Young calling me. Why does he always have to mention my name in full? “Where is the cup of coffee I ordered you to bring ?” it’s him again. Does he have any idea how tiring it is to always be on errands. I don’t blame him, he’s got everything and was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. I wish I could just give him a punch and knock some sense into him. “Han Hoo Nan!!!” his voice got louder . “ I’ll be right there your majesty!” Huh!! I’m tired…So tired. From washing of his clothes with my hands whilst there’s a washing machine, cleaning the utensils with my hands while there’s a washer and ironing all his clothes for the whole month. Why me!! God why me!!! Wondering why I’m doing all these chores? Well I’m going to tell you how it all started. How I ended up as his maid/slave for hundred days. I can’t wait for this to be over. I didn’t ask for his help in the first place and now I owe him. It never ends because my dumbass ego would always come my way and cause me to break his rules. Well this is how it all started. PS: Kindly don't forget to leave your comments and reviews

Je_Sha_De · Urbain
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4 Chs

Chapter Three

The Engagement plans


She woke my heart that very moment she stood up to Yeon Ah. She is gorgeous, long legs with long silky black hair falling down her shoulders, bright brown eyes and a pointed nose. Her skin glowed like a golden ornament exposed to the rays of the sun. I forced myself through the crowd and there she stood, the wind blowing her hair as she put Yeon Ah in her place. She looked like a super hero for all those students who are being bullied by that good for nothing Princess. At that moment I knew the exact name to give her "ROYUS Supergirl". ROYUS(the nickname of Royal Steward University ) yeah and she was now the new heroine.

I got super excited when I discovered we were room mates. I know I'm nosy and loud but that's my nature even though sometimes people find me to be annoying, I'm not gonna change my true self for just someone who barely appreciates me.

I'm just hoping Hoo Nan and I will get along well, including Sandra too.

The sight of those three coming to school in those grand style of theirs is so annoying. I mean…everyone on Campus knows who you are so why make such a grand entrance to school?

If Gi Tak hadn't stepped in , I wouldn't have hugged Oppa. I just wanted to have a quiet college life without becoming a hot topic but then he always steps in and thwart my plans. Aish so annoying.!!

You think having an older brother is fun huh? Wait till you have mine for just a day. He irritates me… he irritates me.

" Awwwn you two are so lucky to have an oppa(elderly brother)." Sandra said with a sad expression.

" Lucky? You don't mean it!" Hoo Nan and I said with a chorus and Sandra stared at us with disbelieve.

" Why? Is it that bad to have an Oppa?" She asked and Hoo Nan went first.

" He's always getting more attention from my mom. Everyone thinks he's awesome and cute, he's always there to consume the little amount of food you get to eat and always gets away with it."

" He's always on your nerves and calls you ugly, always making fun of you and pulling pranks on you. But when he is out there he's the sweetest." I added and Sandra gasped.

" Well I'll give anything to have that." She said with a shrug and smiled.

Oh Sandra, poor Sandra, you have no idea what you're asking for.

We all are offering the same course so we walked to the lecture hall and I was stunned by what I saw.

All the girls were gathered around someone and I bet it will be a guy. I paused at the door way with the others as I looked at them from the distance.

"What's going on there?" Hoo Nan whispered and I shrugged showing I had no idea.

"Yeah and that's the fifth time in a row." I know that voice.

"Hyang Jun!!" I yelled as I marched to where he was seated. I rushed through the crowd and finally came face to face with him. With my arms akimbo I looked at him.

" Oh! Ga In-ah…" He said raising up and pulling me into a hug.

"Why, why me why me?' I cried and he chuckled.

"You have no idea how much I missed you." He said hugging me tighter.

"Awwn he's so sweet, I wish I had an Oppa like him." I could hear the other girls say.

Oh God, they have no idea what they are wishing for.

"But you saw me this morning." I said to him and he shook his head as he pinched my cheeks cutely.

" Can't I miss my little sister and squeeze her some more?" He asked in a cute childish tone and I chuckled.

" Hi Hoo Nan!" He said waving at Hoo Nan who bowed a little to show some respect.

" You finally got to hang out with some true friends. I'm glad you made such a friend but please and please don't get Yeon Ah mad than she already is." He said to me as he crossed his arms around my neck and walked me to the door way.

"Don't worry about that. I have her at my finger tips. With the least mistake she does, I'll just snap her off." I said with a smirk and he looked at me, puzzled.

" What do you mean by that? Have you got something down your sleeves again?" he asked.

"Arh well, I can't tell you yet but don't worry I'll be fine and please stop appearing in my class, I wanna have a peaceful and quiet college life. That's all I'm asking of you. So please don't disrupt my plan like how you did back in high school."

" Hmm I'll think about it." He replied and I playfully hit my elbow in his side.

