
000 - What Makes The Sky Blue

[Heyaaa author here this is actually the first time i write something so i really need your review to fix my writing and I try to fix it and taking you guys feedback] Rei, a normal student living in normal world, wakes up one day to find himself transported into the gacha game he always play. Granblue Fantasy, To make things even more weird, he suddenly have the appearance of Lucilius, an astral that want to destroy the world

IamReallySalad · Jeux vidéo
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April fools Event : Different Timeline?

Hey it's me ~

Sorry no main story update for today i decided to not writing during the weekend so i just post this april fools Event i make before.

So is this story canon or not ? Well maybe or maybe not so yea have fun

Don't forget to give me your feedback for this chapter Thank you ~

<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >

<Lumacie Archipelago>

island that covered by a deep forest thriving under the protection of the primal beast Yggdrasil. The forest, ancient and untouched since the Astral invasion and The War, holds ruins of legend and mystery, along with unique plant species found nowhere else in the skydom. However, the forest's perilous nature has hindered further exploration.

"Hyaaaahhhhh!" even so, the sound of someone battling a monster echoes through the forest.

"Djeeta!" The person calls out the name of the girl, Djeeta, then leaps backward.

"Take this!" Seeing Rei retreat, she advances, launching an attack on the monster.

"Tempest Blade!" Djeeta strikes repeatedly ending it with a vertical slash that unleashes a wave of destruction around them.

The monster, hit by Djeeta's attack falls dead instantly.

"Phew," Djeeta sighs, sheathing her sword.

"Hehehe, we did it, Rei," Djeeta runs towards Rei and embraces him.

Rei seeing her behavior like this can only shaking his head at her, he has noticed that since they started dating, Djeeta has been sticking to him more and more, not wanting to let go.

"Alright, Djeeta, let's collect the swirling amber we need to finish our task," Rei caressing Djeeta's head.

"Hehe" Djeeta smiles feeling Rei's patting her, then releases her embrace and starts collecting the Swirling Amber they require.

After obtaining what they need, Djeeta approaches Rei. "I'm done, Rei. How about you?"

"Hmm, I've also gathered the swirling stone we need. Shall we head back?" Rei suggests to Djeeta.

Djeeta, hearing this, immediately smiles and raises both hands towards Rei as if expecting something.

"Hmm?" Rei, seeing this, wastes no time and swiftly lifts Djeeta in his arms.

"Whoa... hehe, I never get tired of you carrying me like this," Djeeta playfully pats Rei's strong chest.

"Alright, hold on tight," Rei says as Djeeta embraces his neck firmly.

Rei concentrates, and suddenly, six black wings emerge from his back.

"Are you ready, Djeeta?"

"Yes, I'm ready. Let's return to the Grandcypher," Djeeta responds.

Upon hearing this, Rei jumps, and they begin flying towards the parked Grandcypher.

"Wow, even though I've experienced this many times, it feels truly different than when we use the airship right?" Djeeta looks around and admires the islands below.

"Yes, yes, you keep saying that everytime. Let's head back quickly."

They then arrived at the Grandcypher and landed on its deck. Rei put Djeeta down and looked around.

"Hey Rei, welcome back!" Lyria came over and hugged Rei.

"Hey Lyria, I'm here too, why don't you greet me?" Djeeta looked at Lyria hugging Rei, feeling a bit jealous.

"Hehe, you've been with Rei for a while now Djeeta, it's my turn now." Lyria turned to Djeeta, pouting.

"Hehehe, look at you three being all lovey-dovey." Someone appeared, teasing the three of them.

"Yeah, yeah, Rackam, you always say that. Why don't you find a partner as well?" Rei looked at who had come and teased Rackam back.

"Hah? I'm still young, so I don't need to rush to find a partner. Besides, I'm busy being the helmsman for all of you." Rackam made up an excuse for his bachelorhood.

"My, my, you all are always so lively, aren't you?" Suddenly, another voice appeared. This person had long dark brown hair that extended to her hips.

"Oh, hello Rosetta, have you returned from your job? How's Io doing?" Rei saw Rosetta coming with someone who had an eye patch and brown hair with a beard.

"Hahaha, Io is resting because she got a bit tired from fighting many monsters earlier." The person answered Rei's question.

"Oh, and how about you Eugen? Aren't you tired?" Rei asked the person named Eugen.

"Hahahaha, you still underestimate my body. Even though I may look old, my energy is still enough for a long fight."

After their chat, Rackam began to steer the Grandcypher back to Port Breeze Island to report their mission.

After reporting their mission, they chose to rest in Port Breeze first. Rackam then arranged the Grandcypher to be parked for them to rest.

After dinner cooked by Rei (because they liked Rei's cooking), Djeeta and Lyria gathered in Rei's room.

"Hey Rei, good night."

"Excuse me, Rei."

Djeeta and Lyria went straight in to Rei's room after Rei opened the door when he heard a knock.

"Oh, are you two sleeping here again?" Rei walked to his bed and started lying down.

Djeeta and Lyria saw Rei lying in the middle of his bed, looking at each other and nodding.

They both then went to the side of Rei and lay down with him.

They continued chatting until night and discussed their previous adventures, but as the night grew later, Lyria became sleepier and eventually fell asleep while hugging Rei.

Djeeta, seeing Lyria asleep, also began to feel sleepy. But before falling asleep, she stole a kiss from Rei.

"*Chu* Good night, Rei."

Rei felt the kiss from Djeeta and caressed her head until she fell asleep.

