
Chapter One


The rain falling outside pounded on my window as the thunder rolled and lightning lit the overcast skies. I relaxed on my bed, listening for the panicked boy who loathed storms. The boy is Christian, my roommate—the fourteen-year-old son of a protective parent. I was not long waiting until the fourteen-year-old charged through my bedroom door. Almost taking the door from its hinges, the bouncing of the door, and the scratch now embedded into the wall. Results of fear searching for the embracing arms of safety. If the young man who conceived me as a good, somewhat moody person only knew the truth of why I was here, I doubt he would find me as a place of haven in a thunderstorm. He would race into the lesser of the two evils to escape from me. I stood with a sigh, walking to my door to examine the damage. Then I glanced at the teen, who didn't share in my gaze; he was doubled over, his face pale, sweat heavy on his brow, glistening like a second coat of skin. The teen was gasping for air like a fish out of water, seeking life. I stood fully walking past the teen, sitting back on my bed, awaiting him to recover from this scare. "Christian, you act as though this is your first storm. We've had storms like this all season. It's summer. This storm shouldn't come as a shock."

The teen remained in his position. "Leonard, dude, it's not the storm. If some random woman crawled through your window, you'd be ready to wet yourself, too."

"I doubt that, Christian. And considering that the landlord is ready to feed me to the junkyard dogs and pick her teeth with my bones, I don't think you would wet your pants either. The act comes naturally to you, sneaking in random women. This could be a sign to sleep with some pants on or close your window. Either would solve your problem. It's no wonder your mother dislikes me. Her son is a boy who fears thunderstorms but takes being a player to a level to socialize his status as playing the fields."

"Stop ruining my fun with logic, Leonard. This is the best show I've seen all week." I looked to see Graceona, the royal guard's captain, standing at my door, a broad smile across her face. My heart rate picked up. How did she find me?

Graceona looked at me. "Chill out, Leonard. I'm here on my desires." Her brown eyes were full of concern, her smile gone. "Do you think you can let the adults talk, boy? I promise I'll stay in here. Your room is too small for me to get too wild and crazy. You may go."

I looked at Christian, who took her orders without a second glance and gladly did so. I stood face to face with the woman I had spent three years running away from. Her look never left me as she leaned against the door frame. "You found me. What now? Do you want to dispose of me? Beat me to a pulp, hang me? Do whatever it is you came here for."

Graceona smirked with a tilt of her head. "So, you're allowing me to do whatever I want?"

I looked at her, swallowing the lump in my throat, feeling my body stiffen with every step she took toward me. "Bad mistake, Leonard. You permit me to handle you however I see fit." She chuckled. "This should be fun."

"Just leave the boy alone."

She stopped in front of me. "Deal, and gladly to do so." I exhaled a sigh as she drew closer, kissing my neck. I looked at her as she stood straight.

"A kiss?"

"What did you think I would do, horsewhip you into Winter? You need to chill out." She reaches into her pocket, pulling out a candy bar. "I'm waving the Snickers bar of peace like I said. My reason for being here is my business. Her Majesty crow's feet don't control my off hours. She can barely keep me in line during my shift; calm down and eat this. I could hear your stomach rumble at the door. It's safe. The package is still sealed."

I looked at her. "No, no, thank you, I'm fine. How did you find me? What do you want from me? Why did you tempt me with a candy bar? You know Snickers is my favorite. How demented can you be?"

She looked at me. "I always knew where you were. I want to take you on a date, and yes, I know your love for a Snickers bar. How else was I going to make it nice? I like chocolates; they make me feel better, and I always heard a way to a man's heart is his stomach, no demented will on my end. I couldn't care less if you killed Hermie. The boy was a pain in my side. I know you didn't kill him. But I applaud the person who did. He probably peeped in on the wrong man's wife."

"You came all this way for a date?"

"Yep, and a place to stay for a week. I'm on vacation, and I want to spend it with you. We have things to discuss."

"Excuse me? The date is fine, but spend your vacation here. You're going to need more than a Snickers bar of peace. My landlord isn't happy with me as is. I need this apartment. She's already watching me like a hawk because some people in this apartment want to have too much fun."

"You mean the paper that was hanging on your front door?"

"What?" I left the room and opened the door, getting the paper. I exhaled a sigh. "I was looking for it to be an eviction notice. It's just the weekly apartment check she does."

Graceona looked around. "If cleanliness is a thing, then the two of you better be packing. That broad is going to flip her top."

"I know that. Christian is too lazy to clean, and I'm working double shifts to get out of here. I clean this place, and he junks it up. Clean and filthy never coexist."

"Why are you letting him stay here?"

"He's on the lease. He was here before I was. The landlord put us together."

"And you're desperate to stay here because? I understand taking care of children, but if the child is too lazy to contribute, it's not your job to provide. Where is his mother? Why are you taking care of this boy?"

"Money, that's the main reason. Do you know how hard it is to find a decent apartment with a low-income rate in this city?"


"It's tough, and money is something I don't have, and I can't keep. It all goes to this place and bills."

"Let's go on that date now. I'm hungry and need coffee, a donut, and maybe a slice of cake."

She walked past me. "Let me go get my wallet."

"No, let's just go. You can raincheck me." Without another word, she walked from the door as I sighed, following her.