
Arc 9: The Old Attack is a Fine Point (3)

Yingzhao looked around eagerly, trying to find where his lover was. He stopped and went, but still found nothing.

Until he realized that this is the world belonging to the doll, that is, the world belonging to his lover. The lover's current state is different from Wen Renming in the first world, they are still strangers.

Thinking of this, Yingzhao took a deep breath. Instead of walking around, he called softly, "You're here, aren't you?"

"I know you're here, come and see me!"

Yingzhao's voice just fell, when a violent wind suddenly blew up around him, and a ferocious gust of wind broke out. The breath is approaching. That bone-shaking sense of threat makes any cultivator understand in his heart just how dangerous the other party is.

However, Yingzhao was not afraid, and calmly looked at the petite but stunning young man who appeared in front of him. The information clearly shows that the boy is already thirteen years old, but looking at his thin and malnourished appearance, he seems to be less than ten years old.

Although the other party was wearing the same delicate clothes as the dolls, it was still difficult to conceal the fact that the other party was too thin.

But even so, that delicate face is still dazzling. Yingzhao knew that the current appearance of the other party was the same as the body when the soul body was separated from the body. Thinking of the miserable life of the young man in the past, Yingzhao's nose was a little sore.

He tried his best to smile at the young man and said softly, "Hello, I'm Ying Chengye, the current head of the Ying family, are you willing to go out from here?"

But after he finished speaking, the other party was unmoved. , not even the slightest change in expression, as if not a living person at all.

Upon seeing this, Yingzhao tentatively took two steps forward. Seeing that the other party did not retreat, he boldly walked in front of the other party.

Looking at the young man who had just reached his chest, Yingzhao lowered his head and wanted to gently touch the other's forehead, but was instantly avoided by the child.

The young man floated behind Yingzhao like a wandering soul, and circled round and round, but did not come close. And Yingzhao stood there calmly and let the other side look at him.

The boy turned around for an unknown amount of time before he finally stopped and returned to Yingzhao. When Yingzhao saw this, he quickly took action and hugged the other party in his arms.

The child obviously did not expect Yingzhao to have such a move. Although there was still no expression on his face, his pupils shrank suddenly, expressing the stunned feeling in his heart.

And this kind of approach, because it is in the doll, is equivalent to the approach of the soul. In an instant, some memories of the boy's past unfolded in front of Yingzhao.

The teenager has been locked in this doll for more than 20 years, but the memory of the past suffering has not faded away. Even because of his exposure to the magic weapon, he himself has been assimilated by the magic weapon and has an extraordinary memory.

The puppet magic weapon naturally also has its own protection mechanism, trying to slowly devour the soul of the young man, integrating him into a part of himself, trying to make the young man lose himself. But obviously, his lover's will is very strong.

Looking at the boy in front of him, a red light flashed across his black obsidian pupils, and Yingzhao felt the boy's strong emotions in an instant.

It was just that the emotion was fleeting, but it was still captured by Ying Zhao. It was a suffocating sense of oppression, gloomy, violent, mad, desperate, with a variety of flavors, but none of them could destroy people.

After that moment of feeling, I looked at the boy again, only to find that the other party's appearance had not changed at all. As if the streamer in his eyes was just an illusion.

Yingzhao narrowed his eyes. Therefore, his lover's emotions were not engulfed and eliminated by this space, but were concealed for some unknown method.

Yingzhao saw through the picture he saw when the souls met. From the very beginning, the young man was happy to be able to leave the home of his demon-like relatives.

Even if it's just a handyman, a servant. It's better than being humiliated, beaten and scolded every day, without food. However, when he came to Ying's house, he found out that the other party just wanted his body and used him as a container.

The fear that his existence was about to be wiped out came, and the boy lost consciousness. When he woke up again, he was sealed in this doll.

Can't move, can't speak, day after day, lonely and lonely in this dark tower. From the beginning of fear and confusion, to resentment and violence, and then a little bit was consumed into despair.

Somehow the negative emotions were taken away a little bit, and the young man was trapped here, forgetting to cry, forget to laugh, and even almost forgot that he was alone.

The only thing that can prove that he is still alone seems to be these memories. Only the feelings and emotions are hidden.

Yingzhao's soul has been pulled into this doll for some reason, and he is almost synaesthesia with the boy opposite, so he can empathize with the boy's feelings.

He couldn't bear his heart being pulled fiercely. This was the person he loved the most, but he had suffered so much.

