
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantaisie
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69 Chs

Chapter 22: Magic

After that, the two had a pleasant conversation.

As it turns out. Magic indeed exist in this world but known in the term "Language of Gods" Zyro thought the name was exaggerated but later change his mind after understanding it.

The mystical sorcery are made up of inscrutable language that command nature beyond mundane understandings. For example, if written "Light" in this acrolect, brightness will sprout, creating light.

However, it's easier said than done. Pert said he once seen one word written in the Language of Gods. The sight of it was nothing but, enigmatic, perplexing, mystifying and most of all, beautiful.

Something mere mortal mind can't create or hope to understand. However, The people of this world use it found a way to use it through copying, the ancient runic remnants. dissecting their meanings and effects through trials and errors.

But only a exceptional few use magic due to the extreme requirements. The runes must be replicated perfectly without a single flaws or else it won't work. Hence, one must possess kin memory and transcendence artistic talent.

It's as challenging as drawing a perfect circle.

If mere duplication are already gruesome enough. How about understanding it? Let

alone be spoked by mortal tongue.

That's why Pert already gave up on Zyro.

Zyro sighed.

'Of course it's not that simple'


Hours later, the dou was walking through the tunnels. After getting sufficient rest.

Pert whose badly injured had visibly recovered. His swollen face became recognizable, and was now able to work.

While Zyro's appearance didn't change much. The blood from his wounds dried, and had recovered enough energy.

They didn't know how much time had past, or if it's day or night. As slaves of the mine, they're bonded to the underground. Working tirelessly for a bit of food to live, so knowing time was the least of their worries. Besides, there no clock here.

Currently, they're heading to the working area Pert believed to be rich in those minerals they're mining. While Zyro decided to follow Pert for the time being due to the boy's monopoly over his need.

With Zyro's current knowledge, he could die without even knowing what killed him in this mess-up world. That's when pert came in.

But not for free, of course.

The boy yawned and look at Zyro.

"No worries, my dear Zyro, as long as you stick with me, your senior. You'll learn everything there is to learn to survive in this mine. That is, as long as you keep your end of the bargain." A tycoon smile appeared on his face.

Sometime ago, the boy's nobility had fully extinguished. Leaving childish arrogance.

Zyro didn't mind such trivial matter, because in his eyes. The boy was simply a boy.

In Zyro's judgement, Pert was about 2 years younger than him. Which in theory, 16 years old. As for Zyro's age, probably around 18 to 19, this show's just how young he've become a soldier and how harrowing the process was. Even forgetting time, and lossing track of age. In the face of despair, all trivial things are bound to be ignored.

Added, if the time spent in hibernation were to be counted. Then, his age count would be at hundreds.

Zyro nodded in agreement.

They have agreed upon certain conditions. Which required Zyro to provide half a bread daily in exchange for knowledge and language tutoring.

Although he've helped Pert out of his act, and the kid was genuinely grateful. In the end, his aid was futile. Moreover, there's nothing free even in this world. Specially for desperate slaves who's barely making a living.

Zyro could just beat the goods out of the kid, but doesn't have the heart.

Besides, Zyro already have a plan in mind.

The dou arrived at a cavern. Diverse to the previous space, only a dozen few populated the place with relatively strong miners at their prime. Likewise to the tunnels clinging on the wall, at present, only three were made.

It's probably a newly made working area.

Beads of sweat were already rolling on Zyro's forehead. As microwave heat assaulted his skin. Even breathing had to be done with effort to enjoy air with little oxygen.

This is the deeper area of the mine, with crueler environment.

Who knew how long he'll last.

Hence, without wasting time, they got to work.

Sometime later, in a well lighten area of the cavern.

The sweat batted Zyro swung his pickaxe with all might, as rubble's flew from the impact. An hours had already since entering this hellish area, yet his body were already in the brink of collapse.

Exhaustion wasn't the main culprit, but the heat and thin air itself.

'This is bad, I'm gonna die in heat stroke here!'

Fortunately, he've drunk a bountiful of water. Its free after all.

After thrusting a few more, he halted to search in the rubble's. Concentrating fully to finish the job as soon as possible. However, to his dismay, a crawling gaze alerted him for a moment before vanishing again.

