
Arc 2: The Cripple Brother of the Wealthy Male Protagonist (13)

Meng Jiaqi saw Lin Yiting's eyes widened in shock and said, "You, you are Lin Yiting! Why did you arrest me here?"

Lin Yiting swept across Meng Jiaqi coldly, as if looking at an ant. He said to Meng Jiaqi coldly,

"Do you want me to remind you of what you did yourself? I thought the photos on the bulletin board were enough to wake you up, but I didn't expect you to be so unrepentant. Meng Jiaqi looked at each other in

disbelief when she heard Lin Yiting's words. "What, you actually made those photos of me and Liu Fu before? Why?"

Lin Yiting sneered when he heard Meng Jiaqi's question: "How dare you ask why, you not only spread rumors about my baby, but this time you even Dare to drug him! Do you think I'll let you go so easily?"

Lin Yiting gave Lin Bo a wink at the side. Lin Bo nodded and turned to open the door behind him. After that, several gangsters who were bought by Meng Jiaqi and wanted to infringe Yingzhao were brought into this room.

It's just that those gangsters had large and small wounds on their faces and bodies, obviously they had been taught a lesson. Now, although their hands and feet are bound, they are obviously in a very wrong state, and they are all blushing and twisting uneasy.

Meng Jiaqi looked at Lin Yiting in horror, and shook his head hurriedly at him: "How could it be! How could Yingzhou be your baby? Isn't he with Lin Ze?" Lin

Yiting frowned upon hearing Meng Jiaqi's words, so For many years, he naturally knew that the relationship between Yingzhao and Lin Ze was just an ordinary friendship, and there was no ambiguity at all. He didn't know why Meng Jiaqi thought so.

Although he and Xiaozhou have just established their relationship, it does not affect the jealous Lin Yiting swears his sovereignty anytime and anywhere. He sneered at Meng Jiaqi and said,

"You can't even tell who the man behind him is, and you still want to drug my baby! Since this is the drug you chose by yourself, then you can taste it yourself. It works."

After saying that, Lin Yiting asked someone to untie the rope on Meng Jiaqi's body and put a few pills in his mouth. He threw him and the group of thugs who let go of their hands and feet together, and left the room.

Meng Jiaqi struggled to get up and rushed to the door of the room, banging on the door, but the whole room was locked, and he couldn't get out at all.

After the people behind them lost their restraints, they all stood up and looked at Meng Jiaqi with red eyes. Meng Jiaqi is now the meat on the cutting board. Seeing the group of people approaching a little bit, he restrained him and pushed him to the ground, screaming in despair.

He doesn't know why things have developed to this point. It seems that from the day he started against Yingzhou, all the bad luck followed one after another. Could it be that Yingzhou was born to overcome his own failures!

Hearing a scream from the room, Lin Yiting's eyes became more and more cold. He turned his head and said to Lin Bo, who was beside him:

"Just lock them together for three days, and then post all the footage captured by the monitor on the Internet."

After that, he drove the wheelchair away from here.

In fact, Yingzhao knew everything Lin Yiting did. After Xiaobai woke up in Yingzhao, he found an opportunity to report to him that Lin Yiting had arrested both the person who wanted to harm him that day and Meng Jiaqi.

After so many years of getting along, Yingzhao naturally understands Lin Yiting's temper very well. If you want to gain a firm foothold in the huge Lin family, you must not only have the talent for business, but also have ruthless means when necessary.

As for the reason why these people get such results, it is also their own fault. Yingzhao may sympathize with the weak, but he will never sympathize with those who deserve it.

Later, Lin Yiting came to Yingzhao's research institute. After all, I promised Yingzhao today that I would fit my leg prosthesis in the research institute.

Yingzhao also specially recruited his friend in country Y for this purpose. The famous surgeon and he completed the operation on Lin Yiting's leg together.

After all the tests and inspections are done, the operation will be scheduled for tomorrow morning. Yingzhao rejected all courses and projects that required research and experiments, and concentrated on completing the operation for her lover.

Because this operation is somewhat different from what Yingzhao has done in the past, Lin Yiting's original leg muscle atrophy is not serious, so Yingzhao hopes to replace some leg bones and nerves.

In this way, it cannot be seen from the appearance that it is a mechanical prosthesis. Lin Yiting can also fully perceive his own body. Such a prosthesis will have the same perception as the original.

But the result of doing so will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of the operation, so Lin Yiting's leg operation was carried out for two days and one night.

