
00 : 07 ; Seven minutes to doom (Spy vs spy )

One mission; one team against one psychopathic villain who is all set to destroy this world via microlemmental attack. Carcin; a highly corrosive, highly poisonous chemical has fallen in hands of Amayra , the leader of TTO. Due to her pitiful past and hatredness towards the world, she wants nothing more than to bring our planet, our home down, by releasing Carcin in our atmosphere, which will leads to the end of Human Civilization. But that's not all, in the years to come it will bring down each and evey species on our planet leading to end of life in Earth; which also goes by the name of apocalypse. Now comes the question why ain't noone stopping it from happening. Well, the leaders full of greed, corruption and lust wants nothing more than power and money, even if it costs them their own lives at the end. But, one team is all set to save our planet by stopping Amayra from executing her disastrous plan. But.. but.. but... this is where the story starts. The team fighting against Amayra must leave their differences aside and work unitedly. Isn't it? Unfortunately, it isn't the case. Well, no one to blame, coming from two sworn enemy countries and expecting the mission to go smoothly is like asking for sun and moon. Not to mention, they have one mole in their very own team, who is passing their each and every information to Amayra, personally. So, how will this mission end? To know do read the story. But to understand the story, firstly read it's part 1 Death : Mystery Unsolved https://www.webnovel.com/book/death-mystery-unsolved_19497639305476105 and then continue the adventure here. Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comment-section, I would love to reply back.

Silent_Listener · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
140 Chs

She got rescued

After what seemed like an eternity, a girl, who had been lost in the pitch black darkness somewhere out there, maybe in the universe.

She couldn't help but cringe her beautifully knitted eyebrows together in a frown.

Ah! Light! This much light! It was as if she was drowning in the ocean of bright light. She kept on drowning without getting to the bottom of this.

This kept on going for a long.. Very longer period of time, when... finally she finds the end of this bright World. Finally she found the hole, filled with darkness in it.

She was about to enter in this seemingly small hole, when she heard a voice ; " You can't. I said, you can't.

You promised me, that you will be bring me back to life. You promised me, you will become World's best doctor. You promised me, you will compensate me for all the years, i have to spend like this. You promised me.

Are you breaking your promise? Miss Kirti Rajput. The descendant of the Rajput Clan, the descendant of the people, who can even die without hesitation to honour their words.

Are you, the descendant of That Rajput Clan, breaking your promise? Are you dishonouring your words? Please don't do this, Kirti. Please, I need you.

Don't forget, you have said, you won't die, until and unless, you give me back everything, i deserve, including my life. Then, please survive through this, too.

You have already done, many things. Let it be one among them, too. Woke up, sleepy head. This World needs you. Kul and your Kriya needs you.


And the person, who was about to enter the bliss forever, couldn't help but try to go back. After all, she is Rajput, and a Rajput always honour her words and fulfill her promises, no matter what.

But.. as if the light doesn't want it to. When, she tried to go down, it was easy.. But now.. As if this very light.. Turned into walls and ceilings of gold, iron and silver. So, strong, unbreakable, unbentable.

More than impossible. Although Agent K knows, it's more than impossible, but for her, for Kriya… she would like to give it her all.

Her everything.

And very soon, her persistent faded and she got knocked out of her senses.

" Agent K."

" Miss Kia."

' Miss Rajput."

And she heard three voices, the first thing, after her struggle with light.

Agent S, who doesn't want to know or explain, how he felt till now, till this moment, finally heaved a sigh of breath. This girl is lethal. Mostly people get the luck to avoid problems or deaths.

But she got the luck to court problems and deaths in her plate.

Luckily, they had antidote for the poison, or else. The consequences would be drastically unfavourable.

After struggling with the light again, she opened her eyes, and a ray of light fall on her eyes, making her to shut her eyes again.

Saheed watched this and couldn't help but stand in between her and the source of light, giving her a shade place. Only after which she opened her eyes again. Luckily, this time, her eyes feel comfortable.

Only then she saw, the ever so stern, so strict, so rude, so cold guy,aka Saheed. On the opposite side, Sean and Dean were standing , deadly worried about her, as the concern could be seen laced all over their faces.

Dean's face clearly shows guilt and defeat. After all, it was him, who brought them to that garden. Well, he was planning to take them to the nearby fountain area, but who would have thought, this girl's nature explorer skills would kick out of the blue, causing her almost her very life, as the cost.

She just blinked and blinked. While letting all the information absorb in her system. And there it goes, again.

" My Lady."

" K."

" Agent K."

" Ohoye! Miss Brain."

The homies, who weren't any better then the guys here, flooded her brain and ears with their worry. Before, she could even reply or even think about any reply, their group questions were knocking her out.

" K, you are scaring me."

" My Lady, i am sorry, i was so damn busy with the task, that i forgot you."

" Miss Brain, you said we are a team. You aren't ditching this team, now. Are you?"