"What's wrong with those guy's" Zyro mumbled.

The moment he entered this area, a majority of workers had spared him a glance of curiosity due to his hair uniqueness. But only lasted seconds for a obvious reason - they're too busy, and Zyro was busy too.

However, a few of that remains. He payed no mind at first, thinking it was normal - some people tend to have strong curiosity. But as time goes by, his intuition triggered, urging him to trace those prying eyes.

There were three of them, throwing frequent glances at his figure, making him wary. But the more he observe them, the creepier it became.

Because those eyes don't bear simple interest alone, it was mixed with malice. As if they're hungry animals, curious of a prey's taste.

Furthermore, one of the creeps intentionally neared on him. And he could swear, he catch that guy lick his lips to restrained his droll.

Zyro shivered before turning to ask Pert in a low voice.

"Hey, except my hair, is their anything strange about me?"

The boy halted, sized him from head to toe, before saying.

"Hmm, nothing really... Except, that you thrust too hard."

Zyro frowned, somehow finding that statement dirty wrong.

He knew what Pert mean though. Distinct to others, Zyro put all strength to work. Thrusting his tool with all his might to hasten his pace.

While the rest, including Pert, were rather relax in handling their tools, as if not desperate for food at all.

Even though this area sure is rich in the minerals they're mining doesn't mean one shouldn't work hard.

Suddenly, Pert's expression darkened as though he just remembered something significant.

The kid face-palmed and drily laugh.

"Ah, Zyro... By any chance, have you also forgotten what magic stones are?"

Zyro sighed.

"I have."

Pert chuckled, before continuing while avoiding Zyro's eyes.

"Oh, so that's why... You see, Zyro. Magic stones are a necessity for inscribing sorcery..."

"And we mine those stones." He cut the kid's explanation short. It was too damm hot for time to be wasted on explanations.

"Ye-yeah, your right." Pert confirmed, his eyes darting with a bitter smile.

Noticing the boy's uneasiness, Zyro narrowed his eyes.

"Go straight to the point"

Pert back straightened up, as he nervously said.

"Yo-you, you see, Zero. Those stones were mining." He gulped and added in a low voice, it's so low that it's akin to a whisper.


Yet, Zyro heard that clearly.

A moment he was confused. However, as though a important piece of puzzle clicked in place.

His face darkened as he forcefully restrained his urge to strangle the kid to death.

One of his worries were solve, the thing that send the unfortunate slave flying back when he first entered the mine. The producer of that bang, is basically the ones they're digging.

In summary, they're digging bombs.

That's also why even though this are is rich. The other slaves dig slowly because their chances of damaging the magic stones are higher.

'Why did I even hired you for? I was mining my own death a moment ago!' He complained, remembering the kid arrogant words a moment ago.

He took a deep breath and, strangely, smiled at Pert. Albeit, it doesn't look like a smile at all.

Pert shivered and paled. As though he saw something no man should have.

"Fine! I'll give you a discount!"

Zyro almost never exhibit a smile, due to it being... Unsightly. For some reason, he just can't do it right. As if God had forsaken that lips of his, cursed to never curve.

Wiping the vile smile of his, he demanded with a heavy tone.

"4 day's"

"Isn't that too much, don't forget what you did back then! 1 day, were even."

Zyro sighed. Although he didn't actually step on the poor kid, it remain an abusive act.


The blonde reluctantly nodded in agreement. Knowing how severe the mistake he committed. Earlier, he proudly said that as long as he stick with him, he'll learn everything there is to survive. Yet, Zyro almost died just now. If Zyro got lucky, his one and only costumer would have died without knowing what killed him.

Even so, Zyro shared the fault, too. For not inquiring about the mineral they're mining. Can't blame him though, after all the sh*t being burned in that human brain of his. Similar to food, he needed time to digest information, or else he'll overcharge.

Zyro sighed once again, his been sighing alot lately.

'If didn't in hunger, I'll die in heatstroke, overworking, diseases, explodin...'

Cutting his thoughts, a shivering gaze assaulted him once again.

A little spiteful, he look back and catch a shady man's maniacal gaze, not hiding his malice at all.

'Or... by others hunger.'