
(Jiokui Geim - The Game of Hell)

Jiokui Geim is a reality hell game where players are forced to confront their deepest fears and darkest desires. Jiok, an avid gamer, becomes obsessed with the game and spends hours playing it. But one day, while playing the final level, he is transported to a dark room and is forced to ring a bell. Suddenly, he is back in the game, but everything has changed. He hears a menacing voice welcoming him to Jiokui Geim and telling him that he will face the fears and desires hidden deep within him. The only way to survive is to win the game and claim the ultimate prize. Jiok is trapped in the game, and he has no choice but to play. He must navigate a treacherous landscape filled with danger and darkness, facing challenges that push him to his limits. As he journeys deeper into the game, he discovers that there is more at stake than just his survival. The ultimate prize is something he has been dreaming of for years, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to claim it. But as the game becomes more and more twisted, Jiok begins to question whether the prize is worth the price he must pay. He is forced to confront his own demons and make choices that will determine his fate. Will he be able to survive Jiokui Geim and claim the prize, or will he become lost in the darkness forever?

YouruichiTH · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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15 Chs

Chapter 9: The Portal to the Unknown.

Jiok woke up the next morning feeling rested and ready for whatever lay ahead. He joined Sir Galahad and the other survivors for breakfast and discussed their next move.

"We need to find a way out of this tomb," Sir Galahad said. "We can't stay here forever, and we need to find a way to stop these monsters from getting out."

Jiok nodded in agreement. "But how do we do that? We don't even know where we are or how to get out of here."

"We'll have to explore the tomb and find a way out," Sir Galahad said. "We'll have to be careful, though. We don't know what else is lurking in these halls."

Jiok and the others geared up and set out to explore the tomb. They walked down dark corridors and climbed up narrow stairs, searching for any clues that could lead them to an exit.

As they explored deeper into the tomb, they came across strange symbols and markings on the walls. Jiok recognized them as ancient runes, but he couldn't decipher their meaning.

Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from a nearby chamber. They cautiously made their way towards the sound and found a group of monsters huddled around a strange device.

"What is that?" Jiok whispered.

"I don't know," Sir Galahad replied. "But we have to stop them from using it."

They launched a surprise attack on the monsters, catching them off guard. In the chaos of the battle, Jiok managed to grab the strange device and disable it.

The monsters retreated, and Jiok and the others breathed a sigh of relief. They examined the device and found that it was a portal generator, capable of transporting people to different parts of the game world.

"We might be able to use this to our advantage," Jiok said. "We could use it to find a way out of the tomb."

Sir Galahad nodded in agreement. "But we have to be careful. We don't know where this thing will take us."

Jiok and the others decided to take the risk and activate the portal generator. They stepped through the shimmering portal and were transported to a strange and unfamiliar place.