Yingzhao took a deep breath and looked down at the boy who no longer knew how to react as a normal human being. More than 20 years have passed, but his appearance has not changed, but his heart has long been riddled with holes.

Bowing his head and showing a gentle smile to the young man, Yingzhao said softly, "Make a contract with me, and I will take you out. In the future, I will take care of you, okay?" The

young man looked at Yingzhao, he Doesn't seem to know how to react. He only knew that this person made him feel very comfortable, and a faint cold fragrance surrounded him, which made him feel a little at ease.

So he stared blankly at each other, neither knowing how to leave nor how to resist. Until a kiss fell on his forehead, a warmth spread from his forehead, spread all over his body, and reached his heart.

While Yingzhao kissed the boy's forehead, he silently recited the law in his heart, quietly performing the ceremony of the bond. The other party, as expected, did not subconsciously resist him in the slightest.

The contract he made with the young man was not a subordinate contract between a person and a magic weapon, but the highest level of equality contract that could be reached with the magic weapon and beast that had opened the mind.

A faint white halo enveloped the two of them, and it shone brightly for a long time until the contract ended.

Opening his eyes again, Yingzhao found that he had returned to the tower. And the puppet in his hand has turned into the appearance of a teenager, and is now snuggling in his arms.

The warmth of the tentacles made it hard for him to believe that this was not the body of a living person. It was rare to see her lover look so petite and young, and Yingzhao felt a little novel.

After all, in the small world of the past, no matter how you traveled, your lover was always taller than you. To be able to completely hold each other in his arms like this is really an experience that has never been seen before.

Touching the soft forehead of the young man in his arms, Yingzhao hugged him for a while before trying to let go, but he felt that the person in his arms seemed a little reluctant.

The young man raised his head and looked at him expressionlessly, but his hands were still holding onto his clothes. Reluctance to let go is like holding on to a life-saving straw.

British move could not help but smile, facing the teenager whispered: ".. Do not worry, we have entered into a contract between you and now I are one, no one can separate us"

juvenile hear the British move so that the body He relaxed a little, but his hand still didn't let go of Yingzhao's clothes. However, Yingzhao didn't care, and simply pulled the other's hand and wrapped the small hand in the palm of his hand.

The young man leaning on him blushed when he saw this, but he didn't have to hold onto Yingzhao's clothes anymore. On the contrary, his eyes have been staring at the hands of the two people, and the whole person's breath has softened.

When Yingzhao saw this, he sighed in his heart. He knew that although the boy's performance seemed blank now, he actually remembered everything, and of course, he also remembered why he was sealed into this puppet magic weapon.

So, he explained to the young man who was leaning against him: "The old head of the family has passed away, and I am the new head of the Ying family. Although I can't let you get rid of this doll and have a human body. But I don't either. I will let you stay here alone again. Although you are my magic weapon in name, I have signed an equal contract with you. So, you have complete freedom, do you understand what I am saying?" The

boy heard Yingzhao opened his mouth. After a long time, he seemed a little uncomfortable and said, "I am free now?"

Yingzhao nodded and gently stroked the other's cheek, with obvious distress in his eyes. He said softly to him: "Yes, you are free now. Can you tell me your name?" The

boy opened his mouth to say his name, but his parents were killed by bandits when he was born .

He was adopted by a kind old man, but the old man was mute, could not speak, and could not read, so he could not be named. Everyone in the village said that he was unknown, and everyone called him Broom Star.

It was only when he was four years old that the old man passed away. He was sent to the house of a distant relative by the village chief, and the family was always told to lose money and goods.

So long to ten years old, there is still no name. Although he seemed to remember, it turned out that others had once told him that his parents' surname seemed to be the surname Wang.

But for some reason, he suddenly didn't want the surname. His parents were gone after giving birth to him, and he had been suffering for so many years, and he did not want to recall those pasts.

During the twenty years that he had been waiting in the tower, he actually didn't know how much time had passed in the outside world. I only know that this space is trying to eat away at my own mind a little bit, and I, although I didn't let the other party succeed, seems to be losing the emotions that originally belonged to human beings little by little.

Until this man suddenly appeared, like a beam of light shining into the darkness. He embraced himself, a warm embrace he had never experienced before.

Such a real hug made him tremble, wanting to be more greedy for this person's body temperature. He didn't particularly understand what the emotions in this person's eyes were, but his intuition told him that the other party was kind.

So the young man pursed his lips, shook his head at Ying Zhao and said, "I don't have a name."

