
Arc 4:I'll Give You All My Money, Campus Ability (9)

However, Yingzhao nodded to Lan Lili, and seemed to be satisfied with the clothes she found.

Then he turned to the president of the cosplay club and said, "I can wear your club's clothes to take pictures, and I can also participate in your club activities this time, but I also have a small request."

Then he leaned into the president's ear . He whispered a few words. When the president heard Yingzhao's words, he could not help but glance over the red cheongsam, and seemed a little surprised at Yingzhao's request.

However, he quickly nodded and agreed, and hurriedly said to Yingzhao: "Ying school doctor, these are all trivial matters. After the event is over, I will send the dress to your residence as soon as possible."

Yingzhao nodded with satisfaction. , and then called Reacher into the locker room with him. After all, although this dress looks normal, it is actually a bit more complicated than ordinary clothes, and it will be more troublesome to wear alone.

Therefore, he called Reacher into the locker room and no one felt that there was anything inappropriate. However, when Yingzhao entered the fitting room, he stopped Reacher from the curtain.

After putting on the white clothes, Yingzhao realized that it was somewhat like a dress. The waist is very tight, but it can easily make people see the figure, and it also sets off Yingzhao to be taller and straighter.

He opened the curtain and walked out, put on the prop glasses given by the club, raised his

eyebrows at Reicher , and said, "How?" It looks like he can't help but take a breath. Who knew that in the next second, Yingzhao suddenly stepped forward, put his arms around his neck, pinched his chin, and kissed his lips actively.

The two of them kissed hard for a while, and Rachel only felt that her whole body was about to burn. He hugged Yingzhao tightly and fit him together.

He tightened the strength of his arms, wishing to lock this person by his side forever. Yingzhao naturally keenly felt some changes in his man, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

Biting the tip of Lei Che's tongue lightly, he released the other party, then smiled and stroked his lover's cheek, and said softly to him, "Do you like it?"

Lei Che nodded vigorously, looking at Yingzhao's charming Appearance swallowed. Yingzhao licked his lips. He stretched out his white-gloved fingers and stroked Rachel's earlobe lightly. Sure enough, he felt his lover's body tremble slightly.

Then Reacher couldn't help holding Yingzhao tightly, and went to kiss Yingzhao's lips again. Reicher's strength was so great that Yingzhao felt that he was suffocated by being strangled. With such an interaction between the two, the clothes that had been used by hands and feet were naturally more easily damaged.

Suddenly, with a sound of "Zi La", Yingzhao's clothes were torn a few gaps. When Reicher saw Yingzhao's torn clothes, he was stunned immediately, and then said in a panic, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. I didn't expect the

clothes to break so easily!"

Zhao naturally knew that this was not caused by Reicher, and there was a smile in his eyes. On the surface, there was a look of annoyance, and he said to Reicher:

"But what should I do now? My clothes have been torn by you, how can I go out after a while? Besides, how can I explain this to them? It 's about a piece of clothing!"

Reicher heard a hint of embarrassment on his face.

Seeing her lover's embarrassed appearance, Yingzhao decided not to tease him again. He pulled down the belt on his original trousers and tied it to his current trousers.

He took out a few pins from his pocket that he had just slipped out of the club drawer and put in his pocket. I sighed in my heart, fortunately, cosplay always has to change clothes, and there are a lot of pins.

He then pinned it to several holes in various places, and even made some modeling tricks. Finally, he reached out and crushed one of the lenses of his glasses, and put the cracked lens directly on his face.

In this way, a gentle and abstinent young master of time and space instantly turned into a somewhat mad, but charming villain. This made Reacher dazed.

He stared at Yingzhao silently, and his breathing became unstoppable. Yingzhao looked at the man on the other side with a smile. He leaned over and kissed Rachel on the lips, and said to him,

"What? Do you still want to tear my clothes?"

Rachel looked at Yingzhao's words and felt embarrassed, even though he felt that the other party was tempted. He was about to lose his grip, but he still tried hard to restrain himself.

Yingzhao showed a smile, pushed open the door and walked out of the locker room. Outside the door, the members of the cosplay club have been waiting for a long time.

This set of clothes has been used in the past, but the effect is not good. After all, it is still difficult for everyone to achieve that kind of abstinence and upright temperament.

Therefore, this time, they were all looking forward to how Yingzhao would demonstrate this costume, but they didn't expect that the other party would come out and completely subvert everyone's inherent impression.

For a while, there was silence all around, and everyone held their breath. It wasn't until a classmate from the photography department who followed him clicked the shutter that everyone screamed at Yingzhao.

Yingzhao now looks like a crazy and elegant lunatic, but no one can resist the charm of this lunatic. He looks uninhibited, bold and edgy, yet tough enough.

It seems that people can't imagine what he will do in the next second. It can be said that Yingzhao's interpretation of this style is surprising, but it expresses it vividly from another direction.

No one would blame the clothes, and even when he walked out of here and returned to the club's original booth to stand with other gorgeously dressed students, everyone focused their attention on Yingzhao.

