
Arc 9: The Old Attack is a Fine Point (11)

Yingzhao nodded quickly when he heard the words, and was hugged by Ying Youjie again. The two hugged each other for a long time, and the young man kept kissing the back of his hand and his cheek dearly. This kind of intimacy made Yingzhao blush.

However, he didn't want to stop the other party. After all, in the face of his lover's closeness, he never resisted. Both of them enjoyed this kind of tenderness.

It wasn't until it was a little late looking at the sky, thinking that a lot of things happened today, and that uncle should be tired too, Ying Youjie finally let go of Yingzhao's embrace. But still holding each other's hand, they came to the dining room together, and asked Uncle Ying to prepare dinner.

After the two had eaten and drank enough, Yingzhao thought that today's work was almost done, and the rest could be done tomorrow, so he wanted to go back to his room to rest.

Who knew that just as he was about to enter the bedroom, he was stopped by the young man beside him. Yingzhao looked at the other party with some doubts, but found that Yingyoujie's eyes turned crimson at some point.

"Ming." Yingzhao called out involuntarily, and saw the eyes of the young man beside him light up for a moment, and then immediately changed to a look of grievance.

Ming squeezed directly into the door and entered Yingzhao's room. After waving his hand to close the door, he took Yingzhao into his arms again.

Still rubbing against his neck, he said coquettishly: "Uncle, it's not fair, uncle hugged that guy for so long today, kissed him, and ate with him. But I have nothing! I'm also worried, I'm also sad, and I'm also afraid that something will happen to my uncle! Uncle doesn't consider my thoughts, nor does he comfort me! Does my uncle dislike me, or does he like Xiaojie more!"

He complained in his ear like a child. Ming, Yingzhao sighed helplessly. Amusingly pinched Ming's ears, he quickly kissed his forehead, expressing that he was treated equally. I deeply feel that raising children is really difficult these days.

Who knows, Ming was not satisfied at all, and insisted that Ying Zhao kiss him on the cheek. Yingzhao was helpless, feeling that she had been kissing and hugging since she returned home today. Should I be glad that the other party is tall and does not need to lift it up by myself.

However, when he thought of the scene where the other party was pestering him to hold him high, Yingzhao felt a chill in his heart, and his expression became a little distorted for a moment. Then I heard Ming next to him snort because he was angry and distracted.

When Yingzhao saw this, he hurried over and kissed the other party to comfort him. Ming used to be rude, saying that kissing is not enough. Yingzhao was helpless, but he did not refuse.

It's just that when he was about to kiss again, the young man who was holding him suddenly turned his head on purpose, so the kiss fell on the corner of the young man's mouth. The different touches made Yingzhao's heart tremble, his face was slightly red, but he coughed lightly and pretended not to care.

It's just that his red ears, how could he escape the young man who was watching him all the time. Ming saw Yingzhao's blushing and embarrassed appearance in his arms, and his eyes became deeper and deeper, like two deep vortexes.

I had already kissed the corner of my mouth just now, and Ming believed that Yingzhao must have felt it. But the other party didn't say anything, maybe he just thought the kiss just now was an accident.

But uncle blushed, and it was really too touching for a cold person to be shy. Can he be narcissistic and think that his uncle actually has some good feelings for him?

The relationship between the two of them is not just their own unrequited love, in fact, the person in his arms has the same love for himself.

So Ming, who was in a state of ups and downs, chased Yingzhao without trying, and then he was surprised to find that Yingzhao was really pampering him. It turned out that as long as he acted coquettishly and showed a little grievance, the other party would kiss and hug him casually.

This made Ming's mood even more excited. In a short period of time, he received countless warm hugs and sweet kisses, and he was so happy that he couldn't hold back the smile at the corner of his mouth.

Just then, Ming heard a dissatisfied voice from the bottom of his heart, and said to him: "Ming, don't go too far! You even forcibly took control of your body, don't you know that doing so is your own soul? Will it hurt too? Besides, how can you keep taking advantage of your uncle like this!"

Unexpectedly, when Ming heard Xiaojie's words, he immediately responded angrily: "Why, only you can take advantage of uncle, can't I? Uncle took the initiative to kiss you just now, and my welfare is mine. Please don't forget, your uncle is not yours alone. It's impossible for you to enjoy everything, and I want to get in touch with my uncle!"

