
(Discontinued) This novel is bad! Read at your own risk!

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9 Chs

Ch. 1: Letting Go?

We can see a guy with an earphones plug in his ears, humming Into the Unknown by Panic at the disco, walking along the street, holding cup noodles...

The guy, Jin Takeru, after watching Frozen 2, he instantly downloaded all the songs of Frozen 2 in the playlist in his Spotify.

While walking He spotted a Child, he don't know if it's a boy or girl since the Child is wearing a dress but also have a boy's feature, like the face, Possibly a trap, in the middle of the street, and saw a Truck running in highspeed, not stopping.

"He bo-gur-boi-err-Kid! get out of the road!" Jin shouted at the boy(?) but it seems the kid didn't even heard Jin. When Truck-kun is near the boy, Jin's legs moved on it's own pushing the Boy(?) out of the road, but got hit by Truck-kun instead...

"Huh?!? Where's this?" Jin woke up and notice that he is in a place full of white light, everywhere is white, Jin notice that this place is never ending, like a boat in the middle of the endless ocean. 'F*cking Trap! He got me killed!' Jin cursed the Trap in his mind.

"Yo Calm down!" A voice in Jin's back is heard. Jin quickly turned around and saw a Ikemen, Blonde hair, tall, and handsome. (A/N: I'm sorry, I'm bad at giving details of people's appearance)

"Who are you?" Jin shouted "Me? I'm someone what you call God. I'm too lazy to talk to you so I'll just sum up everything, The Trap you saved become the most handsome man in earth, he became an Idol, and loved by many, people lived United and lived in harmony, because of the Tra- I mean the boy, and thus World Peace. Because you save the boy, you will be transmigrated, and you got 2 wishes" said Ikemen God.

"Do I pick the world? Also Can I create my own appearance without using the wishes?" asked Jin

"No, you don't pick the world, and the world you're going to is Terraria, and Yes you can modify you're appearance without wishes..." Replied the Ikemen.

'Hmm... If I go to Terraria, I can get many overpowered Items, but my starting Items is having a copper shortsword which is kinda crappy' Thought Jin "Okay! I know what I will for! First, I want to have the powers of Elsa in Frozen, Second I want to have the system in Terraria, which consist of the crafting list, Inventory, mini-map, but the Status will be modified, not only the Health and Mana will be displayed, but also strength, agility, and other sht! There's also a leveling system where I can level up and earning stat points by killing any living being in there. and Third I don't want to have any limits into my body and soul so I can grow stronger! Also I have a question, are there any people other than the NPCs in the game?" Jin always love the Idea of Cryokinesis, and Elsa's power is strong that she can freeze summer, create blizzards, make a castle, and other things. Another reason why he wanted Elsa's power is because Elsa is pretty beautiful, other say that Elsa just looks like Kim Dah Yun from Twice which is his crush, and he is also a Once, so that's a plus.

"Wish granted. Yes there are other people in the world. Now create your appearance" After God said his part a screen appeared in front of Jin.

Jin then make his appearance in the screen, after 6 hours of modifying, you can see a handsome Ikemen in the screen, with white hair, just like Elsa's, Swimmer body build, which is not to many muscle, not thin either, just a perfect balance, with 6 pack abs, also his height is 184 cm.

After Jin finished, God then said "Ok, that's all have fun! Now let go from your past and create a new" [A/N: See what I did there? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)] Ikemen snapped his fingers and a black hole opened at the back of Jin and sucked him in.

-----┏(^0^)┛┌(★o☆)┘\(๑╹◡╹๑)ノ♬\(゚ー゚\)〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜(~‾▿‾)~└( ^ω^)」( /^ω^)/♪♪-----

Jin P.O.V

I woke up, and saw a bunch of leaves. I stood up and saw that I'm in the middle of the woods...

I first said Status to check my Stats and here are my Stats:

Jin Takeru

Lvl. 0

Health: 100/100

Mana: 10000/10000

Strength: 7 ( Average 5)

Agility: 8 (Average 5)

Luck: 10 (Depends on each person)

Stat Points: 0

'Holy Sht! why do I have a large amount of mana? Ahhh!! I must have Elsa's current amount of mana"

Now what will I do to first? Of course like all the players of Terraria and Mincraft do, start cutting trees! Now, how can I access my Inventory. "Inventory!" I thought in my mind then a bunch of boxes appeared in my mind, and saw that there's nothing in it... "What the hell? how can there be nothing? is this bugged? Oh wait, I have Elsa's Powers."

I tried thinking of an ice axe appeared on my mind, but nothing came out. 'Maybe I'll try to feel my magic first.' I sat cross legged, closed my eyes, and feel the magic in me. I can feel a cold yet warm feeling in my body, I tried to control the feeling and started forming an axe in my hand. I opened my eyes and saw an axe made of ice in my hand. I then open my Status

Jin Takeru

Lvl. 0

Health: 100/100

Mana: 9998/10000

Strength: 7 ( Average 5)

Agility: 8 (Average 5)

Luck: 10 (Depends on each person)

Stat Points: 0

'So I can make an axe with 2 mana..."

'Yosh! Now chop some woods!' I then ran to the nearest tree and started cutting the tree. After 2 minutes of chopping tree, the tree then popped and small blocks of wood started falling from the sky, and going towards me. I opened my inventory and saw two sticks glued to each other with number 11 in the left bottom of the planks, and an acorn with number 4 in the bottom left of the image. 'It seems like the game logic is applied here.' I thought to myself and started chopping trees.

-1 hour later-

now I have over 353 wood and 64 acorns. I then saw that under the Inventory is a crafting list and picked the work bench and then a work bench appeared in my list and the 353 became 343.

I then placed the work bench and started crafting wooden walls. I then crafted all of my wood since my house is now 3D and not 2D and I need more materials to create my house. So I started chopping more woods

-1 eternity Later-

I now have 3 stacks of woods and I'm surpsrised that it's not night yet. Also I also have 231 gels since there are so many slimes, and also 3 copper coins, 20 silver coins. Now I need to craft torches and tables and chairs for my house.

-Another eternity later-

Now I have finished my house! It looks like just a simple wooden cabin, with a porch, on the outside, no windows yet since I don't have sand, but it's lit inside because if the torches... I seriously need Einstein right now so he can make lightbulb for me, because it's still dark even though there's torches. And the torches never run out! Cool right?! Must be game logic...

Also when making the house I just need to think of the wood then the wood appeared in my hand, I then place the wood then there's a polished wood appeared in front of me. I then started placing the woods for the outlines of the house, and placing the wooden walls between the outline, what got me scared is the wooden walls is floating... Meh, Game logic, gravity don't exist!

Oohh... It's getting darker, gotta go in now, don't want to fight since I'm tired because I build my house in just a day. All I wanna do is sleep in my leaves, since there's still no cobwebs...

Goodnight then!

When I'm about to sleep, I thought of something, and felt so stupid! I have Elsa's power! Why the hell didn't just make a fcking Ice castle! GODDAMMIT! I'm too lazy! I'll do it tommorow!