After seeing the two of them asleep, Rei began to feel sleepy himself and eventually fell asleep.

After the three of them fell asleep, suddenly black smoke appeared on their bed.

The smoke pulled the three of them and eventually they disappeared from the room.

Rei woke up but he hadn't opened his eyes yet and tried to feel his surroundings. When he couldn't feel anyone beside him, he started to open his eyes and woke up.

"Huh? That's weird, Djeeta and Lyria are not here." Rei then looked towards the window and realized it was already daytime, as the sun was shining brightly.

"It's already daytime? Strange, usually someone wakes me up in the morning." Rei then stood up from bed and tried to leave his room.

What Rei didn't realize was that his room looked different than usual. There were no belongings he had kept and no various gifts from many people he had received before.

As Rei walked on the Grandcypher, he didn't hear anyone's voice, which made him more confused.

He then walked to the Grandcypher's deck and was surprised by his surroundings.

"This is... Auguste? Why are we suddenly here? Didn't we stop at Port Breeze before?"

Rei thought maybe they had planned to swim, so in the morning when he was still asleep, Djeeta and the others agreed to go to Auguste.

"Well, since we're already here, maybe I'll go for a swim too."

Rei disembarked from the Grandcypher and headed to the city of Mizarea. When he arrived in the city, he saw many people on vacation with their families or friends.

But Rei still couldn't find Djeeta and the others, so he went towards Baruha Beach while searching for them.

"Hello there! Get your delicious apple juice right here!"

"Come try our shaved ice! It's the coldest around!"

While walking on the beach, Rei heard a sound he knew well, so he turned towards the sound and saw Lyria in her summer clothes selling drinks with Vyrn.

"Oh, it seems they are selling drinks, but it's so random why they suddenly decided to sell drinks like that." Rei thought they were really strange for suddenly selling drinks like that.

Finally, Rei approached them both and tried to buy a drink.

"Hey Lyria, Vyrn, you both seem so excited to sell this drink, can I buy one apple juice for myself?" Rei went to their shop.

"Okay, one apple juice..." Lyria, who heard the customer, looked towards the voice but suddenly fell silent when she saw Rei's face.

Vyrn, realizing Lyria suddenly stopped promoting their drink, turned to Lyria.

"Hey Lyria, what are you doing? We need to promote the drink..." Vyrn spoke but also stopped when he saw why Lyria suddenly fell silent.

"Hmm? Why are you both suddenly silent? So, can I buy the drink?" Rei tilted his head in confusion.

"Aaaahhh!" they both suddenly screamed.

"Lucilius? Why are you here?" Lyria panicked and looked around but all she saw were customers watching them because Lyria had suddenly screamed.

"Haaaahhh, you! Why are you here? Wasn't our fight before enough for you?" Vyrn also shouted at Rei.

Two people in the kitchen finally came out after hearing Lyria and Vyrn's screams.

"Lyria? Vyrn? Why are you screaming like that?" Djeeta came out wearing her Yukata, followed by a man with brown hair and red eyes.

"You!" the man saw Rei's face and immediately became angry, attacking Rei.




Rei quickly blocked the man's attack and their swords clashed against each other.

"You! Lucilius! How can you be here?" the man glared angrily at Rei.

"Sandalphon?" Djeeta shouted at the man named Sandalphon because she hadn't had a chance to see Rei's face.

"Captain, get ready! It seems Lucilius managed to escape from that place" Sandalphon began to use his powers more.

"Hey, wait a minute, I'm not Lucilius," Rei tried to tell Sandalphon.

"Not Lucillus?" Lyria, who heard Rei's words, was confused because his appearance was very similar to Lucilius. But after listening carefully, she realized that his voice was indeed different from the Lucilius she had heard before.

"Wait Sandalphon! Stop! let him explain," Lyria tried to telling Sandalphon.

But Sandalphon couldn't hear her well because he was consumed by anger due to Lucillus's actions before.


Suddenly, six white wings emerged from Sandalphon's back.

"Tch," Rei, seeing Sandalphon's expression and his wings, knew that he wouldn't listen to his reasons for now.

Rei began to emit his aura and parry Sandalphon's sword, then kicked his stomach.

"Ughhh," Sandalphon stepped back slightly from Rei's kick.

Rei then ran away from the surrounding residents. As he ran, he released his six black wings and started floating towards the sea.

When he was above the sea, he stopped and turned to face Sandalphon, who was chasing him.

"Hey, calm down, Sandalphon, I am not Lucillus! My name is Rei," Rei tried to inform Sandalphon.

"Not Lucillus? Then why do you have his wings and aura that are so similar to Lucillus?" Sandalphon rejected Rei's explanation.

"I will explain later along with everyone. How about we go back first and talk it out?" Rei panicked because if they fought here, the island could be severely damaged by the battle of two supreme Primarchs, causing a great disaster.

"He's right, Sandy... how about you stop and let him explain?" Suddenly, a voice came from above them.

They both looked up and saw someone flying, who had the same appearance as Rei but with white wings instead of black like Rei's.

"Tch... Alright, besides, this island could be destroyed if we both fight. I better hear a good reason from you," Sandalphon surrendered and flew back towards Djeeta and the others.

"Phew, thank you Lucio, thanks to you, Sandalphon stop attacking me," Rei was glad to see Sandalphon stop attacking him.

"Hmmm? So you know my name? Your explanation seems interesting," the person named Lucio smiled as he looked at Rei and then flew back towards Sandalphon.


Don't forget to give me your feedback on this chapter.

Thank you~

IamReallySaladcreators' thoughts