Ming said, while deliberately kissing Yingzhao He even kissed the corner of his mouth for Xiaojie to see. Like a child who won candy, he proudly said to Xiaojie: "You are the main character, and you have occupied your uncle for so long during the day. You didn't let me get close to my uncle because you were jealous. Admit it. , Xiaojie, haven't you fully recognized your own mind today?"

Xiaojie was silent for a moment after hearing the words, and finally gave a soft "en". From now on, he will not run away again, the uncle belongs to them. Faced with this person in front of him, he just wants to have it, and he can't imagine sharing it with anyone at all.

Ming saw this dead-headed idiot finally frank, relieved, smiled wickedly, and continued to Xiaojie: "Idiot, I am close to my uncle, in fact, you are close to your uncle. He is with us. The longer you spend together, the more you will get used to us. The closer you are to us, the more you will like us."

Hearing Ming's words, Ying Youjie was reluctant to admit it, but she knew that this approach would be beneficial to them. What's more, they were synaesthetes, and he also felt the comfortable and soft lips touch his cheeks.

Now that he knew that it was not a wise thing to stop Ming, Ying Youjie simply stopped talking, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the touch brought by his beloved.

It's just that Yingzhao on the other side naturally didn't know that the young man on the other side had already turned a thousand times in his head, but he felt that Ming's troubles today were more ruthless than before.

I really felt that the kisses and hugs of the other party were useless, so I could only push the other party helplessly, and said euphemistically: "Ming, it's already very late, go back to your room to rest early."

Who knows, I heard it in the past. The child who promised to let him go back to his room to rest shook his head forcefully today. Ming pursed his lips and looked at Yingzhao, and said very aggrievedly: "Uncle, can't we sleep together? I remember when my uncle always hugged me and slept with me when I was young. At that time, he said that he would protect me and that he liked me the most. "Uncle, don't you like me now?"

Seeing the tall, handsome young man speaking coquettishly to himself with the tone of his childhood, Yingzhao's eyelids twitched, inexplicably feeling that in this life My lover is so rude at times.

But he had no choice but to say: "So Ming wants to sleep with uncle today? But I remember that you didn't want to sleep with uncle since you were an adult."

Ming shook his head vigorously when he heard Yingzhao's words, and said in defense: "No, that's not me, it's Xiaojie! I like to sleep with my uncle the most! I will be with my uncle tonight, not just today, but in the future. I have to sleep with my uncle every day! Uncle, you scared me by jumping into the water today, so you have to comfort me!"

Originally, I just wanted to tease my little lover and drive him back to sleep, but who knew that he felt guilty for what the other party said. Yingzhao consciously justified the loss because of what happened today, and nodded quickly and agreed without waiting for the other party to say anything.

This is also within Ming's expectations. He knows how soft Yingzhao is towards himself and Xiaojie, and immediately beats the snake to the stick. Lai didn't say anything in the room, and even pulled Yingzhao to take a bath with him.

Not only did he stay and sleep in the same room with himself, he even took a bath. Hearing that the child who refused to take a bath with him suddenly made such a request, Yingzhao felt that the other party was intentional no matter how he looked at it.

Could it be that he really stimulated the other party today? Yingzhao wondered if his lover could not help but want to clarify his relationship with him.

Although Yingzhao doesn't reject anything to happen with his lover, when he thinks that the other party was brought up by himself, and that he also experienced the joy of raising a son when he was young, he somehow feels a little shameful.

Just as soon as he said that he didn't want to wash with the other party, Ming then put on the aggrieved expression of wanting to cry or not, and there was no way to do it.

Xiaojie, who was so shameless when he saw Ming Sapo rolling around in the sea of ​​​​knowledge, was also stunned! So that's why you've been getting less benefits than the other party for so long?

It seems that Ming also has advantages that are worth learning by himself, Xiaojie thinks seriously.

After he actually entered the bathroom, Yingzhao realized that he seemed to be more shy than he had imagined, but the young man was much more generous than himself.

Her face was not red and her heart was not beating, and she hated Ying Zhao's teeth, so she quickly took off her clothes without doing anything. While taking it off, he is still working hard to build himself up mentally. The old man from so many worlds has not done anything, and he must not lose to a little brat.

What Yingzhao didn't know was that both Ming and Xiaojie were almost unable to control the beast in their hearts the moment they entered the bathroom and saw Yingzhao take off his clothes. They can't wait to rush forward immediately, knock down this man who made them fall in love with madness, and love him wantonly.

