
Justice Has Been Served

<p>Mr Umar next morning sitting at a hotel while drinking his tea and having some fried omelette:<br/><Mr Azad the old street chef making the food with a fine looking white beard> <br/><br/>"So how was the day Mr Anti-Fredreck?"<br/><br/><Mr Umar eating his food><br/><br/>"Mr Anti-Matrix....Mr Azad!"<br/><br/>Mr Azad turns at him while serving tea to other customers with a dirty white apron and sleeves up as he was wearing a White Kamees with a black Shalwar and a Chef hat having a nice looking beard.<br/><br/>"Whatever! Mr, in this world names are just names what you do that matters?"<br/><br/><Mr Umar sighs sarcastically><br/><br/> "Like what you do? Make food and serve at the street corner?"<br/><br/><Mr Azadbcomes closer at him looking too closely while taking an other tea from the tray which later serves to another> <br/><br/>"No! Mr....what I do here is to put smiles on others faces with my foods, many of them will not pay and are not costumers but homeless people. I earn well with my job don't need to do this."<br/><br/><Mr Umarblooking at him while both arms on the table><br/><br/>"Oh! Mr Azadio!"<br/><br/>"Aye! Aye! Captain....here is your capa the cino except for this is a tea....."<br/><br/><Laughters><br/><br/>Mr Umar thinking deep looking at his tea on what he said was quite the true. Life is all about perspectives and the attitude you keep this this world will make you what you are.<br/><br/>.....<br/><br/><Ambar walks to her office the next day and sees a crowd gathered putting her purse on her desk near her computer> <br/><br/>"What's wrong?"<br/><br/>Everyone moaning scared looking at something which she couldn't see as everyone was looking inside the Boss's office the door was open to his office.<br/><br/>"Excuse me.....please...."<br/><br/>Getting through the crowd she sees a yellow ribbon as the police was there with the forensic team taking pictures of the scene and what everyone was looking at the Boss's dead body without head and it was like the head was melted by something so hot like a lazer beam of some super natural kind, the head was in liquid form mixed with his genitals and all his clothes were also burned out.<br/><br/><Ambar groans putting her hand on her mouth barely can even see that turns back as fast as she can><br/><br/>Ambar gets back home still can't get over that puts her purse on the desk. Sits beside Mr Umar while Mr Umar reading the newspaper.<br/><br/> "What's wrong! Don't tell me you left the job or something please...."<br/><br/><Mrs Umar looking straight still stunned and in shock><br/><br/>"He died!"<br/><br/>"What?!"<br/><br/>"Yes! He died in a very horrible way like a torment by God!"<br/><br/><Mr Umar leaves the newspaper on the table goes out on a call><br/><br/>"Josh?"<br/><br/><Josh black homie in the bar><br/><br/>"Hey! Bro how's it going?"<br/><br/>"Josh! How dare you man! I told you keep your homies in your pajamas!"<br/><br/>"What?"<br/><br/>"I told you to threaten him not kill him!"<br/><br/>"But man! My men are at the bar they didn't even reached him yet?"<br/><br/>"What?"<br/><br/>"Why? What happened...."<br/><br/><Gets his phone down slowly putting it off><br/><br/>....<br/><br/>Night time 10:00:<br/>Mrs Umar gets up from her room into the launch to get something from the refrigerator to eat and looks at the food which was looking like a pro chef made it then looked at the balloons.<br/><br/><Surprised and confused looking at him on the chair><br/><br/>"Umar?"<br/><br/><Mr Umar looks back and falls down with a scream><br/><br/>"Oh! My back....she is here....Azad hit it."<br/><br/><Appears the old man running holding the cake in his hands><br/><br/><br/>"And this little gift for my beautiful wife!"<br/><br/><Mrs Umar even more confused while Mr Umar stands up holding his back by his one hand><br/><br/>"Idiot that was my chit!"<br/><br/>"Was it?"<br/><br/>"Yes it was! take the other out."<br/><br/><Ambar smiling standing while standing in akimbo position looking at them. Azad handing him the cake><br/><br/>"Can you hold this for me?"<br/><br/><Take their other chit out of hit chef hat><br/><br/>"And this was all Mr Umar's idea for our Miss queen of the house."<br/><br/><Mrs Umar shy smiling while her hand on her face. Mr Umar in confidence putting his hand on the table><br/><br/>"So what do you think.....You can leave now by the way....Azad...."<br/><br/>"Oh! Yeah! But what about my payment sir!"<br/><br/>"What! Your charging me?"<br/><br/><Azad laughingly><br/><br/>"Oh! Just kidding, no charges on love birds! You are free to fly!"<br/><br/><Leaves while the door was closed with his smile and Mr Umar to his wife><br/><br/>"So what do you think! Would you find another husband like me?"<br/><br/>"Stop it! Umar."<br/><br/>"Also a great chef? Cause the food was made by?"<br/><br/>Mrs Umar same akimbo style again with a huge frown. Mr Umar looking down nervously taking the knife and eating some of the cake.<br/><br/>"You know what it doesn't matter cause I planned all this so all the credit goes to me?"<br/><br/>"Yeah! And what was the need for it?"<br/><br/><Mr Umar throws the knife on the table><br/><br/> "Oh! It was necessary! All the rubbish I uttered in past couple of days was just for this big day, so happy birthday to you! My dear wife! Happy Birthday to you!"<br/><br/><Kneels down><br/><br/>"Aaao! My back! My back just got stuck! Please help....."<br/><br/><Taps on his head and starts helping him get up straight><br/><br/>Mr Umar the future one listening to them while back to the wall of their house simling happily soon arrives a dog and Mr Umar puts his hand on the dog and starts to walk with him away from the house.</p>