
A Brave Knight And A Sad Man

"Oh no! The dragon is bringing his wrath down upon the castle!" The princes yelped in fright.

"RAAAAWR!" The dragon roared, "No one shall save you!"

The dragon craned his neck, leering down at the scared princess.

"Someone please help me!" The princess gave a desperate cry.

Suddenly, a human-shaped figure appeared. The figure gradually became more visible, as sunlight glared off of the silver armor that the figure wore.

"Oh my hero has finally come to rescue me!" The princess let out a joyous shout.

"I have come my princess, and I shall slay the dragon!" The knight roared as he lifted his blade in the air. "Begone evil lizard!"

The brave knight lowered his blade, decapitating the fearsome dragon.

"And they all lived happily ever after. Stay tuned for the new episode of friends forever, after a few short messag-"


The screen turned black as Charlie set the remote down on the table.

As Charlie felt a downward tug at his lips, he looked up towards the ceiling, "maybe a hero will come to save me..." he gave a sarcastic snicker, "yeah right... no one can save a lost cause."

Taking a deep breath, Charlie stood up. He groaned as he heard his spine crack, from years of bad posture.

Charlie walked to the bathroom, opening up the medicine cabinet. He took out three bottles of pills, taking three pills out of each.

He shoves them in his mouth, rocking his head back, as the water forced the medicine down his throat.

Charlie sighed before looking into the mirror.

He mockingly stared at the shabby excuse for a human, and the pitiful being stared back, it moved its mouth, speaking in a downcast tone, "Y'know, no matter what you do, nothing seems to get better, parents dead, friends gone, and if that wasn't bad enough, you've become the physical embodiment of garbage."

"Hey not everything is hopeless, I have a job..." Charlie retorted.

"A job won't make you happy."

Charlie bit his lip, as he wiped his eyes with his sleeve, glancing at the clock, he muttered, "I still have half an hour until I have to go to work, maybe browsing the internet will help me feel a bit better"

Feeling a little better, Charlie pranced towards his PC. It was a little slow and outdated, but at least it was his.

As he opened the browser, a link caught his eye, "Feeling Down Lately? Figure out how to feel 10 times better!"

'This is just what I needed!' Charlie thought.

Nodding, Charlie clicked the link.

"As long as you have one person, than you should talk to them, and you will be loved." Charlie muttered, paraphrasing the article. "Huh, in that case..."

As Charlie tried to think of the people in his life, his eyes filled with the warmth of hope began to frost over.

His vision blurred as he felt tears run down his cheek.

His finger tapped on the keyboard as he commented, "what happens if you don't have a person? Please answer me a soon as it's convenient for you."

Beep beep beep.

The watch began to scream its unforgiving tone, "Oh it's time to leave!" Charlie wiped his face with his sleeve, before heading out the door, a false smile plastered on his face.

Arriving at work, Charlie rushed towards his boss, "good morning boss! I finished the work you assigned me yesterday!"

A large stack of papers was dropped into Charlie's arms. "Um wha-"

"You said you got your work done right?" The boss interrupted, "give that to me by tomorrow."

"Yes sir!" Charlie exclaimed, with as much enthusiasm as he could muster.

After heading back to his cubicle, Charlie began to work on the paperwork.

After a long time had passed, Charlie felt a tap on the shoulder, a tall sickly man hovered behind him.

"Hey, we're closing up, it's time for you to leave."

Charlie looked around, and realized that he was the only one left in the office. He gave an embarrassed smile and spoke, "alright I'll be on my way then.

He stacked up the papers and prepared to leave. The man stopped him and took the papers out of his hands, "No company documents can be taken out of the premises."

Charlie gave a wry smile, before shrugging his shoulders and leaving.

When he got home, Charlie rushed to the computer to look at his comment.

1 Reply

Charlie smiled, a mix of sadness, nervousness, and excitement welled up inside him, tears flooded out.

Clicking on the reply, Charlie was linked to a new site...

"How to Tie a Noose"

Charlie's lip quivered, as his tears gushed down his face. "Maybe this will help."