
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

Caile · Fantaisie
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69 Chs

Chapter 19: Heroic Act

After a unknown amount of time under the sun's burning gaze. Zyro reach the line's end.

As the slave Infront of him step aside, Zyro saw the table ahead.

There was a aged burly man setting behind the table with bored expression.

In the wooden table, a flat wood-craft lay, it's board as wide as a chest, and only the height of a hand.

It look like a wooden container, unknown of what's inside.

It wasn't what Zyro expected slaves to be treated. After all, they're people strip of their title, reduce to lowly saleable laborers. Even lesser than poorest citizens. So why the decency for? Zyro did not know.

The moment the burly man saw Zyro, a strange expression appeared on his face.

"Poor thing..." Mumbled the man.

Zyro simply ignore him, not understanding what he just said. He pulled out 5 red metallic peebles and place it atop the wooden board.

Although his new, he was not clueless on what to do after watching his peers action while waiting. He figured the mine-slave trading procedure.

With the 5 red peebles atop the board. A beeping sound was heard.

"Beep, beep, be....."

Five beeps resounded before coming to a halt.

Being in line for hours, he've heard it multiple times. Making him wonder what could have produce that sound.

It seem to reflect on the weight inserted. functioning like a automatic weighting scale. But how could there be a weighting scale in medieval era?

Zyro didn't even want to think about it. His common sense were already twisted to the core. Heck he won't even be surprised if dead were to rise anymore.

The aged man skillfully pull out breads slices like clockwork, handling it and sending Zyro away. Only taking seconds.

Zyro step aside and frowned.

He received 6 slices of breads.

The slaves prof of contrition are measured by mass using the previous wooden board. One beep is equal to a bread slice, and Zyro yield 5. Which is supposed to be rewarded by 5 bread slices instead of 6.

'More food for me then' Whatever reason may be, he welcomed it with gratitude.

Zyro took a bite, finally being able to eat after days of starvation. However, the taste was far from his expectation.

Bread wasn't flavorful, but this one is. Infact, its so flavory, it make his taste buds scream as he suppress his urge to puke. Swallowing it with some effort.

What do he expect from molded bread?

His only saving grace is free mountain water.

Water is the only free thing here, although not clean - a little brownish. Its drinkable.

Normally, a human would be exposed to risk of food positioning and bacterial problems. However, after living and advancing for so many years, such matters became trivial in the face of civilization advancement. As humanities biological understanding expand, variety of vaccines and drugs were created to ameliorate their immune system. Thus, Zyro's body were mostly immune to diseases and bacterias.

'Ah... life' Zyro chuckled.

Then forcefully consume another bread.

Nevertheless, they can't make sh*t taste good.

Just as he was about to finish his meal in a corner, a commotion broke in the crowd. Zyro notice their gaze being fixed in the back of the mountain.

Following their sight, Zyro's heart tightened.

Far in the blue sky, from the stone mountain back, a group of dot appeared. Heading towards the mine. The closer they came, the clearer they get.

The next moment, sounds of flapping wings reach their ears.

Admiration, envy and dread mixed in their hearts as they recognize this tyrant race.

Zyro recognize them too. After all, how could he forget his pursuers. He could still vividly remember the night they played hide and seek to their hearts content.

He barely scape back then with the help of his starship advance technological speed, which was now lost, drowned in the unknown depts of a lake. And now, his completely defenseless without any weapons nor armor. Furthermore, remnants of fatigue are yet to leave his body.

Although they hadn't seen his true visage, the current him still stand out. Only being the one in this mine with black hair and eyes.

Unease swipe through Zyro's mind. If the Gricks were to search here, and notice Zyro's abnormality... Well, worst case, he'll die a miserable death.

To make it worst, he can't leave the mine for the Mine guards will capture him.

Thinking of a solution, Zyro swallowed his food, and tried his best to normally walk to the dark mine.

There's a saying, if you can't run. Hide.

Entering the embrace of shadow into the darkness, away from the burning light outside. Zyro hasten his footsteps, as he dive deep.

Tracing the path he had take back then when exiting.

There's a reason for Zyro's paranoia.

After seeing and experiencing numerous eerie thing in this world. The existence of magical artifacts became a possibility.

If he were to pique their interest, which are likely. Whatever artifact they bring may exposed the truth. What's worse, his lack of knowledge made the entire situation much more problematic. Thus, Zyro had to avoid them as much as possible. Facing them carelessly for it may spell his dome.

After traversing through twist and turns of the cave's tunnels. He finally arrive inside a capacious cavern, filled with boisterous slave digging tirelessly.

It was where he mined the precious stones earlier.

Zyro went to the corner where he hid his pickaxe, and headed to a certain area.

He walk through the tired crowds like a normal miner searching a suitable place to dig. Along the way, he got his eyes attracted to a secluded dark tunnel.

At the next moment, something attracted everyone attention. The slaves stoping their work to look.

It was the Gricks with disgusted look on their faces. Clad in armor, with wings folded at their back. They're like proud and mighty angels in a cave of hopeless peasants. Everyone look at them with awe and envy. Even the mine guards that slaves considered superior were pheasants to those noble Gricks.

Not even taking a look at them, Zyro entered the tunnel.

There was another reason for him entering the mine in the presence of Gricks. And that's, the torches light.

The majority of slaves have dark colored hairs for some reason. And when they're within the caves darkness, with only strange torches vague lighting. Their hair brighten color will darken, close enough to be mistaken as black from afar.

Slowing the winged warrior's search, if they're looking for Zyro, that is.

He may seem like paranoid, he is indeed paranoid. It's better than dead.

Zyro walk deeper, and deeper. Fully aware of the dreadful place heading. Unlike other places in the mine, this one is darker, more isolated and had a ghostly vive. The further he walk, the darker it became. Then, Zyro started to notice traces of dried blood painting the wall.

It was quite, extremely quite in the tunnel he've chosen. So much so that it make one nervous. The absence sounds here are just disturbing, unlike most paths where voices of others are always heard.

And finally, he heard a sound.

That sound though, was something no normal humans would like to hear.

It was a distorted melody his most familiar with. The sound of foot heating someone, fist landing on flesh and groan of a poor individual enduring pain, sometimes screaming for help.

No matter how much horror it gave in ones heart. To Zyro, such thing had long became trivial. He head toward to the sound, as though enticed by a appalling song.

Then, Zyro saw the source.

In a corner, a manly slave who look to be in his mid thirty's was beating a blond kid of 16 years of age. Despite the youths struggle, the man didn't held his punches. Filled by anger for a unknown reason. Unconcerned of the kid worsening condition.

'Not what I expect, but it'll do.'

The next moment, Zyro charge. Putting a perfect act of a heroic young man with a big heart to save the weak in need.

Internally, he sighed. Thinking; 'This will surely hurt'