After Yingzhao and the doctor in charge of the operation finished their work, they both collapsed to the ground with exhaustion, gulps of unrecognizable medical glucose to replenish their strength.

Fortunately, the result of the operation was very successful, Lin Yiting and the prosthesis did not have the slightest rejection reaction, which made Yingzhao finally relieved.

The rest is to let Lin Yiting rehabilitate as soon as possible, and he will be able to walk on his own legs soon. And Yingzhao could just take this opportunity to recuperate his body, so as to expel all the drug toxins that Lin Yiting had accumulated in his body for years.

Of course, with current technology, there is actually no such conditioning method at all. Therefore, Yingzhao secretly borrowed the power of the system, but these are naturally carried out covertly and will not be known to anyone.

After the operation, Lin Yiting gradually woke up. When he found that he could actually feel his lower limbs, he couldn't be more excited for a while.

Since he was born, his legs have been crippled, and he has never had any consciousness. This sudden novelty even made him feel a little weird.

Lin Yiting sat up and wanted to get off the bed. It's just that he has spent a lot of effort, but he has been unable to control his legs.

He could only feel his toes bending slightly, but even so, it was enough to make Lin Yiting excited. At this moment, the door of the room was opened, and Yingzhao, who was exhausted, and the attending physician who operated on the side pushed the door in.

Lin Yiting raised his eyes to see Wu Qing who was under Yingzhao's eyes, and his eyes turned red unbearably. Naturally, Yingzhao could understand his lover's mood, so he walked to Lin Yiting's bed. Holding his hand, he asked softly, "How do you feel?"

Lin Yiting nodded. "The toes can move!"

Ying Zhao heard the words with a big smile and said, "Because the operation has just ended, it will take some time to get used to it. After about a month or two of rehabilitation training, you can walk normally. ."

Yingzhao said while looking at Lin Yiting's completely reconstructed legs, and continued:

"Because your surgery is different from others, although it still uses a combination of machinery and biology, it is equivalent to remodeling your legs, so that your legs will be almost the same as the original limbs. But the recovery It will take a longer period of time, and it will take about half a year to fully recover to be able to exert force like ordinary people."

When Lin Yiting heard Yingzhao's words, he nodded excitedly and said, "En! Xiaozhou, thank you!"

Yingzhou bent the corners of his mouth when he heard Lin Yiting's words, leaned into his ear and said softly to him:

"I want to Thank me and get well soon, and then marry me, understand?"

After speaking, he kissed Lin Yiting lightly on the cheek, regardless of anyone else in the room. The attending physician was originally a friend of Yingzhao. Seeing how close he and Lin Yiting were, he only smiled kindly.

In the days that followed, Lin Yiting devoted himself to rehabilitation training, hoping that his body would get better as soon as possible. After Yingzhao and his friends' special conditioning on him, Lin Yiting also found that his body was indeed much better than before.

It's not just what it looks like on the surface, it seems that even the emptiness on the inside has been made up. This made Lin Yiting even more happy, and it seemed that he and Yingzhao had more capital together.

He felt that he had to take good care of his body, and he was much older than Yingzhao, so he had to work harder to truly take care of Xiaozhou for the rest of his life.

Yingzhao and Lin Yiting have been officially together since Lin Yiting's surgery. The two who have confirmed their relationship are naturally more intimate. Every day you and I are madly throwing dog food, which shocked the assistants around Yingzhao.

Unexpectedly, Professor Ying, who works seriously on weekdays, is so boring when it comes to love. Looking at Yingzhao, who hung up the phone with a sweet

face, the assistants only felt tears in their hearts, and could not wait to cry out, "Please give more care to the single dog!"

Videos of other people messing around were also posted online. The influence this time is absolutely different from the last time between him and Liu Fu.

Because Meng Jiaqi's approach was not concealed in the first place, he had long been in contact with those thugs. And these were also deliberately collected by Lin Yiting's people and put on the Internet.

Therefore, Meng Jiaqi, the former victim, has transformed into a lascivious and shameless person in the eyes of everyone. There are even many people who suspect that the relationship between him and Liu Fu was not forced.

Soon, Meng Jiaqi's unreal high scores were also put on the table. Although Sacred Forest Academy will not be held accountable because of the previous incident, Meng Jiaqi's good reputation for hard work and hard work, as well as the halo of being a scholar, has completely disappeared in people's eyes.

Because Meng Jiaqi worked hard to build his good reputation before, and Sacred Forest College is the most famous university in the country, Meng Jiaqi really became popular on the Internet.