"Is there no name?" Ying Zhao frowned and looked at the young man.

Although there is synaesthesia and pictures in the doll, it is not a real memory after all. So Yingzhao didn't know what happened to the boy from his experience in the doll.

What's even more strange is that it stands to reason that when you see your lover, there is a system, and the memory of the other party will generally be completely unfolded to you. But not this time, only a part of the fragment can be seen by itself.

However, Yingzhao didn't care about this, thinking about the suffering of the youth in the past, maybe it's not a bad thing to forget some things.

He smiled at the other party and said, "If you don't remember, don't remember, it doesn't matter. Although I won't limit your freedom, after all, we are now bound by a contract. You haven't been out for many years. Why don't you just stay with me first. I've introduced myself before, and my name is Ying Chengye. Otherwise, can you follow my surname? Also surname Ying, how about Ying Youjie?

" Hearing that, he nodded. He didn't object to Yingzhao's name for himself, and was even happy to be able to use the same surname as the other party.

In fact, the young man could also faintly feel the connection between his body and Ying Chengye. They seemed to have become extremely close after establishing the contractual bond that the other party said, but they were equal and not suppressed.

Because there is no feeling of being bound by the equality contract, this makes the teenager feel that this kind of fetters is not so repelling. It's just that although it's not obvious on the face, the young man is unconsciously worried in his heart.

Ying Youjie did not lose his memory, he knew that the Ying family was the leading family of cultivators on this road, standing at the pinnacle of soul power cultivators.

He also remembered that Ying Jiyang, who caused him to be sealed in a doll, was a very prestigious figure in the Ying family.

Just when he was bought by the other party and thought that he had left that terrifying home and escaped the sea of ​​suffering, he did not expect to fall into an even more terrifying abyss.

The man who had given him hope made him fall into despair. So he actually had suspicion and vigilance towards Yingzhao in his heart, but he couldn't control his desire to get close.

The young man felt fortunately that because of the specificity of his body and the influence of being closed for many years, he almost lost his expression, otherwise he would really let the other party see something.

What he didn't know was that Yingzhao had already understood his thoughts. Seeing the appearance of being on guard and wanting to get closer to him, Yingzhao sighed, feeling a little heavy.

Fortunately, the other party is still young. From now on, he will warm the other party's heart and make him happy.

Xiaobai in the sea of ​​knowledge noticed Yingzhao's thoughts and couldn't help but reminded: "Host, the target was indeed only thirteen years old when he was sealed in the doll. But he has been sealed in the doll for more than 20 years. In fact, his soul is older than yours."

Ying Zhao shook his head and said, "He has been trapped in a doll for more than 20 years. , which is equivalent to a complete stagnation of growth. That's why he has already formed a contract, but still stays at the age of thirteen, because his mind is still at the age of thirteen. So, in fact, he is still a child. "

Xiaobai looked at his host and looked at the target, his eyes were bright and eager to raise his son, and he closed his mouth wisely.

Yingzhao glanced at the young boy beside him, lowered his head and said coaxingly to the boy: "Since you don't object to staying with me first, then we will live together in the future. We are very bound by a contract. Intimate relationship, so, I will call you Xiaojie in the future. Then you, just call me my uncle! Come, hurry up and listen!"

Yingzhao twitched the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help but feel a little bad in his heart. idea. Yingzhao felt unhappy when he thought that someone in his previous life always forced him to call his uncle on the bed.

In this life, Feng Shui should take turns, a sly light flashed in Ying Zhao's eyes, and he couldn't help but smile when he looked at the young man.

Ying Youjie didn't know what Yingzhao was happy about, but it seemed that the other party really wanted to call him uncle. After hesitating for a while, Nuonuo still whispered to Yingzhao. "uncle..."

"Hey!" Yingzhao suddenly grinned,

kissed the boy's little face forcefully, and praised: "Xiaojie is so good!" The boy was obviously stunned by the sudden kiss, and he was stunned for a moment. Zhang blushed like boiled shrimp.

Yingzhao chuckled lightly, and simply hugged the boy horizontally. Thinking of the teleport that Ernest always liked to hug him around in his last life, he never thought that the person who hugged people in this life was replaced by himself.

Looking down at the tender lover in his arms, Yingzhao couldn't be satisfied with this cute little appearance. With just one thought, he took Ying Youjie back to the Ying family's old house.

Uncle Ying, the housekeeper in the old house, was shocked when he suddenly saw Ying Zhao returning home with such a delicate-looking child in his arms. I thought to myself, could this child be the illegitimate child of the owner outside?

