
(Re)Born as an RPG main character.

Kill_Producion · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

5th Chapter: Finding Servant 3

What is this? Did I died? No ressurection already? No it can't be, I still feel my body, I just can't move it, but the heaviness that's pressing down my chest makes me hard to breath. Finally it slowy fades, I can feel it as it fades away I opened my eyes and breath heavily.

"You're now awake." A man sitting infront of me across the bonfire.

I feel cured, Why I can't feel any pain from my wounds? I looked into my body and there Is no any scratches can be found, I imediatly asked the man in front of me.

"What happened? Where are my wounds?" In eager tone.

"Wounds, you just fainted while wandering in the woods. Both of you were attacked by a Tryshana and cursed you to dream pf whatever--something horrible and next to that I fought a battle and brought you with me.--Unfortunately your comrade was taken by the Tryshana."

Hearing it all making me feel hopeless.

"Ah by the way that knife-- that you obtained os from the Tryshana, It was just tainted like that, it's a luck that you have that It might have something special."

"Onething, what is Tryshanna?" I wandered.

"It was a fortress demon, actually 'Tryshanna' It was just she betrayed her race and makes them disappear, so she's the only fortress known to exist today in this world. Here, this is her figure." He added while giving me a scroll.

I saw her perfectly carved body, and smokes that serves as her clothes.

"By the way we are way too far from towns, and were running out of stuffs we need to look for some. And where are you heading to?"

"I don't know, but one thing I know is that I am a princess's servant amd she was looking for me."

"Why don't we check your comrade? He must be still alive. It will help us too"

He surprised me and gave me hope from what he said and I imediatly asked him to take me where he can be found.

"New quest: Slay the fortress demon"

We brought a torch along to this darkness, we set our feet into the woods, the more farther we are the more foggy it become, while I keep on following him we stoped underneath a huge purple glowing tree where every nearby lives are dead.

"We're here" he sighed

We both catched our breath, we placed our torch together and rest, the place was filled with dark silence, Its getting colder and colder, the fire gets smaller and smaller.