
(Re)Born as an RPG main character.

Kill_Producion · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

nd Chapter: 1st quest: Gain Strenght

'Where do I have to go?' I've been wondering around, this village seems quite old, every houses was built with woods.

While raoming my eyes around, I saw a scroll attached to my waist tied by my leather old belt. There's a red mark on it saying "1st quest place of interest" so this is the place where I can go to find food.

'Quest Interest no.1: Beg at the meat hunter for food'

I went to that mark, where I need to beg for food, this is humiliating. I saw him at the entrance riding a cargo of meats. I kneeled down In front of him like I was being forced and don't have any choice.

"Please fellow being let me have some of your blessings, here at your front kneeling, to chase the hunger away in to you I'am pleading, a poor weak man' begging" Like my mouth talked on its own.

"This is EMBARASSING! Just give me some." I shouted in demand. But it seems like he didn't bother so much with me shouting to him. I am really ashamed from what I did before, I hope that he would give me some.

"You're quite a man, but a real man hunts for it's own demands." He said sincerely.

What's with him his not even angry. Is he suggesting me to hunt.

"Here have this 1st weapon that I obtained for hunting." He showed me his combat knife.

This quite high to obtain for the first time, from what I know the 1st weapon in game is wood made.

"My greater gratitude is with you." Again my mouth moves on its own, I do want to thank him but not in that way.

'Quest Interes update: Hunt for food'

Hero stats.

Level:1 (50/100)

Coins: 0

Health: 60/100 Energy: 20/80

Energy reg/turn: 10-30


Punch (Weak blunt): 7-10 damage 0% chance of stun (5 energy cost)

Stab(peircing):13-23 damage (10 energy cost)

Dodge chance:25%

Comboturn chance: 1/4

Whats with this stuff of information in my head, how come I have this in mind?

This world is reallt not meant to me, I only knew a bit about games.

I looked back at the map the mark was moved into the woods nearby the village. I went there but I found nothing, so I waited and raomed around to find some fruit bearing tree but instead I met a boar.

My body began to change into battle mode like it's in pose for battling, I choosed to fight it and stabbed him first damaging it's Health from 100 down to 79 then a word showed from the wounds saying peirced, I don't know about it but it maybe a good news.

I tried to stab him again but the boar lunched an attack suddenly, damaging me with her horns from 60 down to 50. It hurts me so bad but I still feel the same power before tho that bite must weaken me.

I burst up my strength, and stabbed it again this time I gave it a multiple blow driving to it's death.

Finally the battle was over, I sighed heavily. That old man, I wan't to beat him down.

"Bald-sama, I am in severe comdition get me out of here." I shouted while enduring the pain of these wounds.

Wait what did I just say? Sama? What was that?

"Hey hey hey, I heard you called me, What is it?" His voice appered into my head.

"What have you done to me. Show yourseslf, self proclaimed god"

"Aah, those words that you said before' remember that your knowledge is only a one person's knowledge lets say aknowldege of 37 year old man, who lives in States and experienced a typical school life. I just put those knowledge in your mind cause your knowledge is just to narrow, YOU MERE NORMIE." He said swiftly.

"How adorable you me called 'Bald-sama, will you please say that again."

He sounds more like a self proclaimed god.

'Another quest appeared into my mind again, Story's Quest, Be an officialy registered adventurer' this is real wierd, he's messing with my head. I'gonna take that aside for now, I'll have to level up.

I went to the gathering post, where I found an open area with a campfire and free to use for cooking during daytime, I cooked this meat in that fire and ate all up refilling my health again.

Another quest poped again but I didn't bothered to identify it yet. I learned it before, to ignore the new coming quest. After regaining my health I hunt down for meats and sell them at the market. Tonight will end this day of mine, sleeping inside a carraige that I just found, I closed my eyes gently and experienced the fresh cold night air, until a new exhausting day arrives.

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