"Ouch that hurts." He said letting go of me.

"But still I'm not saying I'm going to stop!!" He said running off.

"Ya!!!" I screamed after him but then I wasn't ready to play Tom and Jerry with him.

I went back and sat beside Sandra and Hoo Nan and got ready for our first lectures.

" Why is she taking so much selfies in class? Who is she?" Hoo Nan asked. Her question got Sandra and I staring at her with shock.

"Hoo Nan… which century do you come from?" I asked her and she looked at me totally confused.

" Sometimes I wonder why my friend doesn't know people she should know even though she has nothing to do with them. Harh… we really need to work on you." Sandra said as she brought out her phone.

" What…I just asked who she was." Hoo Nan said as she hugged her book.

" That's Ji Hoo, the most fashionable fashionista you'll come across. She's the daughter of the Prime minister. She's known as the Selfie Queen…she takes selfie like her life depends on it." I explained.

" She's the daughter of the Prime minister and how I'm I suppose to know her when I don't even know the name of our Prime Minister." Hoo Nan said and I was stunned.

" Oh my, it's so sad." Sandra said looking at me and I shook my head.

"We really need to work on her." I said to Sandra and she nodded in agreement.

Hoo Nan is really funny, even in her serious moment she still makes us laugh.

We rushed to the dorm immediately after lectures, not wanting to cross paths with any of the handsome Trio or Yeon Ah.

I bounced on my bed when we entered our room, Sandra was with us.

" I've been wanting to ask you something Ga In." Hoo Nan said and I immediately sat down on my bed, ready to hear what she had to say.

"Why is the other Prince, I mean the Prince next in line to the throne. Why does he look so cold. Is that how he is naturally?" She asked me and I heaved a sigh.

" Tae Jun wasn't like that from the start. I was very young back then but I did see how they all played together and had fun with their games.

He was the most cheerful amongst the three but then something really terrible happened which made him the way he is.

He was in an accident with his Auntie, the Queen's elder sister. She was more like a mother to them, she was the one who raised them because the Queen was always entangled with royal duties and could barely spend much time with him and his brother so she took it upon herself and took care of them.

Tae Jun and her were really close, he loved her like a son would love a mother but then the unfortunate happened when they were returning home from a trip from the states.

That day Gi Tak wasn't feeling well so only Tae Jun went with her… on their way back, a big truck came crushing into their car and his Auntie covered him up with her body and she ended up loosing her life to save his. Her death hit him so hard.

Even though Gi Tak was also affected, but it took years for Tae Jun to get over it and that left him with that cold personality of his. He believes it wasn't really an accident but then a planned thing.

You would've loved him if you knew him back then. Well that's how it happened, behind that cold face and personality…there's a sweet and cheerful kid behind it and I just pray he finds the right person to bring that side of him alive again." I explained and they both had tears welled up in their eyes.

" Come on guys, stop being emotional." I said forcing a smile.

There was total silence and the atmosphere seemed kind of boring but then my phone began to ring and it was Hyang Jun. What does he want again?

"HELLO!!" He screamed immediately I answered the call.

"Do you want to burst my ear drum?!" I yelled back.


" Good."

" Are you busy?"

"No I'm not."

" Can you come to our lounge?"

"What for?"

" When you come you'll know."

"If it's one of your pranks there's no way I'm coming."

"Oh come on, how many pranks have I pulled on you. It's not like I do it everyday."

" You do it all the time and everyday."

"Oh really."

"Forget it. Why do you want me to come to your lounge?"

" I promise, cross my heart it's not a prank."

"And do you know how many times I've heard you say that but then you end up pranking me?"

I could hear Hoo Nan and Sandra giggle.

" I'm really serious, there's a juicy news you need to hear. Gi Tak is here with me so be assured I won't pull any pranks."

" Okay fine I'm coming."

" Alright, hurry." He said and I hanged up.

" I'll be right back okay." I said to them and they both giggled.

" I hope you don't get pranked again." Hoo Nan teased with a chuckle.

" I hope so too girlfriend. See ya." I said as I rushed out the door with my phone in hand.

It's a long way to their lounge and if I get there and it's a prank… I'll kill that boy.

I finally got there and I heard him call my name.

"See I told you it wasn't a prank." He said waving me to come over to where he was seated.

Gi Tak waved at me and I was amazed to see Tae Jun there as well.

"So why did you call me to come over?" I asked and they all turned to Tae Jun who finally put away his phone and turned to us.

" My parents want to get Yeon Ah and I engaged." Tae Jun said and I couldn't believe my ears.

" Wai…Wai…wait what did you just say?" I asked with shock.

"He said his parents are getting…" Hyang Jun stepped in.