" Agent K, please woke up. We need you."

" Oh! Her vitals. Her vitals. I can see her vitals. They are raising back to normal."

" Oh!! She is finally coming back to this World, again."

" Well, we can say that. You know, i was deadly scared, when her heart stopped beating."


"Alright, guys. I am alive. Is that sufficient?" K, finally, after what seems like an eternity butted it.

After all, she was least interested in knowing about what happened and what doesn't happened, in her absence.

And after hearing her soft yet scarcastic voice in their heads, everyone finally heaved a sigh of relief. Finally giving her ears some peace. But that was just the peace before the storm.

As sooner, the entire homies group came back and flooded the channel, again. Making K to feel like, it would be better to be a dead meat, actually. Ah, her poor ears. At this rate, she will definitely turned deaf.

Neither Saheed, nor Sean or Dean say anything to her. Saheed didn't say anything, because he could feel the mess homies were creating in his absence. Even at some point, he sympathizes with her.

Firstly, she just fight death and come back. Then, she has to face all of this. And since, Dean and Sean are his junior in a sense. So, they didn't dare utter a word, before him.

While, Saheed just kept on listening to the Homies convo, while watching her pitiful expresion. Really, poor her.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!!! K KKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!"

"Myyyyyyyyyyyy Ladyyyyyyyyyy."

" Saheedaaaaaaa apppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii."

" Little girl. Welcome backkkkkkk."

"OMG. K, how are you feeling?"

" My Lady, are you hurting somehwere?"

" K, you should eat more food, this time, to recover up."

"Senior K, rest more and drink more water."

" K, can you walk?"

" K, can you talk?"

"My Lady, I wanna hear your voice."

" My Lady, are you hungry?"

" My Lady, i got the co-ordinates. Let me send them to you."

" Smart girl, next time, be and act little smartly, okay."

" Oh! Little girl, rest well. Okay."

" Appi, come back home and I will prepare a delicious meal for you."

" Hey, how could you give delicious meal to patient. It should be boiled food."

" But, M, My Lady, would rather get starve to death then eating the boiling food."

And the homies talk flooded in.

"Everyone, she needs some peace and silence. So, get back to your work." Saheed finally butted in, as her rescuer, only to earn a death glare from her, in return.

He just arched his eyeborws, as if asking 'what?'

And then her facial expressions were like ; ' you could have done that, earlier, too. You did it purposefully. You egoistic,bastard.'

Fine, he could have stopped them earlier. But the thing is, he doesn't want to stop them, earlier, at all.

" I am sorry. Miss Rajput. It's entirely my fault. I shouldn't have brought you two,there."Dean finally apologized.

" No, please don't apologize. It was just my negligience, nothing else. I literally didn't know about such type of plants and insects or their existence.

Besides, I am healthy and alive, all thanks to you. If it hadn't been for you, then, hehe, I am afraid, i would have said goodbye to this World, already.

So, thank you so much." She replied in grateful and thankful, but weak voice.

After all, she hadn't even recovered fully yet.

"By the way, we didn't…. We didn't pass the deadline. Did we?" Kia asked with some hesitation. After all, if they really failed the mission because of her. Then, it will be very problematic for her.

Then, she will never ever be able to forgive herself. Never.

And the trio just stare at her, with utmost respect and reverence in their eyes.

Here, people doesn't even care about their family, after getting the second chance in life. After recovering from their weakness and problem. Yet, here, just look at her.

Rather than worrying about herslf, or asking about her condition at this time, she is more worried about their mission. The mission, which will decide the future of Country V and This World.

" Don't worry… it's just 9 pm. You should focus on resting properly. We still have an hour and half to perform our mission." Saheed finally replied.

Not telepathically, though.

" 9 pm. Then, shouldn't we go to the 'Control Panel', right now. After all, there are many things, for which, I don't trust anyone else. I would rather do it myself.

Let's go. We shouldn't delay, anymore." She said, and was about to get up and walk, when Saheed forcefully hold her from her shoulders and pin her to the bed.

' Just rest well. Or else, i will lock you in this very room, for the entire night, as the way of reprimanding my junior. You don't want that, do you?' And he warned her.

For godsake, the images of her falling down.. The images of her saying goodbye.. The images of her lying on the ground.. Lifelessly.. The images of him bringing her in his arms.. The images of doctor checking up on her..

The images of those sympathetic look on the doctor's eyes.. The images of her breathing rapidly… the images of the stopping of her heartbeat…

The images.. Of his desperate state… the images of him losing all hopes.. The images of dean bringing the antidote from the Medi-center… the images of her body rejecting the antidote..

The images of her being dead…. Then the images of her body accepting the antidote's content…. The image of her gaining consciousness… just flooded in.

Dear readers, what were you all hoping for?

To let Agent K die or to let Agent K fight along with Agent S side by side.

It will be one chapter update per Monday, wednesday and friday.

As author is busy nowadays finding a part-time job.

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