
Arc 5:The Primal Orc World (6)

A female deliberately came to the male's home to thank her, and her intention to express it was self-evident. His lover is so excellent, how can he not be coveted by others.

Even Yingzhao once promised herself that she likes herself and is willing to be her partner. But generally for males, of course, it is more desirable to be able to combine with females.

In particular, Yingzhao doesn't know yet that one of his wings is deformed and he can't fly at all.

If Yingzhao knew that he was a beast-shaped crippled orc, would he dislike him like his own clansmen in the past, feel that he is not worthy of him at all, and even abandon himself.

Thinking of this, Yan's heart felt a sense of tension for no reason, and he fell into the fear of losing Yingzhao. His gloomy pestle was there, like a sculpture, and he didn't move a bit after a long time.

It wasn't until Yingzhao finished roasting the meat, walked over to him and patted his shoulder, that Yan came back to his senses. Sitting quietly beside Yingzhao, he quietly ate the dinner in front of him.

Yingzhao felt Yan's bad mood, but with his mother and father beside him, he didn't say much.

When the night was quiet, the two returned to the room to rest. When Yingzhao saw that there was no one else, he hugged Yan's waist tightly from behind, and whispered in his ear, "Yan, let's make a contract." When

Yan heard Yingzhao's words, he immediately turned around and looked at him in shock. he. There are two ways of bonding in the Orc Continent. Generally, the orcs choose pairing instead of contracting.

Couples can only complete the ceremony of bonding if they love each other to the death. And once a contract is formed, it will be bound by an oath. In this life, you can only have one partner, and you can never be with other orcs again.

When Yan heard Yingzhao's words, he couldn't be more excited in an instant, he hugged Yingzhao tightly and nodded vigorously. Just then, he thought of his animal-shaped imperfection, and he has been hiding it from Yingzhao, without telling the other party the truth.

He knew how important a beast type was to an orc, but in the face of such a perfect lover in front of him, Yan really couldn't say it.

He was afraid that after he said it, Yingzhao would abandon him like his own people. Yan's heart was tangled and hesitant, but in the end, he swallowed the words he was about to say.

Treat it as being selfish, even if Ying hates himself, he still wants to be with Ying forever. After the contract is established, no matter whether the other party knows it or not, he can no longer be separated from himself.

Effortlessly swallowing the guilt in his heart, Yan hugged Yingzhao tightly and said silently in his heart: 'Ying, I will definitely treat you well, forever and ever! '

Here Yingzhao thought that he had successfully appeased his lover, and he was relieved in his heart. He already had a hunch that after Bai Lan found him today, he would definitely do something after leaving here.

But with Xiaobai around, Xiaobai can always monitor Bai Lan's movements, so Yingzhao was not worried at all, and fell asleep in his lover's arms.

The next day, when Yingzhao woke up, Yan Zao left the tribe with the hunting team and went to hunt in the forest.

Yingzhao also learned from System Xiaobai that last night, Bai Lan took advantage of the darkness to find the high priest, and also visited the homes of many Pegasus people and many orcs.

Of course, he chose some relatively weak old orcs who lived alone, which was also convenient for him to steal their belongings.

Because of Ying's previous arrangement, everyone's work and rest in the tribe are scheduled in advance, so it is very easy to know when everyone is hunting, when they are at home, and when they are busy farming and picking fruits. .

Today, according to the schedule, Yingzhao will leave home in the afternoon and go to the fields with a team of orcs.

Yingzhao knew that Bai Lan would definitely take this opportunity to make a move, so he made Xiaobai even more vigilant about the opponent's movements.

Because females are weak, males generally do not let them do such heavy farming work, which is usually done by males.

Yingzhao and a group of male orcs work skillfully in the fields. At this time, these orcs who went out to work did not know that many old orcs living alone in the village were noisy because of the loss of their belongings. Everyone gathered at the meeting place in the center of the tribe, and now the patriarch is in a daze and doesn't know what to do.

Because of the simple folk customs of the Tianma villagers, there has never been a case of theft, which made the patriarch feel difficult for a while.

The target of Bai Lan's theft is indeed very discerning, and he chooses some more valuable and recognizable things. When the events in the tribe were almost fermented, Bai Lan quietly left the meeting place and walked in the direction of Yingzhao's house.

Because he had learned from the work and rest time of these orcs that there was no one else in Yingzhao's house this afternoon, and even Yingzhao's mother and father left the house as usual and went to chat at a friend's house.

Bai Lan found the right time, knowing that no one would notice her now, and she felt that what she did was absolutely foolproof.

