
Chapter Fourteen


Looking around the crowded room, a drizzle tapped on the tin roof of Natalia's house, running down the window. The chattering of those around me, their words a blur; Leonard was around here somewhere, the two of us arriving together after he had agreed to take part in the tournament tonight. No one seemed aware of the change that added another vampire to this large colony. Edgar was knowledgeable, for I had shared with him the deed that was done. He seemed downhearted that I had transformed Leonard into one of us, but after explaining the events, Edgar had come around. Darin is also aware of the change; other than those two, no one else asked or seemed interested. Taking a sip of the cold milk in the glass in my hand with a scowl. Natalia had zero tolerance for alcohol, meaning her drinks for the evening were water and dairy, neither one I cared for too much, but I couldn't hurt the girl that had invited me to her home; Natalia was sweet, a gentle soul, but our tastes in beverages differed the two of us as different as daylight and dark. However, I had respect for the young woman despite our differences.

I took a sip of the milk in the glass in my hand with a scowl as I placed the drink on a nearby table, excusing myself to get a breath of fresh air. Stepping onto the small porch, I found I wasn't alone. Standing alone was Leonard, who turned to acknowledge that I was here, to turn back to watch the downpour of rain. I walked over to him, looking at the shower.

"How long have you been out here alone?"

"I never went inside," he said, though he wasn't looking at me, playing with a worn-out strand of grass as thunder rolled.

I looked at him. "You could have come to me."

Leonard turned as he finally looked at me. "I know. I needed time to think, clear my head, and get my mind off things."

"Is there trouble brewing up? Is it something I should be concerned about?"

"No trouble, none that I've gathered; it's this party, and the reasons for having it is all. I don't think you can help with this."

"I can be here for you and talk you through this. I can't fix everything. Sometimes talking is better than actions."

Sitting on the swing, he looked at me as I faced him. "I wanted to have this party because you and my mother could finally meet, and she would find out about us."

"You never told your mother about us?" I felt my heart sink as I looked at him.

"We must have sent 100 letters back and forth. I always referred to you as the one that would set me straight; my mother knew your name and human age. I never told her you were a vampire; I never told her the brawls that you partake in."

I looked at him, leaning against the railing. "Why? Your mother seemed like a kind woman. Elizabeth wasn't an idiot. I never tried to hide the fact of being what I am from anyone in Infernias. If they missed it, that wasn't because I didn't send out signals. The Royals had their suspicions about my wanting to be employed by them; however, they were convinced they could welcome me and love me into shape. I've never been one that could forgive easily. They had their suspicions; their pride got them killed. Did your mother know the truth about Blake, the whole truth?" He looked at me.

"She knew bits and pieces. I told her that Blake wanted to kill me and that I was innocent of the killing. I told her a guardian angel was looking over me, saving me from a gruesome passing."

The word guardian angel caused me to cringe with a sigh. I opened my mouth, then remembered why I was being put in this awkward situation. "She pretty much put two and two together. She freaked out as a mother would, but she seemed to warm up to the idea when I told her of getting out of my former life and getting on my feet. It felt nice to hear her laugh. She seemed cool about everything and had invited the two of us to come to dinner this Sunday. It elated her to meet the woman who had taken nothing and turned him into something. She was wondering about grandchildren." He chuckled as I leaned further back into the railing. "Crazy, but you understand that she thinks you're human."

"Yeah, crazy, it's understandable. I suppose." I sighed as Leonard looked at me.

"Why are you fidgety? You act like I have holy water; you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just your mother wanting grandchildren, that's all."

"I forgot you don't like children."

"I don't hate children; well, it's not an option any longer."

Leonard laughed. "Us having kids is a crazy idea. That would be weird."

"And why do you think so?"

He looked at me. "Vampires can't have children, can they? You said that yourself."

"Well, I had always believed it to be true. Edgar thinks that with you being human, it is possible. I thought it was impossible, but the crazy idea is reality. We're pregnant."

"You're kidding?"

He looked at me. "Leonard, I rarely kid, and this is something I take seriously. I take family and its values seriously; why would I joke about this?"

"You're pregnant and wanted to head into the next town over and fight while you are pregnant. What is wrong with you? Grace, you can't do that. Are you crazy?"

"Not crazy. I've not been pregnant for over 200 years. I've not been hanging out with pregnant vampire broads. How am I supposed to know? I'm entering something new, and I have no idea what I'm doing or up against; all I do is eat and get kicked. Having four little sets of legs kicking you is new to me. There I said it: I need your help. You happy?"

"Twins? Eh, boy, we'll be on our toes, but yes, I'm happy. Your need for help comes once in a lifetime, and I love it. We're leaving and going home; you'll lay down and get off your feet; it's your time to take it easy. I can run things. How hard can it be?"

"All I do is lay down. What can I do for entertainment? Laying down sounds boring."

"Play with your fingers, rest, and practice shadow puppets. Find something because you and your bed will become close for the next nine months. Come on, I'll explain things to Natalia later. Maybe she can keep you company."

I sighed as Leonard walked past me. "You coming, Grace. This will be fun, I promise. You'll get to rest. That should be a good thing. You've been going nonstop. Come on, I'll drive us home."

"You driving? When did you learn to drive, Leonard?"

"I always knew how. I just never did it because you always drove. Then, before we met, I couldn't afford a car, so I never drove."

I looked at him as he smiled. "No worries, I won't go fast. I can drive. Cooking has always been the issue. My driving was decent. Stop worrying, and come on, I'll make you some grilled cheese when we get home, and then you're going straight to bed for the night."

"I'm not going to change your mind, am I?"

"No, now come on."

"And the tournament tonight? You still going to fight in it?"

He looked at me with a raised brow. "You tell me you're pregnant with my children and still want me to participate in the tournament?" He sighed. "If I do, will lie down and take it easy, sit in the audience, and sit this one out?"

"Fine, I can agree with that."

"Alright then, let's go to Halcyon then. We can stay at a hotel for the night and return in the morning. Deal?"

"Deal." I smiled as we left the party.