
History Of Spirituality Including The Three Legends

Badaross looks back to Samos, who was now wearing a super shiny white robe to his feet and golden stylish shoes, stylish in a way they were so long and high and was also wearing white thick gloves and a White turban of the same super shiny great quality cloth with a black belt on his belly and black Shalwar:

<Badaross surprised looking at him holding the stick and giving a great pose>

"Wow! What are you....."

<Samos goes near to rage and looking at him yells>

"Where is he!"

<Rage bowing down>

"Ummm....master! I don't...."

Samos in anger being fierce moving his hand left to right makes a mirror shaped curtain appear which makes a cavity for him and he just escapes with a jump and walking on invisible mirrors blinking as he puts his feet on them but still appears transparent.

<Samos out now and everything back to normal>

<Badaross to Rage>

"Will, you please tell me what is the back story of this all?!"

<Rage sniffs eyes closed>

"Huh! Fine! Listen....it's about the time when the legends of spirituality - Bayazid Bastami - Junaid Baghdadi - Mansoor Al Halaj existed. They were the ones who fought for years against Magic and spread Spirituality!"


In the spiritual realm black background, three men in white robes and turban and Turban tail as their face masks hiding their face giving a ninja type look, same shoes and clothes as Samos was wearing fighting against Magicians and souls, ghosts used by magicians:

<One turns in circular motion making a butterfly symbol with his hand and blue energy hits the dark souls making them more frustrated>

Second then the second one appears putting chains on these souls moving in a classy style making them suffer more and their red eyes now becoming more red in rage.

And then the third one, Bayazid Bastami:

Taking those chains in his hands and moving in the yellow background revolving them round and round and then throws them to the magicians.


"This is the history of the wars between Spirituality and Magic, the believers and the non-believers. And then yeah arrived the Godfather of Spirituality."

<Badaross eating popcorn makes it disappear focused entirely now on the next words of rage>

<Rage opened his eyes hands on belly with respect uttering>

"Gous e Azam - Abdul Qadir Jilani."


Just his shoe fighting with all the magicians and the dark souls and all the Jinns also known as the evil Jinns, the Satans. His shoe just fights as he busy on the mountain moving beads reciting his Dikhr. Finally the magicians and all the souls and all the Jinns bowed down to him and his shoes they all kissed and surrendered.

He put his shoe back and then then finally forgave them as he stood on the mountain and showing his same suit as everyone else. He just raised his hand and all of them turned good slowly and positivity started to prevail on their hands and they all turned into beautiful creatures and served under Gous Ul Azam till his showy aspect of his lifetime.


"Long ago, spiritually faced threats again because of the magicians gathered. I know you Badaross fought under Samos...."

(Surprised expressions)

"But You have no idea who these three legends were and how hey fought!"

<Badaross makes the book appears in his hand from the library>

"Yeah? The ancient literature written by Samos, it has illustrations discussing these three legends of Spiritually including the Gous e Azam, the most powerful and respected one still listens to his followers and helps them from the spiritual realm."

<Rage not surprised by his knowledge on this>

"Huh! This is nothing!"

<Leaves the book as it goes back itself to the giant library just beside Samos's office>

<Rage opens up to Badaross now as much as he thinks Badaross should know>

"There are big secrets, but for now the thing you need to know is Samos was the one who taught spirituality for a long time and then started to walk on the path of these legends and he was gifted by them, spiritually and Zimbawe, my master as you saw was the one who was his most loyal student but then Samos took him out from his circle...."

"Oh! So, this is basically a student and a Master's conflict?"

<Rage arms fold>

"Nah! Not at all, it's not that! The thing is Zimbawe, my master turned to magic after he left Samos or was eliminated by Samos from his circle, he just wanted both things at a time or to share his loyalty to both groups but then he took the oath to take revenge at least by destroying this world!"

<Badaross looking at him really confused and amazed>

"What! Then why are you not helping any of them?"

"These are the rules when Masters fight, you must not interfere...."

<Badaross frown on his head>

"The rule was made by Samos and Samos is still respected in my heart and by the was Zimbawe was the one who helped get me to my wife's killers and then I killed them! This is how it is and this is how it should be! My master was also the one who taught me to fight most of the time."

<Badaross tries to leave the hall to help Samos and try stopping the fight>

"We have to stop them!"

<Rage straightening his arm blocks the path of Badaross>

"Sorry! But I won't let you do that"

Badaross looks at him and soon they both hold themselves in rage while Op 12 moves back with cute voices uttering from his head scared as he was.