However, they didn't dare to do this. They knew that some things needed to be done gradually, and they couldn't scare their uncle all at once, so they planned to let Yingzhao get used to them slowly.

Xiaojie knew that he was indeed inferior to Ming in this respect, so he still gave the control of his body to the other party. And Ming Ze finished taking off his clothes, so he took the bath towel and walked to Yingzhao's side with a pure face, and hugged him. He whispered to Yingzhao, "Uncle, let's wash together, shall we wipe each other's backs for a while?"

Yingzhao blushed and hid for a while, not wanting to be held in his arms under such circumstances. Who knows, just after hiding for a moment, I heard the low laughter of the youth in my ears.

Yingzhao's ears were numb with the deep hoarse tone. Ming saw that Yingzhao's red ears and eyes darkened, and smiled at him: "Uncle, we are all men. I have what you have, so what are you doing? What are you shy about?"

Ying Zhao heard the young man's words, and cast a calm glance at the other party. I thought to myself, I hope you can say the same thing when you turn me onto the bed in the future. Of course, Yingzhao just thought about these words in his heart, in terms of thick skin, he can't compare to his own man in any world.

Moreover, in this world, this is the first time that Yingzhao has sincerely met his lover. The youth is tall and muscular. It's just that maybe because the body is transformed by the magic weapon, the skin is a little abnormally pale.

Yingzhao couldn't avoid blushing and heartbeat, but fortunately, the iceberg facial paralysis set by his own character was not too embarrassing. I also thought that I couldn't lose to the child I raised, so I took the initiative to pick up the shampoo and help the young man wash his hair.

Ming lowered his head and glanced back and forth at Yingzhao, and when the other party washed his hair, he took the initiative to pick up the towel on the side to wipe Yingzhao's back. Faced with this situation, Yingzhao was naturally embarrassed to refuse. It's just that the young man's wiping gesture doesn't seem to be helping people clean at all, and the gentle lingering is obviously ambiguous.

Being touched by a loved one made Yingzhao react uncontrollably. Just when he felt very embarrassed and didn't know what to do, he suddenly heard Ming teasing behind him and said, "The uncle's is not the same as me, so cute."

Yingzhao's hand shook violently when he just got the shower gel, and when he heard Ming's words, he almost crushed the bottle in his hand. He turned his head and glared at the young man, after all, any man who was jokingly called cute there by another man would not be able to lose face. He gritted his teeth and said to Ming: "You are cute, your whole family is cute!"

Yingzhao was still slandering in his heart as he spoke. Lao Tzu is obviously normal, okay? Unlike some people, he is not human at all. What is abnormal is that the person on the opposite side is right, his own is obviously very ordinary, probably! Anyway, how cute!

Unexpectedly, the young man on the side nodded in agreement when he heard what he said, and said solemnly: "Uncle is right, my whole family is not just me and my uncle. My uncle praised me as cute, and I also think uncle is cute, so My whole family is cute!"

He didn't expect his angry words to be forcibly explained by the other party, and Yingzhao felt that he was no longer in the mood to complain. Instantly extinguished his anger, and then quickly took a shower at three times the usual speed, wrapping a towel and bathrobe, and quickly opened the door of the shower room.

Ignoring Ming who was yelling at him to wipe his back, Yingzhao opened the door and walked out. As for Ming who stayed in the bathroom, after seeing Yingzhao leave, the innocent and aggrieved look on his face instantly turned evil.

Naturally, he had noticed Yingzhao's reaction just now, as well as his uncontrollable shyness, and he was more and more sure that his uncle definitely had feelings for him. Excitedly, he licked his lips and took a deep breath. He always felt that there was still a charming cold fragrance on the man he loved in the bathroom.

Ming lightly smiled, leaned against the bathroom wall, picked up the bath towel that Yingzhao had just wiped off the water droplets on his body and threw it on the washstand, put it under his nose and sniffed hard. The bottom of my heart became more and more fascinated, and I became self-sufficient while fantasizing about the beautiful scenery I saw in the bathroom.

The young man stayed in the bathroom for a long time, and Yingzhao didn't care. After all, I was almost annoyed by the opponent just now, and now I am really afraid of that Ming.

