
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantaisie
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69 Chs

Chapter 42: Depter

He dived into the hole despite the unknown threats hidden in its depts because it's the most likely solution. The airborne reconnaissance amounting to thousands, each possessing keen eyesight. Will analyze every nock and canny of the forest. He cannot secrete himself in the tree's embrace. Cause he'll be found by the Gricks or feral monstrosities either way. Furthermore, he lack time, the airborne warriors will arrived in mere minutes, digging a hole to hid under earth and wiping traces took to long. Hence, he chose a already existing one, covered in hard rubble's that can't bear his tracks. Finding other hiding spots in the small mountain range wasn't an option either, for there are no obscuring tree's to concealed his figure from the watchful eyes in the sky closing on him.

However, as soon as he landed in it's depts. What meet him was something in his wildest dreams could come up off.

Below him, wasn't natural cave ground as he expected. Instead, synthetic stone bricks littered the ground, forming a ancient flooring. Brick walls can also be seen standing around, and a ceiling on top. However, the structures condition had already deteriorated to ruins. Slithering clevises covered it's once smooth bricks that now became cracked and uneven. Fragmented chunks of the ancient structure lay everywhere. The ceiling had collapse, giving way where Zyro had fallen from. However, it wasn't the man-made ruins down here that astonished him in a dreadful way. It was the old man silently staring at him from a distance!

Sitting on the ancient floor with crossed legs with his head hunched forward. Countless webs of wrinkles covered his pale face. His disarrayed hair was white as snow. He wore a black pointy hat, while his frail and skinny body was draped in a ragged rode. Zyro didn't even know someone could age this long.

On the cracked floor before the old man, a small luminous circle lay, shimmering golden light that luster on Zyro's helmets red visor.

His shocked eyes behind his helmet locked at the ancient man... Also wide, pale purple eyes. Evident surprised confusion written all over the man old face. It was as though, his so shock to the point his rendered speechless. Heck, the ancient man seemed more bewildered than Zyro are somehow.

Recovering his composure, Zyro took a deep breath. And slowly step back, wary for the mysterious old man presence. Never did he thought he'll be meeting an old man here of all places underground. Forget about the historical ruins around him, theirs a living fusil right Infront of him who lasted for god knows how many years in this he'll hole.

Eventually, Zyro's back hit the wall. Waking the old man from his daze. Even then, the old man blinked and squirm his eyes with his fingers to analyze Zyro figure for some time as of confirming he wasn't mistaken. Before curving his dried lips in a wide smile of amusement.

"I'm not losing my mind, right? Speak knight. You see me didn't you?"

His voice sounded hoarsely joyful.

Even though the questioner spoke the language of humans and North which his best at speaking. The knight keep his mouth, not knowing what to say. Of course he sees him, anyone can him if they have eyes.

Taking Zyro's long silence as a yes.

The man laugh loudly. Then said.

"Ah, how long had it been since I've talk to anyone? At last, I don't know how you manage to interact with me despite the spell veiling. Nevertheless, I'm thankful you did. You have no idea how much time I've spent in isolation in this dull ruins until meeting you!..."

Zyro watched the old man silently as he keep blabbering on how boring it have been for him. Eventually, Zyro he slowly raise a hand and ask in a robotic stern voice, modified by his mask.

"...Who are you?"

The old man paused. And smile as if remembering something really pleasant.

"Who am I? Indeed, who am I..." He took a deep breath and shook his head, chuckling.

"Not much, really. Just a maidservant of the Goddess. You can also call me Depter if you want."

The term "not much" wasn't convincing at all considering Depter - the old man assumed name. Age and mysterious reason for being here for so long despite the need for food and water. Furthermore, what did he mean a maidservant? Zyro almost puke at the image of the old hag wearing cute maid uniform. However, his interest was suddenly piqued by the mention of the Goddess.

One of the general knowledge is ancient history. Little is known about it due to Zyro's limited sources of knowledge, but if anything common is known. That'll be chaos. The world back then can only be described in one word - Chaotic. Due to dispute of humans and beasts. One tried to live in harmony and peace, while the other prey on them. Hence, destruction, death and war was everywhere.