Yingzhao listened to Xiaobai's report and knew that the time was almost up, so he straightened up and said to the crowd, pretending to be a little annoyed:

"I just remembered that I tested some brand new fertilizers before farming today, which should help Our farming, but I forgot to bring it."

Because this was said by Yingzhao, naturally no one would believe it, the captain in charge of today's farming immediately turned his head to Yingzhao and said:

"Na Ying, go back and get it! If that fertilizer can help farming, it will be a great thing for us!"

Yingzhao nodded, then shook his head again, and said, "But my speed is too slow, Why don't you let Yong, who has the fastest legs, go to my house to pick it up, it's just on the table in my room anyway."

Yong nodded immediately after hearing the words, he naturally wouldn't refuse Yingzhao's request. The leader of the farming team also felt that what Yingzhao said was very reasonable, so he asked Yingzhao to replace Yingzhao to fetch the fertilizer he had already prepared.

The Pegasus orcs are all very fast, especially Yong, who is the best among them. He didn't even need to be transformed into a beast, and he could reach Yingzhao's home in just a moment.

He remembered that Yingzhao had said that he lived in the house in the middle. Because the people in the village are familiar with each other, Yong probably also knew that there was no one in Yingzhao's home in the past at this time.

So he didn't ask, just opened the door and wanted to take the fertilizer from the table. Unexpectedly, just as he opened the door, he saw Bai Lan with an animal skin pocket in his hand, sneaking in Yingzhao's room.

And Bai Lan obviously didn't think that someone would suddenly come over at this time, and the animal skin pocket in a panicked hand fell to the ground. In an instant, the things he stole fell out of the animal skin pocket.

Yong widened his eyes in surprise, because he recognized all the things that fell on the ground. There are Jing Amu's favorite amber necklace, as well as Uncle Wei's Peng Re animal skin belt, etc. These are very recognizable and precious.

So he asked Bai Lan loudly without thinking: "Isn't this something from the homes of those aunts and uncles who live alone in the village? How could it be in your hands? Why did you appear in Ying's room? "

Yong's voice was very loud, and he was yelling outside the door when he opened the door, which naturally quickly attracted the attention of the neighbors who lived near Yingzhao.

Some people had come back from watching the excitement in the center of the tribe, and when they heard Yong's words, they hurried to Yingzhao's house. Seeing the things protruding from Bai Lan's animal skin pocket, he naturally knew where these things came from.

There are a few good-looking females, but they couldn't see that Bai Lan looked better than them, and they always looked down on people in the village. He hurriedly shouted and called all the other orcs in the tribe over.

Even the Yingzhao team, who were farming not far from the tribe, were called back to the village. Except for the group of orcs who were hunting in the wild, the distance was too far, and everyone else gathered in the central square of the tribe.

Stealing is still very serious for the orcs of the Pegasus clan, especially those who are stolen are those old orcs with high morals.

When Yingzhao came to the meeting place in the village, he saw everyone around there. In the middle, standing was Bai Lan who bit her lower lip and frowned and said nothing.

When Bai Lan saw Yingzhao coming over, he immediately changed his face, showing a very aggrieved look and wanted to cry. It seemed that he struggled for a long time before shouting to Yingzhao:

"Ying! You admit it, I really can't bear such a crime for you! Although you may have saved my life, but wrong is wrong. Now, just admit it in front of everyone, I can't help you hide it like this anymore!"

Yingzhao raised his eyebrows when he heard Bai Lan's words, and the high priest on the side quickly helped: "I think this There must be something hidden, tell me quickly, what happened! I also believe that you, a female, will never do such a thing. You tell everyone the details of what happened, you can rest assured, beast god I will definitely decide for you!"

Bai Lan nodded when she heard the words, looking at Yingzhao, her eyes suddenly became firm. He stretched out his finger to Yingzhao and said word by word:

"It's Ying! Last night, I saw him sneaking around the houses of the solitary orcs in the tribe, holding a bag of animal skins. I didn't know what he was doing, so I didn't care at the time. It was only during the daytime today that I saw everyone saying that the old man in the tribe lost important property. Only then did I realize what Ying did yesterday! But because he was my savior after all, I didn't know what to do. I want to go to his house to confirm this. Thinking that if he really did it, I will take back all these things and quietly return them to the people in the tribe, and then persuade Ying to stop doing such things in the future. But when I arrived in Ying I just found these lost belongings, and was discovered by Yong who suddenly appeared there! I really didn't steal, I'm just a female, how can I be so bold!"