Even after Ming came out of the bathroom, Yingzhao still refused to look at Ming's face because of embarrassment. However, Ming's mood was not affected in the slightest by this. Instead, because of the harvest in the bathroom today, he felt in a good mood.

He knew that his uncle had always been hard-hearted and soft-hearted, although his uncle ignored him after he came out of the bathroom. But the bed has already been made for him, and the pillows and quilts are all complete.

A smile flashed in Ming's eyes, and he walked over and lay down on the bed. Ignoring Yingzhao's cold face on the side at all, he threw himself on it. He hugged the other person's waist and said to Yingzhao coquettishly, "Are you still angry? Uncle was never so stingy in the past!"

Yingzhao rolled his eyes when he heard this, thinking that you were not as shameless as you are now. . Thinking so in my heart, I couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "It's not as cute and cute as when I was young."

Who knew that when Ming heard Yingzhao's words, he raised his head and looked at the other person's eyes and raised his eyebrows: "Uncle, you really are Do you think I was well-behaved when I was young?"

If Xiaojie is well-behaved, then it's justified, Ming was definitely not a peace of mind when he was young. Although he later learned how to behave in front of Yingzhao, he had to say that Ming was a troublemaker in the beginning.

He doesn't know how to control the violent emotions in his heart, so whenever Ming controls his body, once he is a little stimulated, he will make the whole Ying family jump, which can be said to be the bear child himself.

But even if he was like this, Yingzhao would say that he was well-behaved, and it was rare for Minghui to feel surprised. But Yingzhao really thinks so in his heart. In his eyes, his own children are naturally very good, and one or two are equally good in his heart.

As for the mischievousness of children, everyone has it, so how can you say that Ming is not good. Therefore, the eccentricity of some people has reached an outrageous level.

Ming dragged Yingzhao for a while and then threw his quilt out of bed, insisting that he and Yingzhao be in the same bed, and that they must sleep together.

Yingzhao couldn't drive people away, and there was no way to follow Ming's wishes. After all, the two old couples have been in so many worlds, but this level is really nothing.

Looking at the young man who firmly held himself in his arms and his breathing became steady, Yingzhao curled the corners of his lips. Just as he was about to close his eyes and fall asleep, he suddenly felt the person holding him move, and then the whole person's breath became softer.

Yingzhao raised his head and saw that the pair of crystal red eyes of the other party had returned to black again. He blinked and called out softly. "Xiaojie."

Xiaojie nodded, smiled and lowered his head to kiss Yingzhao's forehead, just like Yingzhao kissed his forehead countless times when he was a child.

Not expecting Xiaojie to suddenly act like this, Yingzhao was stunned for a moment and asked softly, "Do you want Xiaojie to go back to his room to sleep by himself?

" Could it be that Xiaojie also wants to sleep with his uncle?"

Who would have thought that the young man nodded solemnly and said, "Well, uncle, will we all sleep together in the future?"

Yingzhao looked at Xiaojie The seriousness in his eyes always felt that the other party seemed to be asking himself something very important. So there was no objection, and he nodded at Xiaojie with a light smile. Sure enough, the young man's eyes lit up for a moment, and he hugged himself even tighter.

It's just that the two of them stayed warm for a while, and the young man's muffled voice came from above their heads. "But my uncle is going to marry Miss Mo soon. After you get married, you won't be able to sleep with us like this every day." The

young man's tone brought a bit of a cry, although from the outsider's point of view, his tone was slightly It's a little weird to have such a fragile expression on a stern face. But in Yingzhao's eyes, he only felt distressed.

Yingzhao was worried that her lover would be sad, so she quickly reached out and touched Xiaojie's soft forehead, and said softly, "No, my uncle will not marry Miss Mo."

Yingyoujie was shocked when she heard Yingzhao say this. Eyes widened. Seemingly unbelievable, he asked Yingzhao with trembling lips: "Uncle, what are you talking about? You mean you won't marry Miss Mo?

Yingzhao looked at his lover's dull look, curled his lips, and said affirmatively: "Yes, my uncle will not be with Miss Mo. Uncle doesn't love her, and he doesn't want to delay her life. These two days I'll go to Mo's house and tell them about breaking up the engagement."

Xiaojie immediately became short of breath when he heard Yingzhao's words, he stared at Yingzhao's eyes, as if he was afraid that what he just heard was just a dream.

