
Confess Your Feelings, Yaomomo!

I didn't sleep at all last night, I get that Momo tried to cheer me up, but it just didn't work. I couldn't focus one bit at school today, just when I thought things were all okay and dandy... I went outside instead of going to the lunchroom for lunch, I sat in the shade of one of the tall pillars out in the front of school. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the pillar.

"What are you doing out here?" Shoji asked.

I opened my eyes and looked to my right, a mouth from one of his appendages was right next to me.

"Oh, Shoji... I'm not really hungry, honestly." I lamented.

The appendage retracted and Shoji stepped out from the pillar after a few seconds. He sat down next to me, he handed me an Onigiri, I took it and ate a bit of it. I stayed quiet for a while as I stared down at it.

"I feel like it's all my fault, you know? My Father's death could've been prevented if I hadn't been swindled by..." I spoke up.

"By what, Alyx? What were you swindled by?" Shoji wondered.

I looked over at him, "Will you promise to keep this to yourself, no matter how bad this'll sound? All Might already knows about it so I'm sure he's discussed it with the other teachers already."

"Yes, I promise, as long as you feel comfortable with telling me about it." He nodded.

"Okay," I sighed, "The incident at the forest lodge... That was all because of me. I was forced into giving information to the League of Villains after I ran into Himiko Toga sometime after I arrived here in Japan. The one thing I'm worried about the most is if this gets out, I didn't know that they would hurt everyone. Then they... T-They wanted me to kill All Might before we left for the lodge. I refused but Shigaraki threatened to kill my Father if I didn't go with it."

"Alyx, they took advantage of your Amnesia, they're villains after all. None of this was your fault, you never meant any ill will towards any of us. You were doing what you needed to do to protect your family, I'm not going to look at you any differently, if that's what you were thinking." Shoji reassured me.

"I know but I hurt so many people in the process, Shoji. How can I call myself a hero when I allowed villains to hurt the ones I care about?" I replied.

"Who knows about this, outside of All Might, of course. Does anyone else know?" Shoji questioned.

I nodded at him, "Momo sort of knows? She only knows about the All Might thing, not the other two incidents. Other than All Might, and I'm going to assume the other teachers if he did tell them, just you. I don't know if I can bring myself to tell anyone else, but that's the thing, everyone has to know."

"Then tell them at your own pace, Alyx. Telling everyone the truth won't cause them to be upset, although I would imagine Bakugo wouldn't be too happy, like usual. They voted you to be Vice Rep, remember? They wouldn't have done that if they hadn't trusted you. It'll take some time, but I'm fairly certain that you can do it. This doesn't make you any less of a hero, just someone who's been preyed upon and manipulated." Shoji told me.

I looked down at my Onigiri and took a bite out of it, "Thank you... Shoji."

"We should probably head back inside, I don't think the teachers would like it if they found us out here." Shoji nodded.

We stood up and I looked at his back, I eagerly smiled at him, he looked back at me and sighed.

"You're wanting me to pick you up, aren't you?" He wondered.

I quickly nodded and he formed a sort of carriage using his other appendages. We made our way back to school, we entered the cafeteria which everyone looked rather confused.

"Shoji-kun, where's Leonidus-san?" Kirishima questioned.

I poked my head out from the darkness of the appendage carriage, "I have arrived."

I hopped down as the bell rang, I stuck my hands in my pockets as I walked by myself.

"Hey, Alyx, so what do you think of those new regulations they're going to put in place for the dorms? I've been doing some research on them and found quite a few flaws that I might bring up to the staff." Momo asked.

Although she didn't acknowledge why I was walking by myself, I guess I felt a bit better not having her ask me why, even though I'm pretty sure she already knew when she walked up to me. And... There that feeling is again, she kept talking but I spaced out as I looked at her. It felt as if everything around me slowed down, was this what Kaminari meant by "Crushin'"?

"...But I've gotten a list of everything major written down in my notebook. I'm assuming that there's going to be heavy debate, but I'm already prepared for that!" She smiled.

"I haven't really read up on them, but if you've pointed out the flaws, I'd imagine that it's some rather complicated stuff." I told her.

"Indeed! Would you like to read it once we get back to class? You have finished your work in Modern Literature, yes?" Momo replied.

I nodded at her, "Yep, I already have it finished. I'm glad Cementoss gave us all 5th period and today to do it. It was a bit confusing but I've got it finished."

We returned to class after navigating the busy hallways, I sat down in my spot next to Momo. She pulled her notebook out of her bag and flipped to a page in it. She handed it to me, I read through the lengthy paper, she had 4 pages worth of information!

"Wow... You're absolutely brilliant, Momo! This is amazing, I wouldn't be surprised if they end up changing those regulations." I beamed.

"Thank you, Alyx, I've worked hard on this. I'm going to revise this just in case!" She bubbled.

After sitting through this and the last period, we finally got to head back home to the dorms. I'm not gonna lie, I do miss going back home, but living at the dorms is really fun. I decided to take a nap to get things off of my mind once I made it up to my room. Maybe things'll get better up there when I do? Right?


"Hey, pssst... Where's Leonidus-san at?" Mina whispered.

"He's up in his room, why?" Izuku answered.

Mina motioned for everyone to gather around, "We need to at least help him feel better about what happened. It shouldn't be too hard!"

"M-Mina, his Dad died, how exactly is anyone supposed to cheer up after that?" Uraraka wondered.

