

My name is Kasumi Snow, I was reincarnated into the world of My Hero Academia. I died after saving loli-chan from Truck-Kun. Why is it that Trucks always want to run you over? Like who are driving these things! They need to redo their diver's test. Read to find out more ;) _____________________________________________________________ This is my first ever story so feedback would be great! it helps me come up with things that my readers might enjoy and helps me become a better writer for the future! I will try to upload when I have the time I do not own the cover, the image used belongs directly to the owner and I will take it down if need be. (Discontinued, will probably rewrite at some point)

Star_chaser07 · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Chapter 9: Quirk (3)

(Good day everyone!!! I'm done with finals!! That means more updates for you all and less suffering for me!!! Enjoy the chapter!)


"Hey mom! I found out what my quirk is!"

I exclaimed excitedly. I was practically bouncing in excitement. I may have known what quirk I would have to begin with, but that didn't make me any less excited. I think I'll add the other quirks I chose for myself later.

"Oh?" My mom pulled away from the hug, still looking like she was going to squeal in excitement but was holding it in.

"Yup! I got a quirk that creates quirks!!" I didn't see any harm in telling my mother this. She would have found out anyway. It would be hard to explain how I would soon have 3 quirks otherwise.

"A quirk that creates quirks!?" Her jaw dropped. I honestly couldn't blame her for that reaction. If I heard that from someone else I would have done the same. "I named it Quirk Creation!" I know, it's lame, but that was the name it came with so I decided to go with the flow!

My mother looked at me for a long time. I think her brain shutdown. I waved my hand in front of her face but she was still out of it. "Did I break her?" As I was thinking that she came out of whatever world she was in for 2 minutes.

"Quirk...Creation..?" She muttered with that faraway look in her eyes. I guess she didn't completely snap out of it.

"Mommy?" I gently shook her shoulders to get her attention which seems to have worked. "Yes dear?" Her gaze went to me. "Are you okay? I know "Quirk Creation" is a lot but there is a limit to the amount of quirks I can make." That seemed to get her to stop and think for a moment. "A limit you say? What's the number?" She questioned.

"10 quirks in all. It said anymore than that, I might explode." That last part was a lie, I couldn't tell her that a god told me that. She might think I'm crazy. Oh actually, she might not. I'm a 4 year old after all! She might consider it a young child's delusion. Maybe I'm just overthinking things.

"I-I think I understand now." My mother finally responded. "I only have one right now! I named it Kitsune! I wanted a similar quirk to mom! I'm going to make a quirk similar to dads too!" That got her smiling. "Oh yeah? What does this quirk of yours do?" She now looked intrigued.

"It's has all the things your quirk does but it grows when I do! Over time I will have up to 9 tails and each time I earn a new one, I get stronger too!"

She stared at me for a few seconds before sighing deeply. "And you came up with this yourself""Indeed I did!!" I replied cheerfully. She placed her hand on my head and ruffled my hair.


After chatting for a little while longer, we decided to get some go shopping and to get ice cream to celebrate. Currently, we were at the mall. My eye landed on a store and I immediately ran towards it. "I DIDN'T KNOW THIS WORLD HAS A STORE LIKE THIS!!" My mind screamed as I entered through the open glass doors.

If you are curious as to what store I am talking about, you will find out in a few seconds. I walked through each isle till my eyes landed on something I didn't expect. My eyes landed on a certain light novel. On the title it read, "Kumo Desu, ga Nani ka?" I almost screamed. I scanned through the other isles and I couldn't stop the squeal from escaping my mouth. Before I died, I was an American so all of these title were in English when I read them. However, with my new Japanese lineage, I have no trouble understanding Japanese now. All of them were here. "One piece, Fairy Tail, So I'm a spider, so what?, and Naruto" all my favorites!

My mother arrived shortly after and I immediately grabbed all of my favorites. "Mommy!! Can I get these!!" I couldn't contain my excitement. How could I? Imagine going to a new world being such an otaku and then suddenly realize that you can't read the light novels and manga you love, and then all of a sudden you find out you can!? It's like all the pent up grief from the loss of Anime, Manga, and light novels I loved all disappeared in an instant!

My mother smiled. "Honey, you have your own money you know, get whatever you want." I know, it doesn't seem right to give a 4 year old hundreds of dollars but I'm an exception. I pulled out the proper amount of money and paid for my books.

We walked around the mall a little longer. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a face I didn't expect to see. A short girl my age was walking side by side with what I assume are her parents. The girl looked happy, which I'm assuming means that she and her parents don't know what her quirk is yet. It was undoubtedly the soon-to-be female villain "Himiko Toga."

The girl noticed me looking at her and grinned at me. "Gosh she is so cute. Why did she have to become a villain." Those thoughts echoed in my mind.


We left the mall shortly after that small encounter and got some ice cream. I got chocolate chip cookie dough, my favorite. Turns out I was destined to have Jasmine Snow as my mother as it was her favorite too. We sat down at one of the tables available and ate our ice cream. My eyes were focused on the tv. There was talent show of some sort playing. I summarized its contents coming to the conclusion that anyone can enter, there was a group for singers, musicians, and actors. Whoever the judges are interested in will move to the next round where those chosen become trainees by teachers.

I tugged on my mother's sleeve. "Mommy! I want to audition!" My mother looked at the tv and then back to me. "You want to audition?"


(That concludes this chapter!! Thanks for reading 😁)