It was just that when his cheek was pinched by the other party, he felt a slight tingling. Seeing the smile in Yingzhao's eyes, the young man was finally convinced that his uncle really told him that he was going to break the engagement and that he would not be with anyone else.

The string in his heart loosened, and the young man showed a sincere smile, hugged Yingzhao tightly, and kept mumbling, "Uncle, uncle!"

He kept calling softly, as if he wanted to express I don't know how to express my inner feelings.

Yingzhao naturally also felt the joy of his lover and gently patted his back. I just patted and patted, maybe I was a little tired during the day, and Yingzhao just fell asleep unconsciously.

But he didn't know that the young man beside him, whether it was Xiaojie or Ming, was so excited that he couldn't help himself. I don't want to fall asleep at all, I just want to quietly watch the man I love so much until the end of the day.

The two personalities in the body are still discussing intensely. Uncle is about to have no engagement soon. Uncle said he doesn't like that woman. Does that mean that uncle, he can belong to them forever.

The next morning, when Yingzhao woke up, he was confronted by a young man with a bright smile. Looking at the other party's ink-colored pupils, Yingzhao greeted Xiaojie. After the two of them had a happy breakfast together, they went to the company and the school respectively.

However, the two of them made an appointment in advance. When Ying Youjie was done with school classes at noon, he would go to Yingshi Group to find Yingzhao, and the two of them had lunch together.

Here, Yingzhao was in a good mood because he avoided Mo Yingying's fate of falling into the water and did not give the time-travel girl a chance. However, at the stall at work, he suddenly heard Xiaobai in the sea of ​​​​knowledge suddenly say to him: "Host, I checked that this world has energy fluctuations because of the soul of another world."

Ying Zhao heard the words, and his hand holding the document suddenly tightened. . Frowning his brows, he asked Xiao Bai, "Is that the transmigrated soul definitely the transmigration girl named Mo Yingying?"

Xiao Bai nodded, seeing Yingzhao wondering why he stopped Mo Yingying yesterday Falling into the water but encountering such a thing, he hurriedly explained to him: "Host, because of your shot yesterday, the real Mo Yingying is fine. She is still staying in the Mo family's mansion. The accident happened this time. It's the other daughter of the Mo family, Mo Yingying." Yingzhao

fell into contemplation after hearing Xiaobai's explanation, but did not expect the situation to develop in such a direction. It seems that no matter what, the soul of that other world will travel to this world. Or, there is something secretly manipulating behind this, finding such an opportunity for that soul.

According to Xiaobai's explanation to himself, that Mo Yingying also accidentally fell into the water last night. It's just that the place where she fell into the water was not the lakeside yesterday, but the mountain behind the Mo family.

Although Mo Yingying was also surnamed Mo, her status was much worse than Mo Yingying, the eldest young lady from the Mo family. Mo Yingying was just an orphaned daughter left by the younger brother of the deceased head of the Mo family.

Although she also lives in the Mo family's mansion now, she is a timid and cowardly young lady who has no sense of existence. After searching the original owner's memory, I have no impression of Mo Yingying, Ying Chengye.

After Yingzhao knew about the situation, he didn't plan to take the initiative to provoke this time-travel girl, but just waited and watched what the other party would do. I just told Xiaobai to step up the monitoring of this lonely soul in another world, and report any problems to him in time.

In another place, "Mo Yingying" screamed and woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar environment, and everything around her made her feel overwhelmed.

Just when she sat up and wanted to get out of bed, the door to the room was suddenly opened, and a little girl who looked seventeen or eighteen walked in.

Seeing "Mo Yingying" wake up, the girl immediately showed a look of surprise and said excitedly: "Miss! Miss, you are awake! I'll go to the doctor to see you now!"

"Mo Yingying" listen He was stunned for a while at the girl's name for him. Turning his head and looking at the mirror not far from his bed, the reflection reflected in it is not his original appearance at all.

The girl in the mirror looks like she is only seventeen or eighteen years old. Although she is not very beautiful, she can be called charming, and she is much better than her appearance in the original world. .

It doesn't need any explanation, "Mo Yingying" understands that she has passed through 80% of the time. I never thought that something that would only appear in the novel would happen to me.

Compared to the panic that other people might have, "Mo Yingying" couldn't help but be overjoyed. Hearing what the girl called him just now, and the luxuriously decorated room, it seemed that his current status was not low.

