
Chapter Three

"What? Were you planning to bite the girl's head off? I mentioned that I might be open to marriage in the future. I had to clarify things with her. I did not want to play the role of a father to a child, and it was not up for discussion."

Graceona smiled. "Wow, even you have your savage moments, I suppose."

I rolled my eyes and took a sip of water. "Yeah, it can be surprising. People tend to see me as this delicate little flower, but I can defend myself. If you're not hungry, I'll pay you next week; give me your address, and I'll mail you the money."

Graceona chuckled. "No need for that; consider it an investment for future plans. Save your money. It seems like you need to distance yourself from that horny teenager. Don't let me hold you back; consider it a gift."

"You dislike Christian, don't you? You've barely even met the boy."

"I don't like him, no. I can read people and anyone who would run away from a woman - it might sound unbelievable, but I suppose his mother has her issues to deal with - it's not a lie. Plus, he's only fourteen and already has more baby mamas than the server has baby daddies."

 "Are you finished? It's not right to make assumptions."

"I didn't make any assumptions. Have you ever been in his room? No fourteen-year-old has ultrasounds just lying around. I don't have children, but I know what an ultrasound is. The boy is a troublemaker. It would be unfortunate if your landlord discovered this and kicked him out. Just saying."

"You can't be that heartless."

"Don't assume things, Leonard. His mother is on my speed dial. Either he takes responsibility for his actions, or I spill the beans. I won't be the only one talking. The boy is a player. And not just with video games, which I normally wouldn't comment on, but as a busy fourteen-year-old, I wasn't playing hopscotch. Some of us had jobs and lived in a home without guardians, fending for ourselves. I even delivered a child when I was fourteen."

"Wait, you delivered a child at fourteen?"

"When you've lived for over 200 years, you either learn to adapt or perish, and I enjoy this life."

She leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest, while I enjoyed some of the food before me. "Why else would I survive high-speed car chases and pursue opponents on racing trains? And being the only woman to endure the brutal cage matches in the underground city of Infernias. Do I dare say that money is not something I need? Buying souls is merely a sport for me. I came from a small, one-bedroom shack, sleeping on filthy floors. Look at me now: successful, and I only recently reached billionaire status."

I glanced at her. "Are you hiring?"

She looked back at me. "I work alone; my success could be yours if you just say one word. You wouldn't have to deal with people like Christian and would be financially secure for the rest of your life. Consider it an inheritance; money doesn't interest me in the slightest. You would have a substantial nest egg."

I stared at her. "I prefer to earn my money."

"Making around 10 dollars an hour for four hours, occasionally getting lucky with tips. No offense, but without any assistance from the boy, I don't want to be on the phone with your landlord when you have to explain another month's delay after already being late for the past six months. Good luck. I'm cheering for you."

"I'm doing my best. There's only so much I can do."

She chuckled, reaching into her jacket pocket and sliding a folded sheet of paper to the center of the table. I looked at her curiously. "Well, I never said I would stay with you for free. This is my share of the house. I don't plan on staying home all day, mainly using it as a place to sleep after my self-employment. I'll be working for most of my stay."

"Working? Are you working during your vacation? I thought this was your time to relax and take a break."

"I have participated in several caged match tournaments, and one is being held this week that an old friend of mine has promised to sponsor. He offered me cash regardless of whether I won and even provided a plus one. However, since you seem busy, I need a plus one for the event."

"You enjoy beating up humans. That seems boring to me."

"No humans participate in those cage matches. They are younger vampires testing their skills and advancing into their new walk in life. Some are friendly, while others are not, but it's all just for fun."

"You're not worried?"

"About what? Death isn't something we can do. You can beat each other badly; that's about it. We have our laws we have to follow. Why are you even worried? Why do you even care?"

I looked at her, then shrugged. "Why not? You're still a person."

She was taken aback when I expressed concern. "You're the first in 200 years."

"Well, it seems that one of us has to be responsible since you don't seem to be."

As the server brought the bill, Grace sighed and looked down at the table, not bothering to acknowledge the woman as she placed the tab and walked away. I reached out, but Graceona grabbed it first, chuckling.

"You're going to need to be quicker than that."

"Can we get this to go? I'm getting tired."

She retrieved her wallet and said, "I ordered a rental car for my stay. It's outside. A friend brought it over. I'll go get some boxes and pay for this."

"You have a lot of friends, don't you?"

"I suppose."

As we placed the food into several boxes, Graceona left a fifty-dollar bill for the server before we left the booth. When we stepped outside, it was raining. Graceona looked at me. "The car is over here. Do you have a hood on your jacket?"

I looked at her. "I'll be fine. Let's go."

