
Chapter Six


I had always been alone. After the death of my creator, feeling someone else's company felt foreign. It was something that I had grown accustomed to, a feeling that felt like a friend, a comforting melody to some tragic love story. The thought that kept me going was one day looking at the human male born to chase the loneliness away, a vision that I had always pictured was my misery and sorrow melting away, soon evaporating into nothing as if the years had never happened. Now, as I sat in the lone throne room, and Leonard was no longer by my side, this once cozy palace was something I had found joy in, but now it was another obstacle to keep me here. A jail that my body dwelled in, but my heart was far from it. Though this felt like a prison, the thoughts of Leonard were within reach and safe in the compounds of my town. This place was my only means of keeping him out of harm's way, even with the royals gone. The threat of something more sinister lurked on the outskirts: vampires. Were the vagabonds passing through on their journeys, the lack of knowledge did my nerves little favor, the thoughts of these lone wanderers coming into my town to cause havoc as the thoughts of dragging Leonard here to a cult of vampires, away from a place that his only worry was that of fire and eviction, could I have brought him to a place that was more hazardous than his previous living condition with a lazy roommate and an overbearing landlord. With that thought, I stood and walked to the wine table, pouring myself a glass. Worrier filled my week as I drank the wine in one swallow. The doors opened, looking for Leonard, but it was Darin, and I sighed. "It's just me. I have delivered the money, and the boy is well."

I smiled. "No need to fret, Darin. Thanks for taking the time to bring that up and ensuring he was okay. Has he gotten any rest, or did he mention anything?"

"He had stated that he was going to take a nap."

"What news do we have about the vampires?"

"Our scouts are keeping a close eye on them. They seem harmless. No signs of hostility from them. They seem chatty enough. Though we think they are just passing through with your mate here, we've been on high alert." I looked at him, walked back to my throne, sitting down. "You disposed of the Royals. So, I take it you quit your babysitting job. Does Leonard know about this?"

"Leonard is not aware of this. He is aware of his freedom. I prefer to keep it this way. It's best if he doesn't know; let's keep this between us."

"Your grace, I know very little of relationships, but I know that truth and honesty make up its foundations. What do you plan on telling him? It's all over the news; it's all over the television. It would be best if you were honest with him. If you lie over something like this, treating him like a child, testing his loyalty and ability to understand events. Men don't like that; honestly, no one likes to be tested. Leonard seems like a reasonable person. I'm sure he can handle that his tormentors are no longer around. I know I still enjoy the fact my oppressors are six feet under. The Royals were playing a game of cat and mouse with that boy."

"Murder is murder, Darin. The law prohibits the activity whether I believe the fact to be reasonable."

"You're no more a killer than those you killed. They were aiming to hang a man for false allegations and pretenses. Those wolves were always murderers, an eye for an eye. They wronged you first."

"One could never be too careful, Darin. I've not stayed alive this long by being too prideful with those I love. Ask Edgar to come in. I have something I need him to do. A new home to assign him to."

The young man looked at me with a sigh. "Very well, your grace." With a salute, he walked from the room. The space was once again empty as I sat back on my throne. The sounds of the doors opening once more brought me to see Leonard dressed in pajamas, a tired look in his eyes. I stood up, walking to him.

"What are you doing here? It's getting late."

"I wanted to come and see you. You seemed upset by the conversation earlier. I was worried." He looked around, then at me. "This looks like the inside of my apartment, just as dull."

"What about the conversation? Don't worry about it; people will gossip. I can't let you go back home. It's past seven o'clock. You are going home when I leave."

"Heartbreaking." He looked at me with a smile.

"You realized that, didn't you?"

"I was grasping at straws. An empty apartment makes for a great place to stay."

"Alright, Mr. Sarcasm. I get the hint. You got bored. Did you walk here?"

"No chance of me getting behind the wheel. I'm too tired to think straight, so I'm not up for using heavy machinery. I'm barely able to get anything done while I'm awake."

I laughed. "We're both doing well. Now that you know this, you can finally get some rest. Let me show you to my room."

Leonard looked at me, nodding as we walked from the throne room.