Thinking of this, "Mo Yingying" couldn't help but secretly rejoiced in her heart. She only felt that she must be the heroine chosen by God, and she wanted to make great achievements in this different world. So after seeing the doctor, he questioned the little girl beside him.

The girl's name is Xiaolian, and she is indeed not very old. It seems that she is not much different from the age of her current body. However, she came to Mo's house as a servant for a long time, and has always been responsible for taking care of Mo Yingying's food and daily life. She has a good relationship with the original owner, and she is a simple and unscrupulous girl.

So it didn't take long for "Mo Yingying" to know what kind of identity her body was through Xiaolian. After seeing that he really couldn't ask anything new from the other party's mouth, he waved his hand helplessly, saying that he was tired and wanted to rest, and let the other party go out first.

Although Xiao Lian felt that today's young lady was a little strange, she just left the room obediently when the other party was frightened by falling into the water and needed a good rest. Only "Mo Yingying" was left lying on the bed with a dissatisfied pouting.

I thought she was really a famous young lady, but I didn't expect that she was just a girl whose dead parents had to live in the Mo family's house. This is completely different from what "Mo Yingying" originally imagined, but no matter how dissatisfied she is, she has now transmigrated into this body.

Thinking about what Xiaolian said to her about cultivation, what kind of soul power family just now, she always felt a little familiar. After carefully recalling, I seem to have read a book before, which is about the male protagonist cultivating soul power and carrying forward the family.

But it was a male book, and the protagonist in it was also a man. It seems that the protagonist's fiancee also has the surname Mo, and it is the same as her original name, so she is called "Mo Yingying".

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she felt, so she hurriedly sat up, changed her clothes, and wanted to go out and have a look to confirm her guess. Fortunately, the original owner was a taciturn character, so she would not attract attention if she talked less.

Here, "Mo Yingying" strolled around the Mo's house for a long time, and only thought that this was really the home of a local tyrant. The decorations are magnificent everywhere. In comparison, the house I just lived in is really nothing, but it is just a basic configuration.

When she was done walking in the mansion, she was told by the servants who came and went that dinner was ready in the restaurant. If Miss Biao feels unwell, they can also bring the meal directly to her room.

"Mo Yingying" naturally didn't choose to go back to the room for dinner, thinking in her heart that she could take this opportunity to have a meal together to meet the other members of the Mo family. But I didn't expect that I really saw the girl called "Mo Yingying" in this world at the dinner table.

It's just that this girl is much more beautiful than her current body. She is beautiful and beautiful, and her gestures are graceful and graceful, which makes "Mo Yingying" jealous.

Especially when the old man of the Mo family mentioned the marriage between Mo Yingying and Ying Chengye at the dinner table, the time-span girl was more sure of her conjecture in her heart.

It seemed that she had really traveled into the book she had read before, and the so-called cousin in front of her should be the protagonist of that book, the fiancee of Ying Chengye, the head of the Ying family.

For some reason, Mo Yingying always had a strange feeling, as if the body of the eldest Mo family should belong to her. I just don't know what went wrong, but I only occupied Mo Yingying's body and became a little-known cousin.

All the elders at the dinner table expressed their concern about her falling into the water, and they were shy through women's clothes. The original owner was also quiet on weekdays, but he didn't reveal anything. Looking at the happy appearance of a large family, "Mo Yingying" was sitting in the corner by herself, no matter how she looked, she felt like an outsider.

It's just that when she thinks of her control over the overall plot, she firmly believes that she must be the chosen daughter. What about Miss Biao's identity, she will counterattack and show them.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the servant come to report that Xu Jin, the eldest young master of the Xu family, had suddenly arrived. Mr. Mo was very happy when he heard it, and quickly asked the people below to invite Xu Jin in.

The name of Xu Jin is also known to Transmigration Girl. She remembers that the book said that Xu Jin is now acting as the deputy head of the Xu family because of the serious illness of the old head of the Xu family, and is a young man with a promising future.

And it seems that she has some ulterior motives towards her cousin Mo Yingying, but unfortunately Mo Yingying is all about that Ying Chengye, so she doesn't know her cousin's friendship with her.

Originally, the arrival of Xu Jin, the time-travel girl did not take it to heart. However, when she saw the tall, tall and handsome Xu Jin standing in front of her, "Mo Yingying" couldn't stop her heart beating wildly.