Because he has an aura that no one else can imitate. For a while, Yingzhao became the focus of everyone's attention.

Even the people who had been praising Lan Lili just a moment ago, the people who took pictures of her also looked away, all around Yingzhao.

Lan Lili clenched her fists and looked at all of this with resentment in her eyes. He clearly wanted to make the other party embarrassed, but he didn't expect that he would be cleverly saved by him. He also made him stand out at this campus festival, completely covering his own light.

Since Yingzhao only came here to help, after the club has helped all morning, the afternoon is his own.

After noon, Yingzhao changed back to his clothes and left here with Reicher. The two planned to have a good time at the campus festival.

There are many stalls of snacks and delicacies on the streets of the campus. Yingzhao is very interested. He and Reicher walked and ate together, and it didn't take long for him to fill his stomach.

Reacher kept his usual frugality and didn't buy anything. It's just that Yingzhao always buys more food, and then pretends that he can't eat it and stuffs it to Recher.

And Reicher was naturally willing to eat the food that Yingzhao had bitten and eaten. Of course, he also realized that Yingzhao deliberately left him to eat. Hanging out on the street with the people he likes like this makes Recher feel a little sweet in his heart.

It's just that they wandered around for a while and met Lei Ting, Lei Che's sister. Lei Ting was originally a carefree temperament, and she ran over happily after seeing Lei Che and Ying Zhao.

Lei Ting noticed that there was a stall in the haunted house in front, and shouted hello to Yingzhao and Leiche to play with her. Naturally, Yingzhao would not refuse, and he also liked these novel things.

When Reicher saw the dimness in the haunted house, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and he nodded in agreement.

Because this is a haunted house booth set up by the students themselves, naturally it will not be as delicate as the one outside. After entering, it is pitch black and there are some fake models.

However, when he thought that this was done by the students themselves, Yingzhao admired their hands-on ability. It was only after entering the depths of the haunted house and staying away from the door that Yingzhao realized that this place is really a place where you can't see your fingers.

After walking for a while, Yingzhao suddenly felt Rachel tighten his palm. Yingzhao only thought that Rachel might be afraid, so she leaned over and wanted to ask Rachel how she felt.

Who knew that when he got close, Lei Che would not care about Lei Ting in front of him, suddenly hugged Ying Zhao, pressed him into a corner, and kissed his lips forcefully.

Yingzhao was a little stunned, and didn't expect Reicher to do this suddenly. However, in the face of his lover's kiss, he never refused, so he closed his eyes and began to respond to the man who was holding him.

Reacher became even more excited after feeling Yingzhao's response. Yingzhao's dazzling appearance at the campus festival before made Reacher excited.

Especially later, when Yingzhao attracted everyone's attention, Reicher felt even more nervous. I always feel as if my treasure has been spied on by others.

So he can't wait to take the oath of sovereignty, he wants to kiss this person, he wants to prove that this person belongs to him. He will only hug himself, he will only accept his own kisses, he will only do such intimate actions with himself.

Therefore, he couldn't wait to hug Yingzhao, and taking advantage of this confined space, he did what he always wanted to do to his sweetheart.

Feeling the obedience of the other party, Recher's mood calmed down a little. The two kissed for a long time before separating.

Yingzhao groped for Reicher's face in the dark, knowing that the other party couldn't see him clearly, so he stopped talking. He just squeezed Reacher's palm, tidied up his clothes, then took Reacher's hand and walked out of the haunted house together.

And when they walked out of the haunted house, Lei Ting had been waiting outside for a long time. When she saw Leiche and Yingzhao, she immediately shouted to them angrily:

"I've been out for a long time! There is nothing scary in this deceptive haunted house! But why did you come out so long?"

Ying Hearing Lei Ting's question, his face turned red. Turning his head and touching his nose, he made a shy look. Only then did Lei Ting notice Yingzhao's blushing cheeks and swollen lips.

I thought in my heart that my brother must have done something to the other party, so he walked over and slapped Rachel hard on the head. He mouthed at Lei Che and complained: "You stupid little brother who is smart, don't even look at the location! Didn't I already tell you, should I be better to Han Yu


When Ting said that, she rubbed her sore head in confusion. He turned his head to look at Yingzhao, but did not deny it.

After the haunted house came out, the two didn't hold hands anymore. After all, there were many people in this school.

Although Yingzhao thinks that they really love each other, after all, his identity is still a little sensitive, so he doesn't want so many people to know about their relationship for the time being.

The three of them had a good time together at the campus festival, and it was late before Ying Zhaocai and Reicher returned to the tower where they lived.

Just after returning to the tower, Yingzhao met the head of the cosplay club who had been waiting at the door for a long time. Seeing the bag in his hand, Yingzhao twitched the corners of his mouth, it seemed that the other party really kept his promise.

So Yingzhao walked over quickly, nodded to the president, and said with a smile: "Thank you, I will send it back to you after I use it up."