But now the owner of the house is only twenty-five years old, how could there be such an illegitimate child? Although the child looked petite, he was over ten years old anyway.

The housekeeper was thinking wildly when Yingzhao had lightly put the boy on the ground. Turning his head to Uncle Ying, he said, "Uncle Ying, I have already selected the magic weapon, it's him."

Uncle Ying couldn't help but be stunned when he heard Ying Zhao's words. Turning his head to look at the young man beside him, noticing his clothes, he suddenly remembered that Yingzhao seemed to have gone to the tower in the forbidden area of ​​the family before.

There are indeed many artifacts on the tower that have been passed down from generation to generation by the Ying family for many years. It stands to reason that every patriarch will choose the one that suits him.

The owner of the house had been there once before, but he didn't particularly like it. I didn't expect to go again this time, and the chosen one would be the puppet that has not been reproduced in the world for hundreds of years. I just didn't expect that after this puppet formed a contract, it turned out to be completely human-like.

No wonder, the Ying family has been passed down from generation to generation, saying that this doll is the most amazing magic weapon, but no one has been able to control it. But others can't do it, their current owner has done it.

Sure enough, their current owner is the best and most promising! It is sure to carry forward the British family even more! Thinking of this, Uncle Ying was also puffed up and felt honored.

Yingzhao didn't know that his image in Uncle Ying's heart had grown a lot taller by accident, but he only knew that Uncle Ying had always been loyal to the Ying family. Besides, Uncle Ying also knew about the puppet, in addition to the old family owner.

So Yingzhao did not hide it. I think it's better to tell Uncle Ying about this, maybe I can take better care of the boy in my arms.

After all, magic tools and people are still different. Uncle Ying has a lot of experience in taking care of people and dealing with magic tools.

When Uncle Ying heard what Ying Zhao had just said, he immediately settled down and suppressed the stun in his heart just now. He said respectfully to Yingzhao: "I understand."

Yingzhao was satisfied when he saw Uncle Ying's attitude, he put his arms around the shoulders of the teenager and continued to Uncle Ying: "Uncle Ying, you will declare me when you go out to the public in the future. I look forward to a young man with good talent, who will be accepted into the Ying family. From now on, he will be called Ying Youjie and will be the young master of the Ying family. What he said is just like what I said, from now on he will be the second master of the Ying family. Do you understand?"

Yingzhao's voice was not high-pitched, but his attitude was clear. Uncle Ying was shocked when he heard the words. His eyes swept to the delicate-looking, but very thin young man beside him.

Listening to the meaning of the head of the family, that is, not only treat this child as a magic weapon, but also treat it as a person. Moreover, the identity of this doll is also very noble.

Could it be that the owner of the family looked at the appearance of this puppet instrument too cute and wanted to raise him as a son?

He looked up at Yingzhao and looked at the tender eyes he had when he was a teenager. He had never seen this kind of eyes from the head of the family to anyone else.

Although he thought it was a bit strange to raise a magic weapon as a son, Uncle Ying thought about it, the close bond between the magic weapon and the owner, I am afraid that he does not even have relatives. It's not unreasonable for the owner to do so.

Besides, the boy looks so cute, if he has such a little grandson, he must like it too. Thinking of this, Uncle Ying was more sure of the idea just now, so he was a little more respectful of the young man's attitude.

It's just that the head of the family didn't speak clearly about what status he wanted to give this young man, and he couldn't talk too much as a servant. After all, this is the head of the family.

But it was Uncle Ying who misunderstood. Because Yingzhao said that he liked the young man to call him uncle, but he didn't plan to take him as his adopted son.

After all, this little guy will be his old attack in the future. When his lover grows up, Yingzhao doesn't want to block their relationship because of this relationship.

Besides, it's too shameful to be with his own son. Even in name only, he was somewhat incapable of accepting it. Therefore, the relationship between him and Ying Youjie was so vaguely carried over.

Yingzhao looked at the gorgeous clothes on the side of the boy that looked like a medieval prince, and frowned. Although it looks exquisite and cute when combined with the doll, it doesn't look like a human teenager now. But after all, such clothes are not suitable as regular clothes.

So he stopped the steps that he was about to leave, and said to Uncle Ying, who was beside him: "Tomorrow, find someone to make some clothes for Xiaojie."

Uncle Ying nodded and said respectfully to Yingzhao, "Patriarch, it's not too early. Now, let the following people prepare dinner for you and the young master?"