
She was a fool in love but not a fool in life

"Am I too busy to notice anything about my daughter?" Scott asked himself while driving to his house.

The image of his daughter, who had the same irises colour as him, appeared in front of him.

Jasmine and Scott's relationship was just like any other father and daughter relationship. When his wife, Leila Paxton, became pregnant with Jasmine, Scott was the happiest person alive.

Of course, at first he was hoping to have a son that would follow in his footsteps to serve their beloved country of Alscot. However, when Jasmine came, he fell in love with the little girl from the first sight and swore to protect her with all his life.

Scott tried his best to juggle between his work in the police force and his family, however, it was proven to be tougher than he expected. Especially when he was sent to the narcotics division, where he was always assigned to undercover missions.

To keep his family safe, he couldn't keep constant contact with his family and would be gone for a long time.

That's how Jasmine ended up being closer to her mother and to Scott, well, he was just… her father.

Their relationship wasn't bad, but it wasn't a warm one either. Jasmine respected her father as to how he should be respected. They could have had a closer relationship if Scott wasn't too busy with his work and missing in most of Jasmine's childhood life.

It was said that if a girl lacked attention from the man in her house; she would seek the attention from the men outside of her house.

And that's what probably happened with Jasmine.

At the young age of 15, Jasmine had already got into a relationship with Joshua, and her life revolved around him.

Scott didn't get to know about it at first until three years later, when Jasmine graduated from high school and told her parents her intention to move out of the house.


"Mom, dad, I'm moving out of the house," announced Jasmine.

It was the day of Jasmine's graduation. And they were having dinner in a restaurant that Scott had booked for them.

He couldn't go to Jasmine's graduation ceremony during the day and had compensated for it with dinner in this restaurant that was beyond his usual budget.

Lelia and Scott looked at each other before they switched back their focus on their daughter.

"Honey, isn't that too early? You're only 18," said Leila. Unlike Scott, Leila was raised in Cratia. Their culture was different from Alscot. Children weren't really eager to leave their parents' house as soon as they hit adulthood, unlike in Alscot.

Scott held his wife's hand, "Of course. You will move out of the house, you have come to legal age," said Scott.

Jasmine smiled, "Great! I'm glad we are on the same page, dad. So, I will pack my things and will move out this weekend," said Jasmine.

"But Oakleaf University classes won't start till September," said Scott.

"I'm not going to Oakleaf. I'm going to Creek Wood Community college and moved in with Joshua," Jasmine said, giving her parents a heart attack.

"What?!" Scott dropped the utensils he was using, "Who is Joshua?" he asked.

"It's my boyfriend's dad," Jasmine said.

Scott looked at Lelia and saw Leila avert her eyes. It seems like his wife knew about Jasmine's boyfriend and never told him about it.

"No. Jasmine. I won't allow you to throw your future away for a boy that you just got to know for a few months," said Scott.

"I'm not throwing away my future, dad. I told you I will be going to community college to get my degree. And plus, I didn't just meet Joshua. We have already been together for 3 years. You would know that if you weren't busy with your work!" said Jasmine.

Scott couldn't find words to retort that, as he knew he was guilty of it. However, he used his veto power as her father to deny her request.


It wasn't unusual for an 18 years-old to move out of their parents' house, however, what Scott was reluctant was for Jasmine to move in with a boy.

Of course, Scott didn't let Jasmine move in with Joshua. He made a deal with Jasmine to further her study in Oakleaf University and get a degree, and proved that she could take care of herself before she was allowed to live with the opposite sex. Scott promised he wouldn't say anything against Jasmine and Joshua's relationship if she had achieved everything from their deal.

As a father who loved her daughter, that's the best thing that Scott could do to protect his daughter's future.

Jasmine took on the challenge from Scott and proved to Scott that she was capable of taking care of herself.

Scott didn't know if he should feel sad or happy, as Jasmine achieved success because she was driven by her love for her boyfriend.

However, all Scott could say was, he was proud of his daughter. At least it looks like his daughter had a secure future.

If Jasmine and Joshua's relationship didn't work out, his daughter had a degree and a career that she could hold on to.

But to Scott's horror, an unforeseen circumstance happened to his beloved daughter.

Never in Scott's imagination her daughter would be caught in possession of drugs and charged with drug trafficking. In Cratia at that, where the mandatory death penalty was the punishment.

Scott didn't believe at all that Jasmine was involved in anything related to drugs.

His daughter may be a fool when it comes to love, but she was not a fool when it comes to life.

He knew Jasmine respected him as a police officer and he believed his wife Leila had raised Jasmine well.

No way ever that Jasmine was involved in anything that warrants her to be labelled as a criminal. She wouldn't even steal a candy!

Scott knew Leila had instilled this in Jasmine. There was nothing more that Leila's hate than doing illegal things.

So how did Jasmine get into this situation?

Was Jasmine used by her friend?

Was it his enemy? Anyone that he put behind bars?


Is it someone from his wife…. past?

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