"I... I have an idea. I'll do it later on however, I sort of messed up when I had the chance to a couple days prior." Momo spoke up.

"Ooo, what is it, Yaomomo? Tell us!" Kaminari grinned.

She tensed up quickly, "I-It's something I just forgot to give him! He bought me a Blue Violet flower a while ago and I never really repaid him back for it."

"That might work, as long as it's something heartfelt, it should make him feel a bit better. I've got some albums we could listen to as well." Jiro chimed in.

Bakugo leaned back on the couch, "I'll talk to him later."

"Woah, Kacchan, that's sweet of you!" Izuku smiled.


"But Bakugo... Actually, never mind, I don't think arguing is the best thing to do right now." Kirishima hesitated.

[Several Hours Later...]


I walked back up to my room after I ate dinner with everyone else. Right before I entered the room, I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder.

"B-Bakugo-san? What do you need?" I questioned.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"I'm okay, just a little tired, that's all." I responded.

He patted my arm, "Hey, just don't keep yourself locked in your room, alright? I'll kick your fuckin' ass if you start doing that, Amnesia."

"Are you sure that I wouldn't kick your ass? You fell first when we fought at the lodge, remember?" I chuckled.

"Hmph... You just got lucky, that's all, I could've kicked your ass if I didn't just get out of Quirk Training." Bakugo smirked.

I smiled and shook my head at him, I figured he was going to talk to me before he went to bed. I couldn't believe that I was going to bed at the same time that he does! I walked into my room, showered in my bathroom, then got dressed for bed. I climbed into bed and faced my wall, I closed my eyes to try and fall asleep, but I couldn't fall asleep. I sat there for what felt like an hour trying to sleep, but I just couldn't. Then, I heard my door creak open once again. This was the third night that someone's come into my room and slept right next to me. They slowly climbed into my bed and, instead of just lying there, they put their arms around me.

I kept my eyes closed and turned around to face them, I swear, if this was Kaminari... I slowly opened my eyes, I felt relieved after my nightmare did not come true.

"O-Oh, I-I... I a-apologize! I didn't mean t-to disturb you!" Momo stuttered.

"Hm...? Momo? You've been coming into my room? Why?" I inquired.

"W-Well... It's... I just..." She faltered.

She sat up and sighed, "I've been meaning to tell you something. I hesitated when you came home after the Licensing Exam, but I wasn't sure about it at the time."

I sat up with a peculiar look on my face. What exactly was she wanting to tell me?

"What is it? Is it something bad?" I wondered.

"No, no, it's nothing bad. I've really looked up to you, there wasn't a single day where I didn't model myself after your confidence. Ever since you saved me back then, I've been thinking a lot about us, I've discussed what I've felt to the other girls and..." She started.

She started to blush as she looked me in my eyes, "I have feelings for you, Alyx. That's what I wanted to tell you. I couldn't bring myself to do it because I wasn't sure what you would say, so I didn't bring it up until now, I really-"

I held her hands, leaned forward, and kissed her. That jittery feeling in my chest finally went away, I looked at her as I leaned back from her and smiled.

"I'm glad you feel the same way that I do, Momo." I softly smiled.

Her face went beet red and she started breathing a bit quicker than usual.

"O-Oh! I'm sorry, are you alright?" I quickly fretted.

"Y-Y-Yeah! I just didn't expect that to happen to be quite honest!" She replied.

She looked to the side, "S-So... It wasn't obvious, was it?"

I remembered literally everything we've done together, not to mention what I've heard from everyone else. I blankly smiled at her and I sat there in silence.

"No." I smiled.

She looked at my hands and gently rubbed the tops of them with her thumbs. Her cheeks were still red as she took a deep breath in, then exhaled out.

"Is there something else on your mind, Momo?" I questioned.

Her eyes sparkled as she looked up at me, "I'm just really really glad that you feel the same like I'm being 100% serious about it at first I was hesitant to even tell you but now that we're here and you've disclosed that you feel the same I feel so much better about things!"

I gave her another kiss, "You're honestly cute when you ramble!"

"Eeeek!" She blushed.

She covered her face with one of my pillows, I blinked a few times as I smiled and sighed.

"Good grief..." I muttered.

I laid down right next to her, "Have you showered yet? You can use mine if you want to."

She uncovered her face, "Not yet, that was what I was planning on after I confessed to you. I'll be right back!"

Momo quickly got up from my bed to head to her room. She came back with clothes, a hair dryer, towels and more as she walked into my bathroom. I sat there on my phone for about 35 minutes until my bathroom door opened.

"You don't have to worry about taking your things back, I'm guessing you'll be in here quite a bit if-" I stopped.

She came out wearing sweatpants and a blue colored tank top. My brain practically went on the fritz with how amazing she looked!

"Oh, I'm assuming you like what you see, huh?" She smirked.

"H-Huh?! I-I mean, yeah?" I sputtered.

She giggled as she laid down next to me, I wrapped my arms around her, I scooted closer to her and sighed.

"Hey, have you decided on where your doing your Work-Studies?" Momo wondered.

"Yeah, I have actually. I plan on working with Mirko for those Work-Studies." I confirmed.

"That's a rather perfect fit! Although I would've figured that you would've conducted your studies with someone like Endeavor." She remarked.

"Hmm... I never thought about that, that makes me wonder, did Shoto intern with his Dad?" I pondered.

"I believe he did? I'm unsure however. We should get some rest... Darling." Momo answered.

"Yeah, I honestly need it." I smiled.