It's just that he didn't want this kind of fire at all, and he didn't dare to go back to school or go home.

With the money left in his pocket, he rented a dilapidated rental house. I hide in it every day and don't dare to go out, but I am constantly harassed by my own lewd landlord.

However, the incident did not end here. Soon the group of thugs were sent to prison by Lin Yiting's people because of their previous history of taking drugs and hurting others.

And Meng Jiaqi, after experiencing psychological torture, was also sentenced for attempting to harm Yingzhao by drugging. Although because the plot is not serious, he will not be in jail for a long time like those gangsters.

But even so, if Meng Jiaqi was thrown into a prison full of murderers with her delicate skin and tender flesh, one can imagine how he would be treated.

After more than two months, because Lin Yiting was very active in rehabilitation training, and Yingzhao secretly let the system assist him, he injected some strength into Lin Yiting, so he recovered very quickly.

Although he can't run fast now, his walking is no different from ordinary people. Lin Yiting only felt like he was in a dream. He got the person he loved the most in this life, he could stand and walk again, and even his body was much better than before.

And all of this was recruited by Ying. Sure enough, Xiaozhou is his own angel, his own salvation, he gave him all the happiness he wanted.

But, does such a beautiful boat really belong to you?

For some unknown reason, after establishing a relationship with Yingzhao, Lin Yiting felt a panic in his heart.

He began to worry about gains and losses, and did not want Yingzhao to leave his sight, and even always felt that such a perfect lover might leave him sooner or later.

Maybe Xiaozhou is still young and hasn't experienced anything yet. But if after a few more years, he gradually becomes old, and Yingzhao is surrounded by so many excellent people, will he become disgusted with himself, or even leave himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Yiting frowned. Looking at Ying Zhao who was sitting next to him, nibbling on a sandwich and watching the news on his mobile phone, he leaned over and kissed his forehead, and said softly, "Xiaozhou, you won't leave me, will you?"

Ying Zhao listened After Lin Yiting's questioning, he was stunned for a moment, and he also knew in his heart that because of the influence of the residual obsession in the soul fragments, his lover must have this kind of mentality of worrying about gains and losses every life.

Turning his head to Lin Yiting, he nodded firmly, and said, "Of course, I will not leave you, never!"

Lin Yiting heard Yingzhao's words, held him gently in his arms, and stroked Yingzhao's hair. At the top, his eyes became a little distant.

If only you and Xiaozhou were the only ones in this world. It would be nice if there were no other people by Xiaozhou's side. You don't need to be afraid that someone will take the boat away from you.

A few days later, the scientific and technological delegation from the House College of the Y country will come to the Holy Forest College as a guest and conduct academic exchanges at the same time. Naturally, Yingzhao, as one of the representatives of Holy Forest College, received the staff of House College together.

Yingzhao stayed at House College for eight years, and many of the members of the delegation that came to Holy Forest College were his friends or had worked with him, so it was most suitable for Yingzhao to entertain these people.

This exchange is not only an academic exchange between the two schools, but also a test of in-depth exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in this field, so it is naturally very important.

Yingzhao made full preparations for this academic exchange meeting, leaving early and returning late every day. Although Lin Yiting expressed dissatisfaction with this, Yingzhao had no choice but to try his best to appease his lover.

On the day of the academic exchange meeting, Yingzhao found that his former assistant Mi Lai was also in the team. Mi Lai was very happy to see Yingzhao, and gave Yingzhao a big hug directly.

Mi Lai was petite and lovely, and when he hugged Ying Zhao, he looked like he was snuggling into each other's arms.

Yingzhao was already used to Mi Lai's carefree personality, so he didn't stop him. When the two teams separated in the evening, Mi Lai also specially found Ying Zhao in the Holy Forest Academy to thank him for his encouragement.

Now Mi Lai and her gay lover are living happily together, and they completed their wedding a few days ago.

Mi Lai feels that all this is because Yingzhao often encourages herself by her side, so that she has the courage and her lover to persevere in the end, and has been recognized by the other's family.

Yingzhao looked at Mi Lai's happy face, and was naturally happy for the other party. The two chatted happily for a long time before Yingzhao left the Holy Forest Academy and returned to Lin's house.

What he didn't know was that the photos of him hugging and chatting happily with Miley had already passed to Lin Yiting.

When Lin Yiting saw Yingzhao hugging with a cute and petite woman, he only felt that his mind was blank.

