
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantaisie
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69 Chs

Chapter 36: Eyeless Hound

Entering the forest, Zyro's heart was calm, his eyes extremely focused as sharp as a dagger, wary for any predator around. From time to time, he look up, checking the glittery night sky through the seams of the trees mass of leafs. For any flying figures of Gricks. One of Zyro's reason for waiting so long was the damned humanoid birds, that look more like angels, but Zyro refuse to view them as such after all they done to him from the very start. Even now, the Gricks had been searching around the area where his starship fell. Hindering him from recovering his cybernetic armor earlier, if not for them. His frail human body would have long reunited with his trusty shroud of black steel. Heck, with it, Zyro was completely certain of defeating an Alpha. And surviving in society reign by the strong, somehow. Fortunately, after a month of searching in vane, not finding anything. The patrolling Gricks he saw flying in the sky above this region apparently lessen. Finally giving Zyro opportunity to retrieve his cybernetic suit of armor.

The young man, Zyro. Who no more look like a poor, pitiful slave. But a deadly assassin. Clad in brown long sleeve shirt and fitted pants adorning his waist to foot. A gloves hid his bruised hands, so as his booted feet and hooded head. His face shrouded in deep shadows, enabling anyone to see his lethal eyes that view the woods before him with utter perception. As he navigated with an expert movement of professional scout. Swift, nimble, silent and sharp. His step almost made no sounds.

The garments he wore was by product of the items he bought with his blood and a month of sewing in his idle times. Unfortunately, his hands lack of talent in the aspect of weaving and poor quality of the materials - needle, a roll of fabric. Created a rather, crude version of what Zyro had Invision. Still, the messiness of his tattered clothes made him look like a rugged scavenger that came from his grave. Telling tales of adventure and horror to those who see him.

Silently making his way through overgrown bushes and towering trees. Zyro's attention was split in two. One for the night sky above where remnants Grick watchmen's wander, holding to the slim hope of finding anything. The other, is for the patrolling guards of the mine, in-charge of fending nearby beast away.

Soon enough, he encounter the patrolling guards. The bright lanterns glow give their position away, allowing Zyro to easily avoid bumping into them. Those aren't the typical guards that govern the caverns peace. They're veterans warriors that survive battles again ferocious beast, and continue doing so every night. From what he heard, the strongest of them was a Marked Beta, one rank higher than Alpha. So Zyro rather not bump into those guys. Besides, he had no business with them, only one of their member - The Alpha guard that snap his arms.

A few more minutes past in tense silence, Zyro's pace was slow and cautious. Always wary of his surroundings. Zyro had just past the mine-guards patrolling area, so they're out of his worries. But the threats in the bushy land remain, more dangerous than ever. Unlike the Mines nearby forest, where beast are shun away. Here, deeper in the jungle, monstrosities dwell freely to hunt preys. Zyro didn't even know how he survived back then when his starship crash, leaving him solely walking through the dangerous wilderness, endured and tired to his bone. A time when his unable to defend himself. Yet... he live, and reached the Mine somehow.

Finally, a small mountain was sighted ahead. Although his mind was fuzzy back then, Zyro still remember such memorable location where he had hidden his armor. It was a mountain side, a distance away from the lake that drowned his star vessel. The small mountain was kinda close to the stony mountain where they mine, so it was easily seen there. That's why Zyro knew where he was heading. And he was close.

In the midst of his careful steps in the silent night, Zyro's attention was suddenly attracted by a rustling noise in the bushes ahead. Zyro stop his tracks, lowered his body and quietly observe.

Then... He saw it under the illumination of moonlight, a creature came out. It's body similar to that of a dog, but without tail and furs. Revealing it's fleshy, hairless skin with remnants of scars. It's height reach Zyro's waist, it's head, disturbingly had no sign of eyes nor standing ears. Just a big and wide, gaping jaw with rows of sharp, zigzagging blood dyed teeth's. At the top of it, where whiskers should have been lay around more than a dozen holes, serving as nostrils, or ear hole.

Zyro hopped it's not nostrils. Because if it is, then it means the eyeless hound had extremely keen sense of smell. And... Truth be told, baths wasn't offered to slaves. So, yeah. He stink. There's also dried wound, scratches and bruises that have remnants smell of blood.

'Duck, no!'

But yes. The moment he saw the repulsive creature, despite his silence and far distance. The eyeless hound turn towards his exact location with a vicious grin, salivas flowing down it's reddy teeth's. The sight of it was nothing but utter terror.

That's the only sign Zyro needed to run. Run at full speed because even without the visible mark, Zyro knew it was an Alpha beast of first Mark. Equal to the abusive guard, perhaps even more for that hound only knew one thing. Wild, vicious hunger without restrain. It will hunt and devour him without delay.

Dashing away with all his might, Zyro desperately run. Of course, his human speed pale in comparison in the four footed monster. Zyro had just started running, but it already covered 1/4 of the distance towards him.

Obviously, he can't win in a game of speed.

Zyro cursed under his breath, and quickly decided to climb a tall tree. Fortunately, his wealthy experiences regarding physical activities in training greatly emphasize climbing. So his ascending speed was more than descent. Soon finding himself in a high position, more than 6 meters above ground.

Surely, the hairless beast can't reach him now. It will either wait for his below or give up and leave.

However, to his dismay. When the eyeless hound arrived at the tree's foot. It lingered for a moment, before hopping, burying it's sharp claws in the bark to support it's weight as it climb. Albeit labored and struggling. It slowly but surely reaching him.

Zyro facepalm his misunderstanding. He had forgotten again he wasn't on earth, and that eerie creature was not cousins of dogs or lions, that you can't climb trees. He cursed his stupidity before starting to think of a solution... And there's none. What could he do anyway? He can't beat it at speed at land, and trees can't save him.

'Might as well die, I guess?' he thought, looking down from a dizzying height that may end his life if he fall. Even if he didn't, there's a gluttonous, creepy beast heading towards him as of right now. And will reap him apart a few minutes.

'Nah, doesn't feel like it.'

Siting on a tough branch, Zyro shook his head and shifted his gaze from the far ground. Towards the eyeless hound disturbing face, which mainly consist of a gaping wide mouth with a whisker of nostrils as he calmly waited for it to ascend.

The repulsive creature is really taking it's time. Although only half a minute had past, but Zyro can't help but feel a sense of boredom. Probably, his mind had haywire again.

He even had the audacity to ask Aizra.

'Say, what's my survival rate?'

His mental AI replied.

[Currently, 2.866%]

He clicked his tongue.

"Tsk, fair enough."

Seconds continue passing, Zyro's gaze switched from the hound repulsive visage and the distant ground. As the eyeless monster draw closer, his eyes frequently stare below.

At long last, the climbing beast was reaching Zyro, only a few centimeters away. It's drooling mouth inferring clear excitement to finally feast on the young man body. When the hound head almost at his hanging feet, it's jaw frenziedly snapping. Zyro stoop up in the branch his siting.

'Ah... Took you long enough.'

He bend his knee, straining his leg muscles. And... sprung up, jumping down from the deadly height.