AUTHOR NOTE: THE BOOK IS UNDER RE-EDITING DUE TO SOME MISTAKE. PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR MONEY AND UNLOCK CHAPTERS FROM CHAP: 76 AND ONWARDS “Your road of love is destined to be one that’s rough. You shall forever be entangled with a man, and there won’t be a peaceful ending.” ''I am willing to spoil him, I am willing to guard him, I am willing! Thus, he needs not to see anything bloody or sludgy, and should have a stable and comfortable life, filled with sweet laughter''.
Archer looked at his hands, tears falling down his eyes, Ryan, who was trying to comfort his elder father, came and sat next to Archer and held his hand's. He took out some tissues and started cleaning Archer's face.
''Archer, please don't be like this. They will get well. Haoran is with the doctors and surely he won't let anything happen to any one of them''. Ryan said.
Archer looked at Ryan and said, ''I lost her some years ago and got her back just like a miracle and now again she going away from me, so far away.Liang.Ash..what would I do without them..'' Archer hugged Ryan and started crying.