Unexpectedly, the president of the cosplay club shook his head at Yingzhao, and said excitedly: "No need, thanks to the school doctor for your support today. This campus festival, our club activities were very successful! So, I'll give you this set of clothes!" The

president said while glancing at Reacher beside Yingzhao, but he didn't show the slightest surprise that he appeared in the tower so late.

Yingzhao nodded when he heard the words, thinking that this president is very good at life. The two casually exchanged a few words, and left here for convenience.

In fact, Reacher was a little curious about what was inside the paper bag, but he didn't ask. After the two returned to the room, they went to the bathroom to wash up.

Because there are many delicacies on the campus festival, the two of them have almost been completely filled by the snack stalls on the campus festival.

After washing up, Yingzhao took the paper bag and went to the bathroom, but did not come out after a long time. Reacher was a little puzzled, and he was also thinking about why Yingzhao stayed in the bathroom for a lot longer than usual.

But when the bathroom door opened again, Reacher opened his eyes involuntarily.

Because at the moment Yingzhao was actually wearing the red cheongsam he saw in the cosplay club during the day. The cheongsam set off Yingzhao's perfect figure, it was very high, and her slender thighs were exposed, looking endlessly charming.

Yingzhao walked barefoot in front of Leitch, smiled at him and said, "I saw that you seemed to be looking at this cheongsam for a long time today, so I asked their president to come. How's it going, I'll put it on. Does it look good?"

Reicher nodded dumbly when he saw Yingzhao's question. The red cheongsam wrapped around Yingzhao's body, lining his fairer skin, and most importantly, the ambiguity at the end of the other's eyes was simply captivating.

Reacher felt that his whole body was out of breath, and his skin became a thin layer of red. He only felt that the Yingzhao in front of him was so good-looking that he didn't know what to do.

He stood up and walked in front of Yingzhao, only to feel that his mind was blank. His body instinctively approached each other, as if he couldn't control his behavior at all.

Yingzhao looked at the stunned look of his lover opposite, and a smile flashed in his eyes. They have been together for a long time, although on the surface his lover said to him it was about money, but they never really touched him.

On the one hand, it is because Reicher is relatively simple emotionally, but on the other hand, Yingzhao understands that it is because his lover has always cherished him very much.

So as long as the other party is not dazed by anger, Reicher will never force himself to do anything, but for Yingzhao, the intimacy with his lover before is completely logical.

Especially today, seeing the appearance of the heroine Lan Lili looking at Lei Che, Yingzhao has already determined in her heart that Lan Lili must have understood the details of Lei Che, so she will be very courteous to Lei Che, but also try Be in the limelight at the campus festival.

And Yingzhao took the initiative to jump into the trap set by the heroine, and then deliberately used her limelight to overshadow Lan Lili. It's just because even if he knows that his man is absolutely loyal to him, he will never have any feelings for other people.

However, this did not prevent Yingzhao from feeling unhappy that Lan Lili had been pestering men. And then crush those who are self-righteous and over-comprehensive.

Yingzhao turned off the lights in the room, walked to the window, and hooked his fingers at Rachel. The floor-to-ceiling windows of the tower are very large. At this moment, it is quiet in the dead of night, and only the moonlight is left, but it looks even more like a picture.

Reacher felt bewitched and willing to be the other party's puppet. Seeing Yingzhao's movements, he instinctively walked towards him.

Seeing her lover walking towards her with a dull look, Yingzhao raised her eyebrows and kissed Reicher on the cheek. Then he curled his lips and said with a chuckle, "Isn't it good-looking? Why didn't you say a word?"

After being teased by Yingzhao, Reicher seemed to have been turned on by the switch. His breath choked in vain, and then he couldn't hold back and slammed Yingzhao to the window.

Although he had always been careful and restrained, the string in his mind seemed to be broken at this moment. I just want to firmly block the person in front of me, and then forcefully ask the red and attractive lips.

Yingzhao was suppressed there by Reicher, and he only felt that the other party used a lot of strength. It seems that his dress today is indeed a lot of stimulation to his lover.

Feeling the heavy breathing of the opponent, Yingzhao struggled slightly, but found that he could not break free from the opponent's restraint. Reacher went crazy and kissed the person in his arms, only to feel that the sweet breath of the other party seemed to suck his soul away.

He kept pressing Yingzhao's body against him, trying to get himself and the other party closer, closer, or even merged into one.

However, he felt that it was not enough anyway, and he didn't know what to do for a while. It wasn't until after a long time that Reicher raised his head and saw Yingzhao panting in his arms, and his mind became a little clearer.

"Yes, I'm sorry, it's my fault, I was just muddled, did it hurt?"

Yingzhao pursed his lips and looked at the opposite. With a worried face, Reacher rubbed his sore wrist and said softly to him,

"It's not really painful, but Reacher, I've always wanted to know, why do you give all the money you can get? Me? Do you like me?"

Reicher saw Yingzhao's question, his whole body stiffened for a moment, and his face couldn't help but blushed, but he finally nodded at Yingzhao.