" I heard it the first time he said it. I just asked a rhetorical question." I interjected and he nodded.

" Yeah, and it's for the kingdom's sake. They claim it will expand the kingdom since Busan is a huge and powerful kingdom next to ours. You know how it's just two Kingdoms which are in Seoul and Busan. It will bring a lot of benefits as well." Tae Jun explained.

" What about you? Are you going to agree with it?" I asked him and he shrugged before replying.

" I've got no choice, it's for the betterment of the kingdom too."

" Wait… so are you going to go ahead with it?" Gi Tak asked his brother who sighed.

" I'm not all in for the engagement. We all grew up with Yeon Ah and we know her better. She's kinda sweet in her own way." He replied and I couldn't believe him.

" How is she sweet in her own way. Do you have some kind of feelings for her or something?" I asked.

" No I don't, besides I don't believe in what you call love. If things work out then fine I'll go ahead with it."

" Oh my goodness I can't believe you Tae Jun. How can you go ahead and get engaged to Yeon Ah… you have no idea what you're getting yourself into." I said to him and they all turned to me.

" Is there something you aren't telling us?" They asked with a chorus and I quickly shook my head.

" Okay, then fine I'll think about it but they are already planning to go ahead with the engagement." He replied.

I can't believe this, among all the neighboring kingdoms…how can they choose Ethenburg?

Well I have no say about the king and Queen's decision.

" I wouldn't be shocked if it's all over the news by tomorrow because your opinion wouldn't matter much as long as it has to do with the betterment of the kingdom." Hyang Jun stated and he was right.

Poor Tae Jun… I just hope it doesn't result to them getting married in the future. I just can't let that happen. Yeon Ah can never end up with Tae Jun, it can't happen.


I went out for a walk few minutes after Ga In left, Sandra was soon fast asleep and it felt too quiet.

I stepped out of the dormitory and headed towards the library.

" Where do you think you're headed to?" A voice said from behind me, I turned and it was Yeon Ah and another girl and Sae Hwan was also with her carrying two purses in her hand. I think it's theirs, poor girl. She looked familiar, I think I've seen her on TV but I barely remember her name. She's on one of these expensive lotions and makeup commercials.

" Why, do you own the school too?" I asked her and she glared at me from head to toe.

" So you're the insolent who signed a death wish?" The other girl asked sarcastically as she swirled the coffee in her hand slightly.

" Mind your language." I said to her.

" Hannah… see I told you she has no respect." Yeon Ah said to her. Oh yeah that's her name, Hannah.

" I can see that, girl you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into. You were so lucky I wasn't around yesterday. If you say another inappropriate thing to any of us, I'll make sure you swallow back your words." Hannah said to me and I chuckled.

" Oh I see you're just a wolf in sheep's clothing. Pretend to be sweet on the television but you are the opposite. You're both hypocrites. What are you going to do? Abuse your power to make me look miserable, use your parents influence to turn the school authorities against me because you are from a higher class family. You are all pathetic…totally pathetic." I said right to their faces.

Hannah walked a step closer to me and lifted up her cup of coffee, I tried to prevent her from pouring it on me but then she was too fast as she poured it in my hair.

That's it!! I jerked the coffee in Sae Hwan's hands and poured it into her hair and threw the disposable cup at her.

" I'm not an easy girl, don't you dare get on the bad side of me because you have no idea what I'm capable of. I don't care about who you are but if you cross the line. I promise I'll make you pay!!" I said with clenched teeth and stomped away back to the dorm to wash up leaving them yelling and calling me back.

"Girl what happened?" Ga In asked the moment I entered the room.

" Who else would do such a thing if not Yeon Ah and her minion." I replied.

"Hurry and go wash up." Sandra said as she opened the door to the bathroom for me.

I walked back from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me with my hair all wet.

" I can't believe they did that to you." Ga In said as she helped me dry my hair and Sandra looked through my things for new clothes.

" I didn't just let them go without doing anything… I showered Hannah with a cup of coffee too." I said and they giggled.

"Girl you too bad." Ga In said laughing so hard.

" Why do they have to be so mean?" Sandra asked as she joined me on the bed with the dress she fetched from my closet.

" They believe they are from influential families so they can just do anything and get away with it." Ga In stated.

" I can't believe Yeon Ah will one day end up becoming the Queen of Busan, I mean how will she rule with such manners?"

" And I can't believe they are getting her engaged to Tae Jun." Ga In's words got my eyes growing wide.

"What…she's getting engaged to the Prince?" I asked with shock.

"Yeah, that was my exact expression when they broke the news to me. She's a whole different person out there but here, she behaves like she owns the school." Ga In replied with the look of disgust on her face. I can't believe this. Well what do I know about the royal family but will they seriously want Yeon Ah as the future Queen?