
.(Moved to a new Link)

. >>>>>>>>>>>NOTE: Chapters will be slowly moved to the new Link and those here will be deleted. I appreciate everyone's understanding!! New link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-life-of-the-great-master_29657203600281905 New link is readyyyy thankss you all

GreatDaoofspace · Fantaisie
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50 Chs


"What is your purpose in entering the city?"

In front of the gate the guard stopped me.

"I came to see the city and I would like to go to the old library"

I spoke with a smile that wasn't visible through the mask.

He looked at me for a moment longer.

"50 gold coins" He spoke coldly.

And I handed it in without complaining, I don't use the adventurer card much anymore...transit between continents and not just cities...and it could become suspicious traveling through space and even crossing continents is not an easy or cheap feat.

Of course it's different for my race...

Before entering, the guard spoke.

"Don't offend the head of the library, he is not patient."


I agreed with him and was curious to know if the boss has a temper or something…

Walking around the city, I enjoyed the climate and environment of a new place, here people generally wore clothes to cover themselves from the sandy winds that sometimes came, the buildings were made with slightly beige stones, like sandstone and similar stones, some places had wood and there were no stalls in the streets, but small shops that sold both food and other things.

And when I passed Entei, he was looking at me with puppy dog eyes pointing to one of the stores…

Well, buying some food doesn't hurt.

"Alright Ent"

I went in and found a woman wearing large white clothes and a scarf covering her head.

With large platters in front of her with fragrant food.

There was no one in line so I was served straight away.

"A young man in a mask, do you and your monsters want a portion?" The woman gave a kind and excited smile and asked.

"Of course, what is it?" I responded and asked curiously.

"A food made from meat is called bobotie, this is special with the meat of a sheep-like monster, light dried fruits and a little egg and milk on top, it is quite delicious"

She spoke as she cut off a piece and placed it on small wooden pieces next to a spoon.

I handed the first one to Ent and the next ones to Ron and one to myself.

"Gives everything 12 coins."


I handed her the coins and sat down on a nearby bench and continued eating with my tamers…


After eating I stopped in front of the library, it was a large old tower that looked slightly sunken.

And what surprised me when trying to enter was the individual in front was a beastman with the wings of a bird with legs longer than normal and resembled the ibis, and the most surprising thing was the symbol in front of the library the symbol of a moon and of an ibis bird, also known as the symbol of the god Thoth one of the strongest gods on the western continent and extremely capable in magic and symbols also known for being the fathers of scribes.

The reason I know is because I read a book about the gods in general in the dimension of my race, in addition it is because the god Thoth has a good relationship with the goddess Thetis, one of the allies of our race, which makes him a little more memorable.

  Independently the beast man looked at me, and after a while he spoke.

"This is the library known as the ensiklopedie, a large structure present on the western continent and under the protection of the peak god, the god Thoth, present its name."

"It's a pleasure, I'm Alex"

"Say your purpose Alex"

"I'm looking to register an old book and would also like to visit the library."

I answered honestly, the library was also something I was curious about, I always liked reading and even though I don't remember hearing about it, the fact that it is under the protection of a god like God Thoth, means that it must have quality and his books and it also makes sense why the archaeologist wanted to put his book here.

"Our library accepts any book and knowledge, but to enter you must answer a riddle, if you make a mistake you will not be able to try again until one day, and you will leave part of your strength here, do you accept the challenge?"

[Mission: Library Puzzle]


Mission: Library Puzzle

Description: The doorman at the ensiklopedie library sets you a challenge, use your knowledge and wisdom to respond, know that if you fail you will leave part of your level as a price.

Reward: Level +1, entrance to the library.

Punishment: -1 level, inability to enter until the next day.


"Accepted" I still decided to accept the mission, despite the loss of level I still had to complete the other mission.


He spoke and turned his hand, a magic circle covered us coming from the building itself, I also felt a pressure pressing me and including me like a small current, as if it was ready to give me power or take it away, at the same time I felt an aura of mana and knowledge.

"The enigma will follow. The world has many things, some belong to us, others belong to others, others belong to everyone. But among everything, is there something that belongs to you, but everyone uses it?"

"You have 1 minute and 20 seconds to respond."

After he spoke I started thinking about the answer, while my tamers looked on curiously.