
(The Rising of the Anti Christ dropped finally

It is the 41st millennium and it has been years since the corrupt dystopian society of the imperium of man has come . But one parent less and unloved boy decides to fight against it . On the day of his parents murder he decided that he would get revenge using all necessary options to do it . But perhaps this vendetta isn’t just that a vendetta it might be more a journey for self discovery . For who they really are . Will they just be another shadow in history which is never mentioned or will people look at him with terror and with fear . Will people use his name as a way to quiet down children at night only time will tell . Cause this is the rising of the Antichrist he shall carve his path and his future toward and will attain riches beyond imagination he shall become a soul plunderer a pirate all of them . He shall have them all he shall have everything . If it’s not already his his cruel hands will take it from them this is not a story of where he will be the nice pushover. No he shall be the villain in this story he shall be a king an emperor he shall have those titles . He shall attain love and companionship as well in this power . He shall finally be the man people look at with Terror and with fear for vengeance for self discovery . And most importantly of all Love I do not own Warhammer 40k and there will only be a few things in the story related to 40k cause I do not know much about Warhammer 40k and so other creatures will be made right off the top of my head But if you want me to add something related to Warhammer 40k just tell me

Animecormade · Romance
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63 Chs

Soul searching and the monsters in human skin

When I wake back up from the helicopter ride I'm met with the pilot screaming at me to get up . I yawn and say are there he says we are there so get up . I get up and jump out of the helicopter where I soon start walking towards the building .I make my way through the building until I'm in front of a door labeled head substantive commanders office .

I know pretty long but why should I exactly care right now I have a lot of soul searching to do a lot of it . I grip my hand on the doorknob and turn I look at my comfy chair and my desk . I smile and I start walking towards it .

I sit down in my chair I connect my fingers together and I close my eyes . I just start thinking back on my emotions thoughts and all of the stuff I have done so far with the power of the system . When I hear the system say host I guess your confused about your emotions yes .

I say yes system I really am confused about all of this . I recently just hit level 100 and I'm no seeking to hit an even higher level .

I say so system what do you think could help me I don't know exactly the system says . You have to deal with these thoughts and feelings on your own . Because the system starts to say but I interrupt cause you don't know much about how it feels to be human .

I then close my eyes once again as I stop thinking and I feel like I'm pulled inside my mind . I look around in the dark void and say where am I . When suddenly I start seeing pictures of memories that I've had but these are only recent .

I then start sinking back and I look at one of the memories and see me and Tiamat . I smile and keep sinking backwards moving through . I then see a memory of the goddess of blood when she had me kidnapped. And was nearly about to torture me when someone got in her way and saved me front that fate .

I just realized the people who have tortured me so far have been women . But I've already met with 3 gods so far the goddess of greed the goddess of blood and that squirrel . I don't remember what he said he was the god of and I don't know if he said if he was the god of anything .

But he then said that most gods and goddess did make races based off of their looks and bodies . So I guess he's the god of squirrels I don't really know if he is . I laugh then that's hilarious but seriously I got to start thinking . What exactly could this place be actually I'm being stupid . I think I already know what this place it's my dark mind almost as dark as my soul . I know edgy but so I'm in my brain not necessarily my brain I think but very close my mind .

So if ignore all of that let's think about why I did this in the first place what should I do . I'm a complete and utter mess my personality mood everything about me . As a person changes so quickly and so fast you would think I'm a girl on her period .

I don't know exactly what to do how do I wanna exactly act because of this . Should I act cold cruel brutal and all of those at different times . Or should I only use one of those personality's . And if I will use one then what should I pick .

What personality shall I choose for my new personality . I must gain a new personality and decide who I want to be .

Oh I think I forgot i tell out to my system and say system do you have any idea what's going on . The system says yes host it's actually a part of your evolution .cause even though your race as a demon and your rank says middle ranked demon even though it says that . Your really a pseudo ranked middle demon so .

Even though you have the tittle you don't have the amount of power one would have . So right now we will use your mind as a waiting area where you will explore . Your mind for 2 to three days until the evolution ends .

And be aware your body and soul will be ripped apart shredded and put back together into something new . So when you finally wake up it might hurt very much . Well I say if it's an evolution good thing I won't be having to do anything for a little while .

Perfect but why didn't you tell me earlier that something like this would happen . Oops oops is your excuse system .

You can not believe how annoyed I am about that response . You basically forced me into a coma for 2 to three days straight and oops is all you have to say .

I hate you system I hate you so much how could you system I say as I pout how could you . The system says if you can still pout like this that still means you have human emotions .

And so you have not become a true monster there are many types of monsters . Monsters who take children monsters who eat dreams monsters who feed on fear . Monsters who make your worst dreams or nightmares reality. Then the most disgusting and inhuman monsters of all humanity can be counted as this monster . But if your not talking about humans then the monsters who speak only in lies monsters like this are truly a nuisance they are much more cunning .

These monsters pose as human beings even though they have no understanding of how the human heart works . They eat even though they do not know what hunger feels like .

They study even though they have no interest in academic achievements . They seek out love and friends even though they do not how to love or feel companionship .

These monsters are truly despicable they are there opposite of humans . They do not know the experiences of hunger love or any emotion . They do not have an interest in academic achievement . They pose as human beings even though they do not know how it feels to be human .

These monsters throughout human history have been referred to as monsters in human skin . Devils demons all kinds of things but most humans just call this type monsters in human skin .

There have been many type of monsters like these monsters In human skin . But the thing is that these monsters in human skin truly are human .

And some actually monsters in human skin so it's hard to know which is monster and which is human . Humanity has all ways been greedy and has always seemed materials and food and all types of things . And when there not theirs they steal it go to war for it .

But humanity isn't perfect no creature in the entire planet is perfect . But even though these bad traits are in most humans . Not all humans succumb to this and many people very nice .

It just depends who it is not all humans are saints and not all humans are fiends . But humanity is a product of nature humanity is a race of imperfect but sometimes very kind beings .

A/n back in the early chapters when I said Jake Tiamat had fun time . I meant they hugged and cuddled kinda kissed not what you dirty minded readers are thinking.

Yeah but this was created during my hiatus so I might have released other chapters . Maybe not depends on if I'm lazy or not .

I want to know some of your suggestions and yes this was one of the chapters I worked on during hiatus but I wanna know how you feel about my story it’s probably absolute garbage and if you think so just say it

Animecormadecreators' thoughts