
Guess Who's Back!!!!

He would be lying if he said he wasn't disappointed .All this work just to be stab in the back quite ,funny since he did the same to his best friend . *Sigh* how he missed the time when everything went smoothly but all change thanks to that pathetic village !!! Just to think of them made him mad well as mad as a dead man could , because yes Madara Uchiha the legend was dead. But it seems that it wasn't really right as he was now in a blank room with a desk in front of him and a door behind him . And you might be wondering who was sitting on that desk ? Well it was God the one and only , yup a tall and muscular blond man ( Madara hate blonds and i think you know why) dressed in a white and golden robe who was extremely happy right now and you might wants too know why ? Well then lets go !!

Madara:*Sigh* so you brought me back to life in a younger and stronger body with the rinne-sharingan and juubi inside of me so i can be transportated in another world an conquer it ?

GOD: Yep that's right, you know when you're at the top of the world you can't be bored because there's so many things do to but after all this time i'm pretty sure i've done all i could but there's one thing i never did . Support the villain .

Madara: Well now that i think about it all this plan was stupid and could never work.

At this point God was quite surprised that Madara said something like that , but oh well that's exactly what he needed .

God: HA HA HA .So at least you can recognize that ? I mean yeah that was stupid but now you can restart all of it in a new world that you could dominate , so interested ?

Madara: Let me think about it .

God:Okay take your time .

Madara:'Well the proposition is good but i'm not sure after all the time did not work .This time i would have to trust nobody and to be extremely ruthless but well that's something i can do , now i just need to now how strong i would be in this world '

Madara: God how strong would i be in this new world ?

God not wanting to explain everything merely touch Madara's forehead and all of a sudden a stream of information enter his brain : the ranking system , the sects , the Qi, the beast and the cultivation .

Madara: Well that certainly help but i still don't know exactly how powerful i would be

God : Well S in this form SS in susano and SSS in your max power form but juubi and the susano would be more destructive its merely that susano is too taxing and juubi is a beast so its not really the best thing to unleash .

Madara: Ok well then i accept after all if no one can oppose in this world it will be funnier but can you tell me exactly what you want me to do and also where and when i will appear in this World ?

God : Ok well i just want you to conquer the world , you can to do it in the way you want even if you want to exterminate almost everyone its ok and for the time an location it will be the first day of april

of the year 550 and you will appear at the Fang Kingdom in the mountain that face the capital but be aware that there is a level 5 Qi beast comparable to high Qi master in the mountain it will be sleeping but you can kill it if you want . Oh and don't worry about money because in this moutain ive built a secret base for the future akatsuki and it contains all the things you could possibly except for the member .

Madara: Many will say you're making things to easy for me

God: I can understand that some people love challenge and there could be challenge if you don't use all your power and ressources but even with the love of challenge its still better to have everything already in your hands so you can just play with the world without problem

Madara: Well at least now i can be relaxed so lets do this !!!

God smirks at Madara and clap his hands . Madara is surrounded by a blinding like and all a sudden he disappeared .

God : HA HA HA HA HA i hope you will not disappoint me Uchiha Madara Ha ha ha ha its time for the Madman Rebirth .

At this moment at the Lion King mountain a man appears out of thin air this man is a handsome young man of approximately 5,8 ft he is wearing an a red full body armor with a fan symbol on his back he has long and spiky black hair and he is pretty muscular but enough with this because at this moment our favorite uchiha ( don't argue with me on that Obito is fucking stupid and childish , Sasuke is even worse and itachi was the worse of them i mean how the fuck was that helping his brother it nearly destroyed him ) his currently forming a plan in his head

'I think that hunting this beast would be good it could get me pretty famous and people will know who i am . Yes this time everything will be different i will rule them all or kill them all . No trust No love or maybe a little And most certainly be always cool, calm and motherfucking ruthless ,ahhhh i can already see myself slaughtering so many people , its gonna be good '

Madara is extremely happy at this moment , a new world to conquer and new people to kill he's gonna love it

Madara: HA HA HA HA watch out world cuz' Madara fucking Uchiha is BACK !!!!!!

Well here it is , i was kinda really occupied yesterday so here is the chapter tell me what you think of it and most importantly who you want in the Akatsuki and the sect .Naruto character brought back and enslaved by madara or new character and also you get to decide if its harem or not but maximum 5 girls too much is not good . By the way Tobi will be the mysterious leader feared by all in the world and Madara the respected sect master who is Tobi brother but i can change if you don't like .

Glasgow2creators' thoughts