Bai Lan cried while talking, that look of aggrieved and pitiful makes Yingzhao want to applaud his acting skills. When Lian Yong heard Bai Lan's words, he was a little suspicious for a moment, and looked at Yingzhao a little erratically.

The high priest on the side heard what Bai Lan said, and immediately shouted to Yingzhao: "As expected, it is you, you ominous orc, who has done such a thing! Not only did he bring disaster to the tribe, but he also stole things from the villagers. The sin is unforgivable. People like you should be expelled from the Pegasus village!" When

Ying Zhao heard the high priest's words, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he decided not to watch them continue performing. He turned his head to the high priest and said indifferently:

"High priest, you keep saying that I am unknown and that I have brought disaster to the village. Then I ask you, what is the disaster I brought? Blame me. How can you be sure that what he said is true?" The

high priest was stunned for a moment after being questioned by Yingzhao, but immediately shouted in a stern voice: "Impossible! What he said must be true. He's just an innocent female, how could he have the guts to steal?"

Ying Zhao almost laughed when he heard the logic of the high priest, so does this count as sexism in the orc world? What's more, if the high priest knew that Bai Lan was not a female at all, he didn't know what he would think.

Too lazy to pay attention to the high priest, Yingzhao turned to Bai Lan and asked, "You said that I stole these things. Then I ask you, when did you see me stealing these things last night? "

Because these things were stolen by Bai Lan in the first place, he naturally knew what time the theft was, and the orcs in the Orc Village were usually already asleep at that time.

So Bai Lan replied without any pressure: "I remember when it was night, when the beast chirped for the second time. I once saw you sneakily appearing at the door of Mao's house!"

Mao is an old orc living alone in the tribe, and he also receives a lot of favors from Yingzhao on weekdays. Half of the newly built heated kang was built with Yingzhao's help. At this moment, when Mao heard Bai Lan say this, he looked at Yingzhao with some anxiety.

Yingzhao didn't care, but instead laughed. Covering his stomach, he seemed to have heard a big joke, and when he had laughed enough, he straightened up. Looking at Bai Lan with ironic eyes, he said loudly:

"Yesterday before going to bed, I remembered in a daze that I had promised to the next door Chi Ama to send the pattern of the animal skin coat my mother and father made to me. He's going there. I thought it was already so late, I was afraid of disturbing Chi'am's rest, and I thought about tomorrow. But my mother and father insisted that I have to go and have a look, because Chia's mother is a more insistent promise. Someone who will wait at home. And the fact is the same as what my parents said, Chia's mother really hadn't slept last night and kept waiting, so I successfully delivered the pattern of the animal skin coat. At the time you mentioned, I At Che'am's house, Che'am gave me a piece of fruit. I want to know, Uncle Mao's house is in the southernmost part of the tribe, and Chea's mother's house is in the northernmost part of the tribe. How can I be at the same time , Stole things between two people's residences?"

Because of her old age and her weak legs, Ama Chi, who had just arrived here, heard what Yingzhao said, and immediately said loudly in the crowd: "Yes, yes! Yesterday! Ying is here to give me tricks, and I specially gave him my freshly picked fruit, and he talked with me for a while!"

This time, the beasts who originally sympathized with Bai Lan looked at Bai Lan for a moment. have changed. Obviously, Bai Lan was lying, and he wronged Yingzhao. So who stole these things, the answer is self-evident.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Bai Lan glanced at Yingzhao resentfully. But he immediately pretended to be weak. He collapsed on the ground and cried, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was also confused for a while, please forgive me! I will never make such a mistake again!"

Everyone heard Bai Lan admit it, and those who had doubted Yingzhao in the past There was a lot of guilt in his eyes instantly. Yingzhao didn't mind this, but he didn't plan to let Bai Lan off so easily.

Yingzhao looked at Bai Lan, and said to him indifferently: "I really want to know, since you stole these things, why did you bring them to my house? You don't want to wrong me, Let others think I stole these things?"

Bai Lan bit her lower lip when she heard what Yingzhao said, and felt resentment towards him. But he immediately shook his head and said innocently:

"No! I just regretted it after stealing, and I don't know what to do. There is no one I am particularly familiar with in this tribe. After all, you saved me before, right? I have grace. So I came to you to ask you what I should do. I didn't expect that you were not at home, but instead let Yong discover me."

Yingzhao heard Bai Lan's remarks with a "tsk", and lightly He smiled and said, "So, after you were discovered, you took the opportunity to blame me? It seems that your savior is really difficult to do."

