
.(Moved to a new Link)

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GreatDaoofspace · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
50 Chs

The fissure and the desert.

A large desert that stretches for kilometers with a strong sun, a dry and arid climate, hot and white but soft sand on your feet.

"It's a good view… but it's really hot… luckily my race is relatively resistant, but it's still hot…" I said, looking around, he was already transformed and wearing a cape, Entei was at my side happy and excited, without a doubt the fire and light are great for him and this environment certainly suits him.

More specifically, I am on the Western continent, in one of its great deserts and I came here at the request of Elder Dwan to repair a dimensional rift.


Some balls of water that I created using some of my contract with Aqua were around me, I'm getting better at using my contract with him to summon and manipulate water at will, it would be easier if I had a class related to spirits but it is not the fact.

My hair was also a brown color and I was wearing an eagle mask and my clothes are the same as nomads' clothes with beige brown colors that I transformed with the help of one of my armor's skills, in fact any part of my body it was barely visible to protect from the sand.

And while I felt the sand and touched Ron on my lap and gave him some water from his ability, Entei was playing in the sand and having fun.

'Teacher!! This environment is very good!! It has high fire and light' Entei spoke and I caressed his head with my left hand.

While Ron said the opposite.

'It's not that bad, but it's a little irritating... there's barely enough moisture for me to manipulate the mist, I'll have to spend more mana to create it here... but the poison isn't a problem, the last enemies were annoying because my poison had almost no effect on them.'

"I know undead aren't the best match for you."

Entei also added remembering something.

'The bad thing is that Brother Aqua can't come for a walk.'

"Good is not the best environment for him" Aqua remained in space and it wouldn't be a problem for me to use him here, but he is still a low level spirit and he would spend more time and at least be uncomfortable in this environment.

Independently I also took bottles of juice and water out of inventory and Ron and I drink them from time to time.


And in a short time I arrived at the marked area and I actually felt a disruption in space…

It wasn't big, but it was small...he asked me what caused it...exactly... it seems to have increased over time and due to no one coming to close it.

Identifying the area, I concentrated my mana and extended my hands, my mana flowed and flew around it, covering it slowly and the energy of my dimensional magic covered the place.

"Ron Entei stay behind me."

'Okay master' They both responded obediently and stayed behind both to avoid interfering and in case sneak attacks occur to be able to defend me.

Feeling and covering the fissure with my mana I began to manipulate the space slowly and after a few minutes the spatial fissure closed.

[You have closed a spatial fissure, your sensitivity to space increases slightly]


It didn't consume as much mana since I have a lot, but it still tired me a bit since the concentration is important to be high and it must be done carefully.

And when I relaxed my senses buzzed and I used spatial step.

And I appeared in the distance as Ron had turned into mist and walked away and Entei retreated flying into the air and increased his size to a large wolf...he is getting bigger with time it seems...

Ignoring this I saw who attacked me.

More specifically, it was a large lizard wrapped in sand and looking annoyed at not having caught its prey.

 I looked at him indifferently and took my sword from my waist while I released my hidden magic from my tail. We were the only ones here so it's a good time to use my tail, which is stronger than my sword and very versatile, and at the same time train with it. .


Name: Desert lizard(Elite)

98% HP 95% MP

Lvl 55

Description: There are countless monsters hidden in the desert, this is a lizard that hides under the sand and hopes to catch its prey unnoticed by honoring its reptilian blood, at the same time it can manipulate the sand as it wants, being careful not to sink like a mummy.


"Good lizard, you want to fight so much"

He looked at me irritated and only roared in response as the sand on the ground flew into the air and sharp blades formed from sand flew towards us, the Entei moved his wings and released waves of fire that stopped the movement of the sand blades.

At the same time, Ron appeared above him and stuck his claws into a weaker part of the scales, and the sharp claws that could even penetrate the scales sank into his flesh and poisons began to be deposited on the enemy.

[Ron is poisoning his monster, poisons of weakness, slowness and slow damage are being applied]

He shouted irritated by the pain of the poisons and claws and I moved my sword from top to bottom.

"Dimension slash"

The cut that went through the space cut directly into one of his eyes, but the design on the side of his head meant that the cut didn't go as deep.

Of course I quickly moved towards him using my speed and Entei also flew towards him with flames and light in his claws and Ron fell apart ready to cause new sneak attacks and poisonings.