He kept sending people back the news that Yingzhao was in the House Academy in Country Y, so he naturally knew that Mi Lai was Yingzhao's right-hand man.

He had always thought that the two were just colleagues, but seeing their intimate hugs and happy chatting and laughing, the smile on Ying Zhao's face stung Lin Yiting's eyes.

He only felt that what he had been worrying about seemed to happen soon, and someone wanted to snatch his most cherished treasure from him.

Thinking that more than two months have passed since the end of the rehabilitation training, my body is getting better and better. But in the past two months, although the two have expressed their affection to each other and slept together every day and kissed frequently, nothing happened to them.

It is out of cherishing that he does not touch Xiaozhou, but why does Xiaozhou not have the slightest desire for himself! You know that every time you kiss him, your patience is about to explode.

In fact, Lin Yiting blamed Yingzhao by mistake. Yingzhao actually likes the intimacy with his lover very much. It's just because Lin Yiting's surgery has just ended, and he is doing rehabilitation training again.

Yingzhao was afraid that doing such a thing would have some bad effects on Lin Yiting's recovery, so she endured it and wanted to wait until her lover fully recovered before doing intimate things.

It's just that Lin Yiting didn't know it, and even started to think wildly. Constantly doubting in my heart, is Xiaozhou already regretting it?

Lin Yiting thought as he walked to the mirror. Looking at his mature appearance in the mirror, he found that there were some small wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

He has already shown a little old state, but Xiaozhou is still so young and so shining. He is not a woman, and Xiaozhou cannot even have a child after being with him.

So, will Xiaozhou start paying attention to the women beside him because of this?

The more Lin Yiting thought about it, the more frightened he felt. He only felt that his heart was full of anger and fear. He wanted to question Yingzhao, what kind of relationship he had with this woman.

However, he was timid, he was afraid to hear the answer he didn't want to hear, and he was afraid that he would lose the treasure in his heart.

Lin Yiting only felt that he had never been so cowardly in his life as he is now. He went crazy and shattered everything in the room.

Then he walked to the wine cabinet and poured the wine from the bottle into his mouth, as if he wanted to use alcohol to numb his nerves.

So when Yingzhao came back from the outside and entered the room, what he saw was a mess of debris and a drunk Lin Yiting.

Yingzhao looked at the scene in front of him with some confusion, because for so many years, Lin Yiting avoided Yingzhao every time he got sick, so as not to let him see such a bad side of himself.

However, this time Lin Yiting was drunk, and he collapsed on the ground as if he was already drunk. So this is the first time that Yingzhao has seen such a scene intuitively.

Yingzhao saw that Lin Yiting's room looked like this, and hurried to his side, helped Lin Yiting who was still drunk, and fed him a few sips of water.

Lin Yiting shook his head and seemed to have not fully recovered his senses, but when he saw Yingzhao's face, he suddenly showed a miserable smile.

He put his arms around Yingzhao's neck, kissed his lips forcefully, then hugged Yingzhao tightly and whispered in his ear, "Xiaozhou! Xiaozhou, you are mine!"

Yingzhao looked at Lin Yiting in a daze, and quickly asked Xiaobai in the sea of ​​​​knowledge: "Xiaobai, what's going on with Lin Yiting? Why did he drink like this?"

Xiaobai in the sea of ​​​​knowledge hesitated to hear Yingzhao's question After a while, he replied:

"Host, it seems that someone sent Lin Yiting a photo of you and Mi Lai hugging and chatting. It seems that the reason why he drinks like this must be jealous."

Ying Zhao heard Xiao Bai's words , helplessly raised his forehead and said, "I don't have that kind of relationship with Mi Lai at all, and this guy is eating some kind of vinegar!"

Because Yingzhao and Wen Renming lived alone in a secret realm in their previous lives, Except for some spirit beasts, there are no other people around.

So naturally, Yingzhao has never encountered this kind of thing. However, in the past life, Yingzhao still felt how possessive he was in the past.

After changing the world, the lover had been repressed because of his own body, and he was only secretly peeping at his life.

Unexpectedly, after they were really together, the strong possessiveness of the other party was slowly exposed. Sure enough, his man's jealousy is very strong.

Just as Yingzhao was thinking about these things, Lin Yiting suddenly stood up. He grabbed Yingzhao's arm and pushed him onto the bed, then attached the whole person to him and buckled him under him.

Yingzhao looked at the changes in front of him in a daze, but found that the other party had begun to tear his clothes, and all the words he wanted to say were swallowed by the man.