This tradition continued for a long while... Until she came. The Goddess. The most beautiful and benevolent being to walk this land. Her grace bringing end to all the madness, and making the impossible possible. She united savage beast who only knows hunger, and spiteful people of this world. Leading them to live in harmony. It is said Kings and Devine beast such as Grick, Argon, Helio and Aster worshiped her. However, the peace she built didn't last, due to the North betrayal that ended the goddess life along the peace she brought. Waking the war of madness of two continent - The Southern Beast Continent and Swords of North that claimed the lives of Grick and the three other creator of devine races. So as the North strongest swords.

This is the reason why the Beast Continent where Zyro is, despised the Swords so much.

Although past historical events was considered useless. Zyro's interest was piqued by the said Goddess. Even the mother of Gricks whose described as a living catastrophe itself that conquer the entirety of Foggy ring and made it a nest was tamed by her. Add the other Devine beast and powerful individuals belonging to North that battled them to death in the war. All of this mighty existence heed the being known as the Goddess and everyone took pride in it without a single hint of shame.

Just how powerful is she?

He trembled at the measure of her power. But what's the point of fearing the dead. None.

Still, If what Depter claim as the maidservant of the goddess true. He must be hundreds of years old, his ancient looks said so too. But how?

Then, Zyro palpitating heart hasten.

Ascended, also know as Marked beings have greater bodies than mundane beings. The difference only grew the higher their Mark are in the aspect of strength, racial talents and intelligence. Including life span.

Although, Depter didn't show his the level of his Mark. Zyro felt it.

He didn't before due to remnant adrenaline and chock at the eerie situation. But now that he regained composure, he was able to notice a tingling sensation crawling inside him. The feeling of being at the presence of a greater life form.

It was even superior than those he encountered before. Meaning, the old man Infront of him was more powerful than the prideful prince and... Who's that again? Zyro knew there's a certain someone who left a unforgettable impression on him. But can't seem to recall it. Zyro shrugged it off, and put his focus on the main task at hand. How will he deal with the mighty old man? Not like he needed too. Apparently, Depter doesn't pose hostility towards him, in contrast, he emit a friendly vibe.

Zyro cleared his throat.

Either there's a loss screw in his head, or due to excessive anime series he watched. Zyro asked.

"So... Ah, are you the old man that gave powers and stuff to unduck my life?"

That absurd question was fueled by his wild imagination. Perhaps, he finally got a fortuitous encounter that'll send his power skyhigh! Of course, reality was cruel as always.

Silence hang in the chamber for a few second, before being broken by the Depter raspy laughter.

"Hahahahaha! My apologies knight, but as you can see. I don't have any powerful belongings to give you. And considering your an Argon, my spells teaching won't do either."

Honestly, The question Zyro throw was partially a joke. Never did he expected the Depter to actually replied sincerely. Although, it might be a lie, Zyro received an significant piece of information in his words - the old man, Depter was a Mage. Else he won't mention teaching spells.

"No, the apologies are mine. And correction, I'm not an Argon. By any chance, Mister Depter, do you really know magic?"

Depter proudly smiled.

"Of course, I'm a mage after all! Ah, I still remember my glory in the past. How they feared me, how they adore me. Sigh, but all of those are gone now..." he shook his head.

With his suspension confirmed, Zyro excitement got the best of him.

"Say, can you teach me magic?"

The fact that Depter was a mage didn't surprised Zyro. Vampires were here, as well. So other fantastical existences were already expected. But most importantly, Depter is a mage! And seem to be a great and knowledgeable one at that. With his help, Zyro could finally get his hand on this word mystical sorcery.

Although utilizing sorcery was far from easy. It required potent talent in the aspect of memory and penmanship. That's why participators of this art were seldom.

Zyro grinned. Not to brag, not only does he possess perfect memory thanks to Aizra infecting his brain, an AI who flawlessly record everything he see in complete detail couple with his relatively high brain performance. Zyro also had peerless talent on his handling guns and swords. Although, he wasn't able to attend school due to his poor state in his younger days, so he didn't hold pens for writing. The only school, if you considered brutal training camps that put life on the line for every tests a school. The school he attended wasn't pleasant to say the least, in there, Zyro was taught to hold weapons, and did so exceptionally. He'll die after all if he didn't.

The point is, Zyro is good at using his hands. But never held a pen... He did once, but used it to stab an enemy to death. Instead of writing. Still, it's undeniable how much talent that hand of his possessed. How hard could writing the language of Gods be?

Nevertheless, Zyro's going to be a great sage!

He stared at the old man with eyes was full of anticipation and hope.