
(No Longer Owned] Soul Eater: Unleashed

Story of a boy who gets transmitted in the world of Soul Eater, Simple.

MarshallTaTa · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

The Continuation

Judo continued his experiments with his clones for hours. Little did he know that the sun was falling. He didn't know until he gazed up at the majestic sky.

"It's getting late already!? How long have I been experimenting?" He said.

Suddenly his clone tried to attack him while his attention was towards the sky, but Judo didn't move or pay any attention. The attack was closing in but Judo lifted his right on countering it effortlessly with his knife.


The Clone was blown away again. Judo started to chuckle softly.

"Haha if it's funny actually, I've been experimenting since the beginning of the day, and somehow I'm okay with that." He said as his expression turned into a deadpan.


"Sigh…Yeah I think it's time to eat." I said.

After Judo was done testing his abilities he walked back to his humble home. He checked his fridge, and he wasn't happy in the slightest.

"Grilled chicken nuggets that looked like they'd been in the fridge for days, a small burger that was almost the same size as my hand, protein salad, one pickles, pack of meat and baloney but no Cheese. What the FUCK is going on!?" Judo cried. He closed the fridge and opened the freezer seeing that they're was nothing there. He slammed the freezer storming to his room grabbing his wallet and keys.

"Nah, I refuse to live like this. I need the real thing!" He said living in his house down the sidewalk and into death city.

Judo was finally back in Death City. While he was walking through he noticed that some of the stores were closed, he continued to walk but found nothing.

"Come on, don't do this to me Soul Eater." He cried. He looked around and there was one store he spotted. He rushed right in the store confusing the owner. Judo started to analyze the store for a moment. Now that he knew how money works in this world he knew he could go crazy.

"Okay…1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7…" Judo was counting the food in the store. "Alrighty then!"

Judo started to run through the story picking out everything he wanted and placing them in the front of the cash register. After he was done the woman was dumbfounded gazing up at the peak of food he fit in the basket.

—Ten Minutes Later—

"Okay Sir, that will be 1000 yen." The woman said.

Judo counted the yen and gave it to the cash register. After the woman counted it and took it she gazed back at the more with a smile and said.

"Would you like a bag sir?" She asked.

"…" Judo expression was a deadpan, but then it became conflicted by her question. He suddenly started to chuckle. "Hahahahaha…you're joking right? I mean no, no I don't need any bags. I'm going to just carry all this shit to home all by myself with no bags. That sounds amazing. Hahahahaha…"

The woman was taken back a little by his sudden words, but then she realized what he meant.

"…Sorry, I'll get as many bags as you want Sir." She said walking towards the back while she walked away Judi was beginning to feel…conflicted by his sudden behavior.

"…Maybe I was being too harsh." He mumbled. Scratching the back of his head.

Some time later He finally left the store with bags in his hands. Judo gazed at the sky and saw that it was finally dark. The creepy grinning yellow moon. It felt like it could be pierced through someone's head with those creepy eyes. Blood leaking from its teeth could give any human an unease shiver down their spine. He shook his head trying to focus much on the moon. He then used his body to create seven clones of himself.

"Here, I want each of you to carry two or three bags for me, let's go," he said. He started to give them some bags. He was about to take off but then a shriek of a woman got his attention. He shifted his gaze towards the sound in the city. He then looks back at his clones.

"You all take the food home." He said turning around looking serious. "I'll be right back.

He quickly ran down the city in the direction of the shriek. While he was running he noticed that people's home lights were turning off, and some peek out the window quickly hiding away. Judo narrowed his eyes seeing this.

"So humanity does know what goes on at night, but they choose to stay in their homes instead of seeing what the commotion is about. I understand their decision in wanting to live, but to stay while a woman cries her lungs out in the night seems messed up if you ask me." He said.

He took a quick turn jumping over a finch high up in the sky. He shifted his eyes towards a woman and a child on the ground staring horribly at a king tall man with spiky hair, pale dark skin and red eyes. He had sharp teeth and arms that came down to the ground.

"Mama?" Said the confused child, not knowing what was going on.

Judo who was in mid air looking at the scene.

"A becoming kishin." He mumbled. As the tall man was about to strike the human's with its big scissor, its eyes shifted towards Judo superhero landing in between them. Judo turns him towards the family giving them a serious expression.

"Take your child and leave." He said.

"What…? Wait! Are you a Meister with a Demon Weapon?" He asked.

"No, I'm just an ordinary human, who's stronger than most humans, now get out of here!" He said to the woman. The woman flinched a little but finally did what he asked. The tall man saw this and tilted its head to the left, leaning its body a little. Judo tiled his towards the left too conflicted by the man's sudden action. But out of nowhere Judo was caught off guard as the man zoomed by him catching him by surprise as the man was trying to aim for the woman and child. Judo quickly transformed into packs of bats as they rushed towards the man at an insane rate of speed. He quickly caught up reverting back to his human self and landed a heavy kick towards the tall man ribs sending it flying through a wall.


The tall man flew all the way back as it used its scissor to catch itself from flying away any further. it's his glowed brighter red frustrated by the sudden kick by the Judo.


The tall man was about to walk back towards the boy, but then it stopped and realized something. It quickly shifted itself trying to attack what was behind it but out of nowhere a punch landed on the tall man's face as it flew back slightly. It recovered quickly and roared at Judo who was the one who punched it from behind. it charged at him with the scissor but he quickly dodged to the right striking the tall man's arm breaking it. The thing tried to bite Judo but Judo ducked his head and strikes with a hook breaking the thing's teeth. It recovered once again, shaking its head around and striking at the boy again. Judo rushed towards it shaping into bats and reverted back on the tall man's shoulders. He grabbed the tall man's head, twisting it upside down, and then ripped it off.

The thing stood there for a moment, but the it's body dropped as it started to devolve in the air. Judo gazed at the thing's body and noticed something coming out.

"Hm?" He mumbled.

A red flouting spiritual ball appeared. Judo stared at it for a moment before speaking.

"Kishin Egg." he said. He grabbed it and spoke again. "Hm…I know that evil humans who eat human souls can become kishin if they have enough souls, but what if a normal human eats a kishin egg?"

He continued to stare at the evil soul, but then he felt a few individuals arriving at the scene. He left the soul and shaped himself into multiple rats as they scattered around the city quickly.

The unknown individuals finally appeared

"Shit! It seems like we were too late." Said a man.

"No Sid Look! it's a Kishin egg not a human soul." Said a feminine voice.

"Hm?" Sid gazed at the Soul and picked it up. "But that's impossible, there's no way a normal human could outrun nor can kill a being at this level. Unless…"

"Unless someone else killed it." Said the woman.

"…If that's true then why didn't they take the soul?" Sid asked, feeling conflicted.

"We do not know why they didn't. Maybe because they just wanted to help those human's, or maybe it was because they couldn't, but at least it makes our job easier. Bring the soul and let's report back to Lord Death." Said the woman leaving the scene.

"Hm…" Sid mumbled. He also then left as well taking the soul along with them. Little did he know he had eyes on him.

Squeak, Squeak!?

The rat tilted its head peeking at them as its eyes glowed pale pink.

"…So these are the two teachers before they become a zombie and mummy. Interesting."