This time, Bai Lan was not only recognized by everyone as a thief, but also a female with bad character. He also felt that he actually repaid his grievances with virtue and blamed his former benefactor for this matter, which was simply revenge for kindness.

In an instant, those males who had a good impression of Bai Lan and wanted to pursue her all extinguished the fire in their hearts, and their impression of him dropped to the bottom.

Bai Lan was speechless when asked by Ying, no matter how eloquent he was, he couldn't justify the facts that had happened.

Only now did he realize that he was facing such a difficult opponent because his past underestimated Ying Zhao.

It's just that no matter what, Bai Lan is also a female in the eyes of everyone, and it is impossible to punish him too much. So the patriarch just asked him to go out with the picking team to pick a month's worth of fruit, and it was just a small punishment.

As for the old orcs who lived alone, they took back what belonged to them and did not pursue this matter too much. When this matter was dealt with, the orcs in the square dispersed.

Bai Lan was left alone, collapsed on the ground, head bowed, eyes filled with resentment. He thought silently in his heart: Ying, one day I will make you pay the price!

Because this matter is not a trivial matter for the Pegasus orc tribe, so in the evening, Yan followed the wild hunting team back and heard about it as soon as he arrived in the village.

He heard that Yingzhao was so wronged by the female, thinking that his lover was wronged, he hurried back home. After seeing Yingzhao, he held him in his arms regardless.

Yingzhao had been chatting with his mother and father in the yard when he was suddenly hugged by his own man, making Yingzhao unable to recover for a while.

Seeing that the relationship between Yingzhao and Yan was so good, the old man had a gratified smile on his face, then turned around and went back to his room.

Yingzhao felt that Yan's hug was very tight, but after a long time there was still no sign of loosening it, so he patted his shoulder and whispered in his ear: "What's wrong? What happened?"

Yan took a deep breath . He took a breath, feeling the scent of his lover in his nostrils. Only then did he sullenly say, "I've heard of it all."

Yingzhao heard Yan's words and knew that he must have heard of the fact that he was wronged by Bai Lan today in the tribe. But this matter has been dealt with by himself, and there is no harm.

On the contrary, it is Bai Lan, who steals chickens and loses rice. Thinking of this, Yingzhao raised his head and showed a bright smile to Yan, and said,

"It doesn't matter, I have solved this matter. The tribe has also found out who is the real thief, don't you? You need to worry about me."

Yan nodded, but when he thought of the grievances his lover suffered today, he always felt that he couldn't take this breath in his heart. Pursing his lips, Yan looked at Yingzhao's eyes and said solemnly,

"If you feel unhappy, I will quietly go and get rid of that female!"

Yingzhao saw the chill in Yan's eyes, and of course he understood what he meant. what exactly does that mean.

No male orc on this continent would do this to a female. However, when his own man faced his own problems, he could still ignore it like this, but it made Yingzhao feel some joy in his heart.

He smiled gently at Yan, kissed his lips lightly, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, if he wants to hurt me again, I have a way to make him suffer the consequences. Yan, thank you for caring about me so much. But for the rest of the time, you have to prepare well!" When

Yan heard Yingzhao's words, he asked

somewhat incomprehensibly, "What should we prepare?" Yingzhao heard Yan's words, and said with a bit of laughter: "Of course it is. Prepare for our marriage ceremony!"

When Yan heard Ying Zhao say this, his arms around him tightened sharply. Yingzhao saw the struggle and entanglement flashing in Yan's eyes, he frowned, pinched his chin and asked him, "Yan, what's the matter?"

Yan immediately shook his head and smiled at Yingzhao. He smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm just too happy!"

After that, he hugged the other person tightly, preventing Yingzhao from seeing the complexity and guilt in his eyes. After all, he still couldn't tell Yingzhao about his wings frankly. Deformed thing.

Yan worked hard to show a happy look, and began to prepare non-stop for the ceremony of bonding with Yingzhao. After that day, Yingzhao and Yan were both busy.

Because there is a lot of preparation to be made to form a contract, Yan's hunting is more frequent. On the other hand, although Yingzhao is also a male, but due to the inconvenience of his animal shape, the number of hunting is not too many.

However, Yingzhao went to the field with the team for some picking, so Yingzhao was responsible for picking the fruit for the deed.

Although the orcs of the Pegasus tribe are now able to plant fruit trees and cultivate farmland, they cannot fully meet all the living needs of the people in the village for the time being. Before winter comes, the collection of wild fruits and the reserve of prey are also necessary conditions for them to survive the winter.