
(Please?) Pick Us

"Why did we have to reincarnate as UNDATABLE GUYS IN A DARN DATING GAME?!" Four Friends after an accidental death find themselves stuck in a purgatory where the only way to get out is to charm a girl that they are pretty sure that isn't human or be stuck in the purgatory forever. After they go on to fail multiple times they get an incentive that if they suceed only one of them will be able to accomplish their deepest desire. If you expect this to be a idyllic story about how a girl falls in love with a hot lad then you are in the wrong. Otome games/Dating Sims usually focuses on the generic main char.jpg since they are the ones that the reader has to relate too. Yet what if we look at it from the perspective of the suitors - Suddenly after two or three encounters they have some sort of crush to a girl that hobbies include hanging around with three or more people. It gets even worse where the girl has read dozens of romance stories. So do treat this work as an Anti-Romantic Comedy. I also enjoy placing references and cursing so expect that.

its_joules · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Attention! The New Girl Is Here

Emil and Ollie shared the same class since they were six. They've been childhood friends and despite how often Ollie wanted to just leave Emil behind at certain points. It was a battle of ideologies that tore them apart. Ollie followed the flow with the rivers and oceans he always knew, while Emil wanted mountains with no supply of oxygen.

Yet they always made up as it was just wrong to not do so.

"I'm so scared, you know Emil." Ollie would bring it up to his friend. "What if the teacher will have lasers for eyes?" He had a voice crack while saying that.

Emil was thinking about how he could maybe finally be the best, and reach heights with the new opportunity. He never considered being a hero at all except when he was younger and into comics.

"Olly, it will fine besides we have Julien and Ray." He gave a sigh.

They were at the door and Emil heard chatter from the inside.

"Isn't it so strange to see Mr Mysterious, Council President, and Big J together with Ollie talking to each other?"

"Oh look who's here- keep it down."

"Sit down before the teacher arrives."

Emil and Ollie were used to this, they weren't with the cool kids and besides, they talked behind the back theirs too albeit less often when they discussed why the second Titanic has to hit an iceberg for it to be a true successor.

Emil picked the seat in front of the class while Ollie retreated to the window row second to the last seat, he wasn't cool enough for the corner.

Bags unpacked and the teacher arrived, it was a regular guy 5"7' who wore specs and kept distracting the class with stories of his youth. At least that's how they saw him. He gave a nod and made his joke. After doing the attendance register there was a knock at the door.

Both of them were watching and Ollie somewhat had a feeling that the teacher will get killed or there will be an explosion so they will be thrown into a Battle Royale but it didn't happen instead the guy said this.

"She made quite an entrance already by being late but we've got that sorted, hah. So, your new classmate is joining us today - Anna. Give her a warm welcome."

Obviously, at the moment the girl Ollie and Julien talked about was there. Emil got a first-hand glance at her - Average everything, height, chest, except the fact that her face was hidden by hair. He thought they were exaggerating on this but there was no way for her to see with that mop. Otherwise, she looked like an organic human.

"Anything you want to say before we begin class?" The teacher resumed.

Then the robotic voice struck both of them.


Surely, Ollie thought, there's no way no one else didn't notice this - but instead, they all looked normally at Anna, except Emil.

Anna took a seat in front of Ollie, by the window and class begun.

It was quite short as when they looked at two pages of scribbles the class was over. Ollie was in heaven as that meant break. Emil instead was more shaken than a dog finding out there won't be more any more biscuits. How could it be? He demanded answers.

At the other side of the class, in this scenario, you would expect Ollie to say his to his neighbour but since she didn't know he lived next door and the fact that he was petrified caused him to just walk up to Emil and tell him that he's off to the toilet (why on earth do we need to do that in the afterlife?, he told his friend)

Everyone else left their places to go their own paths, leaving only Anna and Emil.

She decided that she will ask Emil for an orientation around school, since Emil looked pretty to her - just a little shy. Besides, she did notice him taking notice of her with quite the attention. She walked with her bag and got up the courage.

"Uhm-because-I-was-late-I-didn't-get-shown-around-school-could-you-possibly-help-me?" There were some pauses between the words to simulate pauses.

Emil was caught off guard, he was busy with the fact that he no longer actually needs to work and study to reach success. He even forgot about her for a moment but at least he wasn't terrified of the voice anymore. It was more of the fact that she was an actual girl.

"Uhm, I kinda can't go on my own, since I don't want to worry Olly. Besides, there's next class to prepare for but maybe we can get Olly to join us when he's back."

Emil never had a romantic encounter that wasn't based on a dare. He had plenty of girl crushes but otherwise, he was as clueless as a blind mice.

Anna on the other hand, never felt so confused over what Emil had a mind, she made it clear that she only wanted to see around with him, right? Since he seems nice and it could lead to something bigger like them talking about their intrests.


Emil didn't want to admit that he didn't have a clue on where they were at all, so he just said.

"Sorry, but maybe later?"

This is the second time today that Anna was rejected by one of her potential suitors.

I'm still buff with the power of a nice shower so here's another chapter while I know where the plot is going.

You might ask yourself, how do I see this work?

Well, I see it as a brain fart. I just write down what I think with all of the planning done in my head- it also helps that I have a clear picture of how the guys behave and few jokes up my sleeve but really this is just a pulp work of a girl who always wanted to write and making it a reality that hopefully you enjoy too.

its_joulescreators' thoughts