We arrived at a black and red sports car, and Grace gestured for me to get in. I complied, and she followed suit. "You just want to go to a hotel tonight. Your landlord would probably think something was up if you went home at two in the morning. Don't places like that have a curfew?"

"I don't have any pajamas, and my work clothes are there." As soon as she looked at me, she revved up the engine, and suddenly, the car roared to life, taking off at breakneck speed. The wind whipped through my hair, and I watched as the urban landscape whizzed by in a blur of buildings and streets. "Are there any hotels near here? I can call off work. I have some money to get me some clothes for the night."

She chuckled. "I thought I was double-minded." She swerved down the road, heading back towards town.

"Just because you're indestructible, that doesn't mean I am. Slow this thing down." She looked at me, then at the road slowing down.

"You better get cozy. The hotel I had in mind is a little off. It's the only place with stores open at this hour. Get some sleep. I don't bite, I promise."

"I wasn't worried about that, speed demon. I want to stay awake to ensure you don't get bored and start racing again."

"Leonard, I drive like that all the time. I've never wrecked once. Calm down; you're safer with my driving than with others."

"Yeah, because I love having my heart pounding in my stomach. Tell my heart to calm down; then maybe I can get somewhere."

"It better calm down. Can't have you having a heart attack, can we?"

I sighed and leaned back into my seat as the car's interior slowly heated up and brightened. I glanced over at Graceona, who had stopped and was looking at her phone. After a moment, a soft melody filled the car, and she resumed driving.

Except for the music, the car ride was silent. The warm heat enveloped me, but the bright light was gone. The only lights to pass were from the outside. "We'll be there soon. I need to stop and let you get some clothes, then we can head to the hotel."

As I glanced through the window, my eyes locked on a breathtaking sight. "Are we in another town? This doesn't look like anywhere I'm familiar with."

"Yeah, this is the next town over from yours. This is the only place that has stores open 24/7. Nice clothes for a reasonable price. They have outstanding Goodwill. I'd buy you some clothes, but you seem happy being independent, so I respect your wishes, even if you are complicated."

"You think me wanting to spend money on things I need is difficult? I thought it was respect. You invited me on this date. You're not buying everything."

"Exactly. I invited you out for the evening, so I should pay for the date. You didn't invite me to this. Last time I checked, you didn't even want to come to this. You probably would have been in bed at seven, putting up with Christian running back and forth because only God knows, so I doubt this would have been a peaceful rest for you. They forecast this as being the harshest storm of the Summer. Let the boy face his fears on his own. He can weather flooding waters and bizarre thunder and lightning. This is your vacation."

I sighed. "I'm the man in the relationship."

"Sexist, you think I can't pay for my date and plans just because I'm a woman? You'll have to come up with something better than that."

"Fine, do you want to buy me a man that isn't your boyfriend or husband's clothes? Is that what you want? You want to spend your money on a man you barely know?"

"If moving to a safer place with secure windows is what it takes to get you out of your current home, then it's a matter of great concern. If a fire breaks out in your house, it could be a disaster. I appreciate your company and would hate to see you suffer the consequences of being too polite to prioritize your safety. I cannot bear the thought of losing someone I care for, especially because of being reckless. I would rather be tough because I care than be respectful yet indifferent."

I sighed. "How much are the apartments in this city?"

She looked at me. "The cheapest is a couple hundred a month; however, unless you are too proud to accept help, the government here offers help to those who need it. They are willing to help someone get on their feet, and with the check I handed you earlier, it would be a decent deposit on an apartment. How much have you gained? How much are you carrying around with you in your jacket."

"About two hundred. I don't know. I shove the money into it when I have extra. I've not counted it lately."

"We will search for an apartment tomorrow. You seem exhausted now, and it's better to rest. You can easily rent an apartment in this city, and it is a safer location for you. This neighborhood is not involved with Infernias, and the town's ruler does not accept their illegal activities."

"Do you think you could talk to them? Get them to help me out?"

"Yeah, sure. I know the ruler well. I don't see what trouble you would have here. I have some people who live here as well. They owe me favors. They'll give a good word for you."

"You're wasting your favors on me."

"These people are like family and will help you without using a favor. We'll notify your landlord, and you'll have a new home tomorrow night."

"Thanks, Grace, I owe you one."

"Darlin, no, you don't. I could work on getting you a furnished home, a pleasant home. Like I said, I know the ruler of this town. We go way back."

"Just try to keep it in my price range. Tips have been coming a little less these few months."


The two of us parked in front of a large white building that read Goodwill in large, dark blue letters. "So, you want to go pick some clothes out?"

She looked at me as I sighed. "Yeah, I guess so."

We got out of the car and walked into the store.