
#1 : The L Word (Lust or Love)

*First Book of the Word Series* "To handcuff you on the bedpost, have my wickedest way with you, and never let you go." He said. ----- Siara just lost her love, simply because the guy was a jerk. Mending her heart is her first priority. Embarking from Jakarta to Bali, she expect her heart would heal. And she thinks it's getting better when she thought to celebrate her birthday in Paradise city. But one thing she would never guessed is meeting a man like Jonathan. She knew deep down, whatever happen between them, is only for one time thing. But still, she embrace it. But is it truly one time thing? Is it only lust? Or is it turned out to be love? Only time will tell~

Sania_Inggriani · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
70 Chs

Chapter Thirty

Fifty missed calls from his family, six glass of whiskey, almost one bottle of wine, and Jonathan wasn't going to stop to numb the feeling. The feeling which too unbearable for him. 

The air feels suffocating on him or maybe it just his heart couldn't accept the fact that Siara choose another man than him. Whatever it was, Jonathan won't stop to numb the hurt in his heart. Drinking was the only thing he knows how. He was drunk as hell, but any little pain he felt, he ordered the bartender to filled his glass.

His driver, George, sat nearby the bar. He pitying Jonathan to acted like this. But at the same time he knew how broken hearted Jonathan too. Just like before, when Siara left him after she found out that Jonathan married once without him telling her. For those six months he gone from his family, from his job, from the world. Maybe, George had a hunch, this would be like a last time. Or maybe, it could be worse now he knew Jonathan could never have Siara back.