I just feel that the other party's appearance is too clear, and it is more handsome than the stars in the movies that I have seen on weekdays. How could such a beautiful man not be tempted, and he felt more and more that this eldest Miss Mo family had no vision.

He has already traveled to this different world, how can he live such an ordinary life. Thinking of this, "Mo Yingying"'s eyes flashed. Since this so-called cousin has no friendship with Xu Jin, let yourself enjoy such a blessing for her.

Then I heard Xu Jin say that there is something to do here, so he will stay in this city for a while and temporarily live in Mo's house. The time-span girl couldn't help being overjoyed when she heard the words, and hurriedly smiled and greeted Xu Jin to sit beside her.

Although Old Man Mo was a little surprised that Mo Yingying suddenly showed such enthusiasm towards Xu Jin. But thinking that the other party is not too young, Xu Jin is a young talent, and it is also expected that it will attract the girl's heart. If the two children get along well, he, the elder, will naturally not stop him.

Xu Jin said politely and sat next to the woman who passed through. Looking at the girl next to her who looked at her shyly, listening to the other party's blunt approach, she answered politely, but there was an unexplainable light in her eyes.

A few days later, Yingzhao found out through Xiaobai that the time-travel girl had been working hard to build her sense of existence in front of Xu Jin. As one of the male protagonists, Xu Jin looks good. In the previous plot line, the attributes of this crossover female nympho's face control were described, so Yingzhao was not surprised.

Xiaobai was a little surprised, after all, in the original plot line, it was said that Xu Jin had a deep love for Mo Yingying. Who would have known that the time-travel girl had now crossed over to Mo Yingying, and after launching an offensive against Xu Jin, although the other party hadn't agreed yet, it was obvious that she just let it go and maintained an ambiguous attitude. This made Xiaobai a little confused.

Listening to Xiao Bai's muttering in his mind, Yingzhao chatted with him one after another while dealing with the work at hand. "Xiao Bai, although it is said in the plot line that Xu Jin likes his cousin Mo Yingying very much, how can such a person who always puts his interests first, how can he be so affectionate? It's just that he thinks the other party has value."

Xiaobai nodded, as if he didn't understand what he said. Compared with his own host, he is indeed much worse.

A few days later, Yingzhao received a banquet invitation letter for the 70th birthday of the Mo family. Originally, I didn't plan to participate, but Mr. Mo called him personally and repeatedly emphasized that this birthday banquet was a private banquet, and the people who came were relatives and friends of the Mo family.

Yingzhao couldn't refuse, but she thought that she could take the opportunity to talk to the Mo family about her and Mo Yingying's dissolution of the engagement after the banquet. He finally agreed, and by the way also told his lover about the idea.

When Yingyoujie and Ming heard Yingzhao's words, they knew that they were going to discuss canceling the engagement, and they couldn't help but be overjoyed. Now that the youth's studies at the school have already been completed, he has completely entered the British Group and is qualified for the position of vice president next to Zai Yingzhao.

Although Sacred Forest Academy was very reluctant to let him go, the old professor who had been teaching him also hoped that he could stay and continue his studies. After all, young people are rare geniuses in these years. If they can continue their studies, they will definitely achieve higher academic achievements.

But Yingyoujie and Ming are not determined to do so, and they study hard just to help their uncles. The old professor pulled it again and again

I really can't keep people when I see you, so I can only reluctantly agree.

On the second day after graduation, the young man packaged the Yecheng Technology he had founded before, and directly handed over the ownership of the company to Yingzhao.

In the face of this piece of fat that can make anyone jealous, Yingzhao behaved very calmly. After all, they had traveled through so many worlds together, and Yingzhao knew very well how much her lover had given up on her.

What's more, he also takes it for granted that the things he loves belong to him, and everything he owns is also his lover's, and the two of them are not separate from each other.

Therefore, since it is a common industry, there is no need to take care of it separately. Since their children trusted themselves and wanted to give this technology to the Ying family, Yingzhao naturally would not refuse.

However, correspondingly, he also gave Yingyoujie a share of the same British group. Moreover, because Yecheng Technology has achieved a monopoly in this industry, it can be said to be the leader of the technology industry.

Therefore, the number of shares allocated by the youth from the British group is naturally huge. It can be said that they already have the right to speak in the British group, and the holding rate is second only to Yingzhao.