

This is the first part of the series. The story takes place in an unnamed Japanese city, and follows an ensemble cast of characters, mostly high school students, who are mainly a user’s of some unknown but powerful Supernatural powers which they received from a mysterious entities after contracting with them and paying the appropriate price for the supernatural powers. The story mainly tells about many unknown absurd events that happened in Japan and around the world, mainly in Japan. Many mysterious and strange events occur thanks to users of Supernatural powers. This series will tell the story of at least 5 MC from their own perspective. The series will also include several other characters, most of whom are also users of Supernatural powers. ---------------------------------- I'm sorry in advance if my English is not for your cup of tea. Enjoy my Light Novel series, (ID)Entity. Follow me on Twitter : https://twitter.com/noraiou Donate me on Ko-fi : https://ko-fi.com/noraiou

NoraiOu · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
8 Chs


Part 1 Plot :

Ame Iekami, or usually known as Rain, was accidentally shot by a bullet fired from the gun of one of the amateur robbers who tried to rob a bank. The shot managed to hit Rain in the chest, injuring her very badly, and leaving her dying.

While dying and leaning helplessly, Rain was visited by one of the mysterious entities that could not be seen by anyone other than her. When Rain was about to lose her life, the mysterious entity offered an offer that Rain could not refuse.

Rain, in the last seconds before losing her life, accepted the offer from the mysterious entity. After that incident, Rain fell unconscious and almost forgot the whole chronology of the incident that happened at the bank.

But Rain knew one thing for sure, that is..-

Rain obtained and possessed a mysterious Supernatural power after that incident which she herself did not know much about its usefulness and the true potential of that power.

After a year of having a mysterious Supernatural power, Rain began to realize that she was not the only one who had a Supernatural powers. But there are still many people who have it besides her Knowing this, Rain began to be careful in using her Supernatural power and began to use them for her "other purposes".

This is the first part of the (ID)Entity series. The first part will tell 5 important characters who are the center and the core of the series.

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