
My Greatest Creation

Hi, I'm Arthur. I have experienced what many people call isekai or reincarnation. Wait, aren't those two words have the same meaning? It's been so long. I can't seem to remember well. I could barely remember the time I was reborn in this world. I was an ordinary college student back in my old world. In that world aside from humans, some wizards could do incredible things. They could do things we thought impossible like creating water from air or giant firestorms.

For a long time, we lived in peace but then someone among the wizards came out and said that "We don't need them, let's show them we are superior!" with just these words the biggest war our planet has ever seen happened. Thousands of innocent people died every day. When I died the war was in its second year. Because of a bomb exploding nearby I died. I thought that was the end for me but a few seconds later I opened my eyes and saw something completely unexpected.

"Unfamiliar ceiling... Wait, what?!"

It took me a while to figure it out but I was reborn in another world. When I gained the memories of my old life I was five years old so maybe you can call it transmigration? I don't care about it. It's been so long since then. Shortly after regaining my memories I and my new family discovered that I possessed mana greater than any of the children of my age.

Mana is the source of all magic in this world. Unlike this world, back in my old world, there was no mana. So wizards were using their life force to do magic. You had to have a special bloodline to be able to become a wizard. The wizards wanted to gather all of these special bloodline holders and train them as new generations of wizards. So they released the knowledge and information about how their magic works to the public. Many people tried to copy and do it. Some were successful and taken in by wizards and some were successful and left alone. Of course, this was all before the war.

When I was a kid I spent weeks learning what I can learn from the information available to the public. Among all of them, I remember reading one particular technique. A technique that can boost your body and strength by circulating your energy inside your body. Wizards weren't interested in this technique because they both don't melee fighters and this technique only gives a temporary boost.

The mages of this world were the same as the wizards in this aspect. They weren't interested in the melee fights. But I was interested in this technique. Not the boosting the strength part, I was interested in the side effects of the technique caused. The continued usage of this technique caused mainly two effects on the body. The first one is an overall improvement of the body and this one wasn't temporary. But unfortunately, to achieve this effect you would have to practice this technique for decades at the very least and you had to practice it continuously without taking any breaks.

The second effect was the one I was most interested in. Circulating your mana in the same pattern for years would cause energy channels to form inside your body and these channels will automatically continue to circulate your mana. This alone is a pretty huge deal itself. An automatic technique that will boost you always. But what if you combine it with something else. Something many mages ignored as well but has some pretty interesting results too.

The second technique I'm talking about is called "Breath of the World". This technique allows one to recover their mana from just breathing. The main reason why almost everyone ignored is the mana in the air is thin and thus using this technique to recover mana takes an extremely long time. This technique alone has some potential but unfortunately, it alone wasn't very useful. But fear not this is where the third and the final technique I discovered comes in.

"8 Points of Harmony" is what it's called. Normally a mage would have a magic core right next to his heart that gives him the ability to cast magic and feel mana. With this technique, you divide your magic core into eight equal parts and place them in different parts of your body. This is another ignored technique, you can already guess at this point I think. I found these techniques inside the books of the public library. Since no one values these techniques they even put them inside the books in the public libraries.

Anyway, back to the topic. The reason I'm interested in this third technique is both its main effect and side effects. The main effect and the goal of this technique are to recover your mana quicker and gain immunity to all sicknesses whether magical or ordinary. But some of its side effects are the reason why this one is ignored. First, it divides the magic core and thus divides the mana pool. Secondly, placing the eight pieces of the magic core in eight different parts of the body it makes harder to gather mana and cast spells.

Now, let's get into the side effects that I found interesting. You have eight equal mana pools inside your body. Also with a slight modification, you have eight more points you can gather mana from the air. And the last one is the most dangerous side effect. It removes limiters of the body. In theory, it would be an awesome trump card but in reality, removing limits is all it does. It doesn't give a power boost or anything aside from the eight locations you placed the pieces. And because of this, your body became incredibly vulnerable to itself.

After all, this explains what I did may be obvious. I combined these three different techniques and created a new one. And I did it when I was seven. *Smug smile* Ahem, the technique I created is called "8 Breath of the World".

With this technique, you divide your magic core into eight equal parts and place them in different parts of your body. Thus far everything is the same. But from this point on things chances. With a little modification, I managed to change the body parts I put the pieces. Black circles appeared on the places I put the pieces. With the pieces, I connected those circles to my inner ever constantly circulating mana.

These black circles are permanent magic circles I engraved on my body. Their function is to suck mana from the air. With just this, I increase the efficiency of the "Breath of the World" eight times. Since the first technique will always be active from now on I had to increase my mana regeneration to support it. I also changed the pattern of the circulation. It took me a few weeks and a lot of advice from our town's healer but I managed it.

I created a circulation system that would be unique to my body and this combined technique. My mana will be circulating between the eight points of magic cores. The difference between this and normal circulation is easy. In normal circulation, you have only one magic core and the places closest to the magic core get the biggest benefits while the parts of the body far from the core get the least benefits. This is also why it takes a lot of time to permanently improve your body.

Circulation with eight points also allow my whole body to fill with mana over time, not just my mana pools. Later on, I made several adjustments but the core of the technique remained the same. I used this technique ever since I was seven years old. When I was 15 years old, I already had the power equal to B rank Mages and Warriors.

My mother was a retired B rank mage and my dad was a retired A rank warrior. After retirement, they move to a small town in the countryside and a few years later had me. Mom helped me a lot with my research. In her eyes, I was just a child who was curious about magic. But my master plan was steadily working. I was inspired by cultivation novels I sometimes read in my old world. Don't get me wrong I kinda liked the concepts of cultivation not the rest of the novel, most of the time. They would add a lot of weird things and I would lose the will to read it further.

Anyway, my combined technique works like cultivation minus all those cringe and weird additions. After I was fifteen, I left the town to be an adventurer. I could increase my strength just by sitting or lazing around then why did I decide to become an adventurer? The answer is obvious. For more power. I died because of my lack of power in my old world. For years I had always nightmares while sleeping. So I wanted to be strong. I wanted to be immortal.

After becoming an adventurer I collected the magic cores of the monster I slew. Because later on, I created another technique. Well, this one was more like a spell. I was able to absorb the magic cores and I could gain some of their abilities. I first created this technique to absorb more mana to accelerate my cultivation. But gaining their abilities was a welcome surprise.

When I was 27, I achieved it. I became the first immortal in this world.