
chapter 3 getting used to my new lifestyle

i decided go for the hat on first, suddenly a huge amount of information came into my mind even more than aizens. I was expecting it to be painful but i was surprised that all i felt was a small headache i guess with a stronger body these things become easier.

i started going through the newly acquired information and some things that i noticed were a bunch a random stuff like how to keep a shop open that constantly in the red, how to win every time in chess ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) and how make very erotic clothing. "hold on i could use that one in the future " i thought to myself. i spent the next ten minutes trying to sort the information.

the next thing i did was pick up the book mark but as soon as i picked it up, it turned into particles and then absorbed into my soul along with the information on how use it along with.

'great, with these i should be able to live comfortably without much trouble until the second part of my power comes in I thought to myself when i heard my mum call out to me to come down stairs.

'i don't have to plan out everything all at once, i'll take my time i still have at least 10 years till the main story starts' i closed my eyes and thought. As i get up got up and opened my eyes the suit case was but i chose to ignore and went down stairs.

i made my to the living room where both Issei and Irina were sitting on the couch watching tv when they noticed me come into the living room

issei was boy with brown eyes and medium length brown hair with it tied up at two points in the back

irina despite being a girl looked like a boy having purple eyes and chestnut hair tied in a ponytail

"what took you so long?" said issei making a slightly annoyed face

"i was busy with stuff " i replied

"what stuff?" he said as he was curious

"looking at through my dads old magazines" i said

"so what did you find?" issei replied with a curious face

"who cares let's go and play, i'm bored" irina shouted

"*i'll tell you about later*" i whispered leaning into his ear "alright, let's go" i said as we all got and made our way to the door "we leaving mum" i shouted

my mum came to see us off but not before handing us some money "spend it wisely " she said as she put it in my hand

"why so much" i replied as she gave $100

"who knows you might want a something to eat" she says

'every she too much of a reckless with money , i'll have to watch the family's finances from now on' i thought "thanks, we're leaving now"

after leaving the house i went and explored the neighbourhood and made our to the park. while walking through the playground Irina made a face like she remembered something and said "i know a secret spot, i found it a while ago, lets go and look at it now" acting excited while pointing to the forest behind the park

"L-lets not do that, the forest is kind of creepy, what if a something shows up when we are in there like a g-ghost" issei said like he was afraid.

"Don't worry issei, with god watching over us, we'll always be safe under his watch" Irina said while putting her hands together like the devoted religious girl she is.

"Lets go check it out im bored" i replied making my way towards the direction irina was pointing

"hey dont in front of me, i found it first" running ahead of and stopping while making an angry pouting face.

'cute' i thought "yes yes, lead the way then Irina" i said while patting her head. irina was suprised but she kind of liked it, smiling she shouted "follow me" as she started running towards the wood

i followed her into the forest and then heard voice from behind "wait for me guys" issei shouted running to catch up to us

Irina took us deep into the forest as we were walking for a few minutes until we came across an opening in the trees where the sun shines down with a pond in the middle.

"oh this is nice" i said admiring the view. irina responsed with smug expression with her hands on her hips "right!, this spot belongs to me."

"can we go back now" issei said from the back after having a quick glance at the spot

"what we just here, we can't leave now" irina said sounding annoyed

while listening to them babble on about random stuff i felt a weird energy approaching this place. 'could this a devil, i can't be certain because i've haven't actually felt the energy signature of devil yet but i can tell it feels malicious' i thought trying to process what's going on. i shouted to Irina and issei "hey you two get behind me now!"

two of them were startled and irina said "what happened, why are you yelling" next to her issei "yeah, what's going on" he added on

"i saw a ghost, so get over here" i said to the two of them. "HEEIIII" they both shrieked and ran and got behind me and issei said " i knew it, i knew we shouldn't have come" and irina added "it's going to fine god will protect us" in panicking voice

"don't worry guys i'll take care of it" i said to the two kids behind me when suddenly saw something that looked like a human appeared

"oh it's just a bunch of brats, i guess i was getting kind of hungry" said the voice while smiling revealing it's sharp set of teeth

'i guess this is perfect chance to test some things out' i thought

leave a review so i now what to improve on

I know my writing and dialogue sucks but i don’t i have to tell this is my first time writing so be patient

you guys reckon in the future i should do multiple small time skips (3 months to 1 year) or a bigger ones (3-4 years)

susuke_uchiwacreators' thoughts