
1 Chapter Stories

1 Chapter Stories

Feltdevil · Politique et sciences sociales
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5 Chs

Slight Hope - Story Of Lost Child

The boy sits amidst the wild forest, his gaze fixed on the bluish flowers he seeks. "Should I continue my search for these precious blooms?" he whispers softly, contemplating his decision.

With every step, he navigates the forest floor, carefully avoiding the tangled roots that threaten to trip him. He watches his every move, aware of the consequences of a misstep.

The enchanting sights surrounding him distract his mind from the path leading back home. Lost in the allure of the forest, he forgets his way, caught in the mesmerizing beauty.

As the sun begins its descent, casting an amber glow across the landscape, fear grips him tightly. The encroaching darkness instills a sense of unease, and he realizes that night is approaching.

Attempting to retrace his steps, he follows what he believes to be the path leading home. However, it only leads him deeper into the forest, unveiling unfamiliar caves that send shivers down his spine. Confusion engulfs him as he fails to recognize any familiar landmarks.

Lost and disoriented, he finds himself at a crossroads, devoid of any clear direction. The absence of the sun leaves him stranded, and his heart sinks. Overwhelmed by despair, he collapses to the forest floor, his tears flowing silently, devoid of any audible cries.

Amidst his sorrow, his tear-filled eyes catch a glimpse of the bluish flowers surrounding him. The very flowers he had sought for so earnestly. In a tender moment, he plucks one delicately, holding it close to his heart. His whispers carry his longing for home, his parents, and his sister, his love for them undiminished even in his darkest hour.

A remarkable strength emanates from the boy, his calm demeanor shining through amidst the chaos. In his young heart lies a resilience that defies his tender age.

Upon the desperate pleas of his parents, the villagers rally together, their torches illuminating the darkness. The forest comes alive with flickering flames, their light guiding their search for the lost boy.

Incredibly, the boy's eyes catch the faint glow of the torches. Despite having ventured kilometers away, a glimmer of hope ignites within him. He rises from the forest floor, determination coursing through his veins. Step by step, he follows the flickering lights, vigilant in his search for anyone he can find.

And there it is—the sight of his village, bustling with concerned faces, their gazes fixed on the boy they had feared lost. Overwhelmed with relief, he raises his voice, calling out to them, announcing his presence.

His cry is met with a wave of recognition, and the villagers rush towards him, embracing him tightly, their worries finally laid to rest. Amidst the joyous reunion, his parents' voices rise above the rest, filled with relief and concern for his well-being.

With the blue flower still held gently in his hands, the boy recounts his harrowing journey, explaining his desperate search for home. The flower becomes a symbol of his resilience and hope.

From that day forward, the forest is deemed a cursed place by the villagers, forever associated with the boy's ordeal and the many who were lost before him. The tale of his survival echoes through the generations, a cautionary reminder to protect their children from its treacherous depths.